Red Alert 1895

Chapter 47

Chapter 46 – Union Flag

“Report to Mr. Wang, we have wiped out all the last squadrons of the 1st Guards Regiment of the Japanese Army, and we have come back specially to report!” the battalion commander of the Dog Battalion shouted.

“Okay, this time we have completely wiped out the First Japanese Guards Regiment, which is the largest unit we have wiped out since the Anti-Japanese War. Just by annihilating this regiment and the previous brigade, we have already wiped out the Japanese army There are more than 4,000 people. You must know that in the entire Liaodong Anti-Japanese War, the number of annihilated enemies was only more than 2,000. This is enough to show our military exploits. However, I hope everyone must be careful in the future. The Japanese army is crazy. They know that we have annihilated A whole alliance, I’m afraid they will go crazy!” Wang Guorui said.

“Hahahaha, if they come one, we will fight one, and if they come two, we will kill one pair!” Chen Liyan laughed.

But Wang Guorui immediately said: “Don’t underestimate the enemy. If we didn’t have the advantage of weapons this time, how could we defeat them? Only when one day we don’t need to rely on the advantages of weapons to win, can we be regarded as the real heroes of all battles.” !”

“My lord taught me a lesson!” Chen Liyan said immediately.

However, the battalion commander of the dog battalion went on to say: “When we were chasing down the enemy just now, we found that a Japanese officer was desperately protecting a military flag. After we killed all these Japanese soldiers, I think this military flag may be meaningful. It’s not the same, so I took it back. I’d like to ask Mr. Wang to see what this is!”

“Oh? Let me see!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui took over the military flag and found that the flag was rectangular in shape, with the rising sun flag of the Japanese army on it. As for the flag, although it looks complete, it is already a bit old, and it doesn’t look like a new flag. The number of this unit is written in the lower right corner of the flag, which is the number of the First Guards Wing. And this flag has a flag crown with a gold-plated sixteen-petal chrysanthemum, and the flagpole is made of baked lacquer. This flag also looks a little old. Although it is not tattered, it has obviously faded a lot. It is obviously a relatively worn-out flag.

“Good stuff! This is the flag of the regiment. It’s great that we captured the flag of the 1st regiment of Japanese Guards!” Wang Guorui said excitedly.

Wang Guorui really did not expect that he was so lucky to be able to capture the Japanese army’s alliance flag. As a fan of anti-Japanese novels in later generations, he certainly knows the significance of the Japanese army’s regiment flag, which exists like the soul of a Japanese regiment! When each regiment of the Japanese army was established, it was awarded a flag by the emperor himself, that is, the flag of the regiment. This is the same as the honor of the Japanese regiment. Every regiment of the Japanese army will form a flag guard squadron at any time to protect this flag. And there is even one of the best second lieutenants in the Japanese army who serves as the flag guard and is responsible for holding the alliance flag.

The meaning of the Japanese army’s alliance flag is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even if the Japanese army has exhausted their soldiers, they will burn the alliance flag and fight for their lives. The alliance flag is never allowed to be captured. Once it is captured or completely destroyed by the enemy, according to the rules of the Japanese army, the alliance will be abolished directly, which means that it will never be formed. This kind of shame is really unbearable for an army that regards honor as its life, and even officers and soldiers from this regiment will feel ashamed.

“Master Wang, this military flag looks a bit old, why are you so happy? Does it have a special meaning?” Hu Wei asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: “Of course, the meaning of this alliance flag is different!”

Next, Wang Guorui explained the function of the alliance flag to everyone, and everyone was amazed because the Japanese army alliance flag was so precious. And this alliance flag is so precious, so if I captured it, I would really slap them across the face. Even if the news that the alliance flag fell into Wang Guorui’s hands was revealed to the Japanese army, then the head of the Japanese Guards Division, even if he was born in the royal family, would inevitably be sent to a military court. Huashan Ziji, who was born in the navy, may instead be ordered to commit seppuku. This is not a joke, but a very terrible thing. As for the old flag but not damaged, it is because the Guards Division has not actually experienced actual combat, and the only actual combat of the Guards Division was annihilated by Wang Guorui this time.

“Master Wang, according to what you said, this is not only the common regiment flag of the Japanese army, but also the regiment flag of the Japanese Imperial Forest Army! Even, you said just now that this can be said to be the first regiment flag awarded by the Japanese army. The Japanese army is In 1874 AD, Emperor Meiji of Japan awarded the flags of the first and second regiments of the Konoe, so what we annihilated was also the first regiment of the Japanese Konoe, which means that this flag is the same as that year One of the first two alliance flags awarded. According to the number, the first is usually awarded first, and then the second. That means that the alliance flag we captured is the first of the entire Japanese army An alliance flag, the meaning in it is very important!” Chen Liyan immediately added.

