Red Alert 1895

Chapter 46

Chapter 45 – Bulldog

When Wang Guorui’s troops began to shout “surrender, don’t kill”, the Japanese army began to surrender one after another. They no longer have the command of the wing captain, so they have lost the chain of command. And they didn’t have the brainwashing of Bushido in the next few decades, and naturally they all surrendered easily, and did not continue to resist stubbornly. And Wang Guorui’s army soon began to disarm the weapons of these Japanese soldiers, then began to gather these prisoners, and then began to interrogate them.

“My lord, the 1st Regiment of the 1st Brigade of the Guards Division that the Japanese army came this time has almost been wiped out by us. But this time is a great achievement. We were able to annihilate a Japanese regiment, and it was the Japanese army. Yulin Army, this is a good thing that I didn’t dare to think about in the past! After this battle, our reputation is enough to resound throughout Taiwan. At that time, there must be many people who will actively fight against the Japanese army, and even willing to join our army, and then obey us. And this will definitely be of great benefit to Mr. Wang leading Taiwan officials and people to fight against Japan in the future!” Hu Wei said.

Hu Wei’s meaning is obvious, that is, if one regiment of the Japanese army can be wiped out this time, and it is also the first regiment of the Japanese Guards Division, it will be of great significance. This will definitely be of great benefit to Wang Guorui’s reputation, and it will be very important for Wang Guorui to become the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War in the future. Tang Jingsong, the governor of Taiwan appointed by the Manchu Qing, had already left, causing Taiwan’s anti-Japanese situation to be in a state of disunity, and no one person could have enough prestige to lead the entire Taiwan.

That is to say, the government decrees of the Qing Dynasty can no longer command Taiwan, and Taiwan is already a completely isolated place. At this time, Man Qing could no longer appoint a governor, so he could only watch himself compete for the anti-Japanese leader. And Wang Guorui wiped out a Japanese army unit, which means that he can establish enough prestige, so that the soldiers and civilians in Taiwan can follow Wang Guorui’s leadership, and then they can unify Taiwan’s forces, drive out the Japanese invaders together, and defend Taiwan.

“Hehe, of course this is good. But, just now you said that the Japanese army was almost completely wiped out. What do you mean by that? Could there be any fish that slipped through the net?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Hu Wei immediately said: “Just now we interrogated the Japanese army. He said that before the final battle of the Japanese First Wing, the Japanese army leader sent away the flag guard squadron and a staff officer surnamed Tanaka, so except for this flag guard squadron, We wiped out everything else.”

“Flag Guard Squadron? No, we must catch up with this Flag Guard Squadron. This has a different meaning!” Wang Guorui shouted.

“Master Wang, they have already run half an hour ahead of time, how can we catch up! Our physical strength can’t catch up!” Hu Wei said in embarrassment.

Wang Guorui immediately said viciously, “Let me free the dog!”

In the distance, on the road from Hsinchu County to Taoyuan County, the flag guard squadron of the Japanese army, led by the staff officer Tanaka, quickly began to run in the direction of Taoyuan County. And now they can be said to have left in disgrace, leaving behind a shame. Except for the flag guard squadron, if nothing else happened, it could be said that they were all wiped out. Tanaka also realized that the captain chose to give up his life, in addition to wanting to save his honor and the treatment of martyrs from his family, there is another thing that is crucial.

Tanaka held a piece of silk tightly in his hand, and then shouted: “Hurry up, it will be a disaster if the Chinese army catches up!”

The Japanese flag guard squadron was still speeding forward, and then obviously wanted to return to the division headquarters of the Guards Division as soon as possible to join the large forces of the Guards Division. After all, they fell to their grandma’s house this time, and they had to report the news to the Japanese Army Command so that they could pay attention to it. These Chinese troops in Taiwan are definitely not parallel imports, but a very powerful army, a force that should not be underestimated.

“Wow woof woof…”

There was a sound of barking dogs, and the Japanese soldiers were very surprised.

“Staff Tanaka, there seem to be a lot of barking dogs!” Someone said.

“Why are there so many dogs barking? There shouldn’t be so many dogs!” Tanaka wondered.

Although this is Taiwan, there are not so many barking dogs! Listening to the sound of this dog barking, it is obvious that there are no fewer than hundreds of dogs, or even thousands of dogs. Even if there are some wild dogs in Taiwan, there are not thousands of dogs together. This is no longer an ordinary situation!

“Everyone is ready to fight!” Tanaka said.

But at this time, someone shouted: “Dogs, rush to me and kill them! I really didn’t expect that our army dog unit will go to battle this time. God bless you!”