Wang Guorui also nodded, because the No. 1 Guards Regiment was one of the first two regiments of the Japanese army to be awarded the regiment flag. Even if the order is followed, the first alliance is the first to be awarded the alliance flag, and this meaning is even more different. In this way, the flag of the 1st Guards Regiment of the Japanese Army was seized by Wang Guorui, which means that the first regiment flag, which has commemorative and historical significance for the entire Japanese army, also belonged to Wang Guorui. As for the tradition of the Japanese army, the flag is in the establishment, and once the flag is lost, it means that the establishment will be abolished. At that time, the first regiment of the guards will be abolished from the establishment of the Japanese army. Thinking about it, the “first” regiment of the Japanese army will disappear from the establishment of the Japanese army. This is also a happy thought. things.

“Of course, the capture of the alliance flag this time was actually due to accidental factors. First of all, the Japanese army leader did not expect us to be so violent, and he sent the flag guard squadron away in advance, so he thought we should not be able to catch up. But the Japanese army did not expect that our military dogs could run faster than the cavalry, so they could catch up with them and annihilate them. Therefore, the Japanese army could not burn down the alliance flag and let us capture it.” Wang Guorui said .

There are actually many factors behind the capture of the Japanese army’s alliance flag this time. First of all, Suzuki Matsutake, the captain of the Japanese army, did not seem to want to directly burn the flag of the regiment, because he believed that the squadron guarding the flag could still leave. But in fact, he also risked his life to stop Wang Guorui’s army. But he didn’t expect that Wang Guorui also had a dog unit, whose marching ability was not weaker than that of cavalry, and soon caught up with the two-legged infantry and wiped them out.

“Master Wang, do we want to spread this news?” Liu Feng, Director of Intelligence, asked.

However, Wang Guorui shook his head and said: “Keep it in your collection first, don’t reveal it. If the Japanese army knows that the flag of the First Guards Regiment was captured by us, then they will probably risk their lives to find us.” Settle the bill. Don’t underestimate the stimulation of the alliance flag to the Japanese army. They really did it. Let’s not announce it, and don’t stimulate the Japanese army too much. And this alliance flag is not very important to the people in our country. It means, after all, ordinary people and soldiers are also related to how many enemies can be wiped out. We wiped out a regiment, which is already very good, and it can boost morale. But this regiment flag is a great shame to the Japanese army. If we find out, we will definitely send troops from all over the country to attack Taiwan, so we are not ready yet.”

“Although we want to fight against Japan, it doesn’t mean that we have no brains. If the Japanese army sends out troops from all over the country to attack at once, I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist it. After all, the number of soldiers we can fight in Taiwan is only more than 10,000 of us. UU reading book Other troops are still training. If the Japanese army suddenly sends out all the troops from the whole country, it will be really unfortunate for us, so don’t provoke the Japanese army too much when we are not strong enough. Besides, our soldiers and civilians are also We don’t even know what this alliance flag means, and it can’t play a role in boosting morale. So this kind of gain is not big, but it has established a powerful enemy for ourselves and reduced our own development time, we can’t do it!”

And Tan Ya also nodded. Even if Wang Guorui has a red alert system, it still needs a certain amount of time to develop. If this matter is announced, the Japanese army may dispatch soldiers from all over the country to attack, which is tantamount to shortening the time for themselves. What Wang Guorui lacks most now is time. As long as time can be delayed, the Japanese army’s economy will become more and more miserable, and Wang Guorui’s army will grow more and more. This is also a process of boiling frogs in warm water. If this explosive news is directly brought out, the Japanese army may really go crazy. What Wang Guorui has to do now is to delay time and develop himself. Not dying directly stimulated the Japanese army too much, and then made trouble for themselves.

“It’s fine for you to know. Next, we need to boost morale. Liu Feng, your intelligence network spread all over Taiwan must be spread through various means, and tell everyone that we have wiped out more than 4,000 Japanese troops in one regiment after another. .Miss Zheng Hong, you also need to publicize our military exploits through the military’s regular publicity agencies. Only then can we achieve the best publicity effect. We must draw the hearts of the army and the people to our side. Work hard for our future plans.” Wang Guorui said.

“Yes!” Zheng Hong and Liu Feng replied together.

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