And the shouting officer was the battalion commander of Wang Guorui’s dog battalion, with more than 400 dogs under him. As for the other hundreds of military dogs, that is the troops of the military dog transport battalion. The three battalions add up to about a thousand military dogs. These are military dogs of the red police system, and their fighting power is very powerful, so they quickly caught up. The physical fitness of these military dogs is better than that of most people, and they will soon be able to catch up with these fleeing Japanese soldiers, and then come to hunt them down.

“Dogs, kill them!” shouted the battalion commander of the dog fighting battalion.

“Wow woof woof…”

“No, these dogs belong to the Taiwan army!” Staff Officer Tanaka shouted.

Soon, the Japanese army began to stop and prepare for combat. They also realized that these military dogs also belonged to the Taiwan army, so they all began to prepare for battle.

“Hmph, can you defeat us with just a few dogs? Impossible!” Tanaka thought.

About a thousand dogs began to catch up from behind, and the eyes of these dogs were red, as if they were obviously full of blood. And these dogs were all murderous, which made the Japanese army a little scared.

“Don’t be afraid, they are all beasts, can’t we humans beat beasts?” Tanaka shouted.

“Papa papa…”

The Japanese flag guard squadron began to shoot, and then shot at the dogs. Many military dogs began to be shot. After all, although they had good physical fitness, they couldn’t outrun the bullets as fast as they could.

“Woo woo woo…”

Many military dogs were shot and screamed. But what surprised everyone was that these military dogs not only did not retreat, but seemed to be aroused to get rid of their fierceness, and then rushed forward even more.

“Oh my god! What’s wrong with these dogs, don’t they hurt?” Tanaka said timidly.

Tanaka didn’t know that these dogs didn’t feel pain at all. After they were created by the red alarm system, their value was to die. One kills one, anyway, killing one enemy is considered a flat cost, and killing two is considered a profit. And they have long been used as one-time things, and they have all been cut off from the pain sensation by the system. Unless they hit a vital point and died on the spot, otherwise they will just desperately complete the task, anyway, they just want to bite Kill the designated enemy. But from Tanaka’s point of view, it was like seeing a ghost, because these dogs actually violated the physiological situation and felt no pain at all. Even if he was hit in the abdomen by a bullet, he would die on the way of charging and rush towards them. Such ferocity and loyalty, Tanaka, a human being, has to admire. However, now that he actually wanted to fight these dogs, he was really scared to death.

“Wow – rub it once!”


The first dog has already started fighting. One of the dogs bit a Japanese soldier’s thigh fiercely, and a large piece of meat was bitten off the Japanese soldier’s thigh. And the Japanese soldier obviously had not been cut off from his pain, and he immediately felt the pain.

“Oh oh oh oh…”

A series of screams suddenly sounded out, and the Japanese soldiers began to scream, obviously because these fierce dogs started to bite people one after another. Some Japanese soldiers were bitten on their thighs, some were bitten on their calves, and even the Japanese soldiers were covering their necks, trying to stop the blood gushing from their necks.

These Japanese soldiers want to continue preparing for battle, but these dogs are already close, so there will be no chance for them. If these dogs were not close, the Japanese army could still rely on machine guns to resist, but now if they are close, they will be bitten by these woof woof woof…”

These fierce dogs began to bite hard one after another, and these Japanese soldiers were exhausted from being bitten. These military dogs are obviously well-trained. Three or four of them work together to deal with a Japanese army. This time the Japanese army was really miserable, and they began to be bitten one after another, and everyone was miserable.

“Bastard, get out!” Tanaka yelled.

But how could those military dogs let him go so easily, so they all gathered together to bite the Japanese army staff officer Tanaka, and Tanaka was soon bitten all over his body with cuts and bruises.


Staff Officer Tanaka’s lower body was very painful from being bitten by the military dogs, but he still tried his best to protect the piece of silk in his hand. Obviously, this piece of silk is very important and there is no room for any mistakes. And the more he protects, the more fierce the military dog bites. However, Staff Officer Tanaka had almost no good flesh in his body, which was called a **** mess.


With a pistol shot, a hole was punched in the head of the Tanaka staff officer, and then he fell to the ground and died.

“Let’s kill them with pistols!” The battalion commander of the dog battalion said to his subordinates.

These Japanese soldiers were bitten beyond human form, so as a kindness, they were shot to death with guns.

“What is this? The Japanese army staff officer will guard this military flag until his death. Is there any special significance in raising this side?” the battalion commander of the military dog battalion thought in surprise.

The battalion commander of the Military Dog Battalion took out the piece of silk cloth, and then looked at it and prepared to go back.

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