Red Alert 1895

Chapter 48

Chapter 47 – Megatron Taihai

“Report–there is news from Hsinchu County ahead. Wang Guorui, the magistrate of Hsinchu County, led the Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army to resist the Japanese invasion and wiped out a regiment and a brigade of the Japanese Guards Division, a total of more than 4,000 people.”

A piece of news was delivered to Tainan, and the news immediately shocked everyone. Before, they also thought that the Japanese army was very powerful. When the Japanese army landed in Taiwan, they also thought that resistance was pointless. And come to take Taiwan Governor Tang Jingsong also took the opportunity to dress up as an old woman and run to Taiwan, but now Taiwan does not have a unified leader. At this time, people in Tainan also planned to recommend Liu Yongfu as the leader of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war, and Taiwan’s organizational system was also being established.

However, everyone is also very confused about the prospect of Taiwan’s resistance to Japan. Because the strength of the entire country in the mainland has also failed, can Taiwan survive? So everyone has no confidence in this anti-Japanese war, even Liu Yongfu has no confidence. However, the news that Wang Guorui had wiped out more than 4,000 people in a regiment of the Japanese army shocked countless people. Because there are more than 4,000 people, it is almost equivalent to the loss of all the Japanese troops in Liaodong. At that time, the Chinese army in Liaodong did not cause so many losses to the Japanese army, but now the army of a local force in Taiwan has wiped out an entire regiment and a brigade, more than 4,000 people! Is the fighting power of the Japanese army too weak, or is Wang Guorui too strong?

“General Liu, is there a problem here? There are more than 4,000 people. You must know that the imperial court is only in the early 4,000s in Liaodong. I am afraid it is not as many as their 4,800 people this time. And this time they claimed to have wiped out four There are more than a thousand people, will there be fraud?” Wu Pengnian, the general of the Black Banner Army, said.

Many people are like this. If they can’t do it, they think that others can’t do it either. And their Black Banner Army considers themselves the most powerful anti-Japanese force in Taiwan, so they are all seeking to “support” Liu Yongfu as the leader of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war. But Taiwan’s “most powerful” army can’t do this, so how can other people’s troops be able to do this? So his first thought was that this matter was fraudulent. I am afraid that Wang Guorui took the initiative to brag, deliberately exaggerating the results, and then seeking everyone’s attention.

And Liu Yongfu, who was in his sixties, closed his eyes, thought for a while and said, “Let my son Lang tell the people in Tainan that we have wiped out 10,000 Japanese troops in Ruizhi County, the Kingdom of Taiwan?”

“Ten thousand people!” A middle-aged man about forty years old was shocked.

And Liu Yongfu immediately said: “Feihong, we need morale too much now. Even if Wang Guorui’s military exploits are fake, then we have to help him brag to become true. Right now Taiwan’s morale is low, morale is urgently needed!”

Liu Yongfu is an old and sophisticated guy, he immediately found the important elements. Now it’s not about whether the military achievements are true or false, but the most important thing is to use this opportunity to boost morale. The anti-Japanese situation in Taiwan is not optimistic. The people and the military and civilians are not very confident that they can resist the Japanese army. At this time, Wang Guorui wiped out more than 4,000 people, so Liu Yongfu, who thought he was the leader of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war, should first help Wang Guorui to brag, regardless of whether it is true or not. Liu Yongfu directly doubled the number of people Wang Guorui wiped out, so anyway, he was helping Wang Guorui to brag, and then helping the people and the army regain confidence.

Soon, under the mobilization of Wang Guorui’s intelligence agencies and military and political propaganda agencies, together with Liu Yongfu, places south of Hsinchu County in Taiwan also began to brag about Wang Guorui’s military exploits.

“Have you heard? Wangzhi County in Hsinchu County wiped out 10,000 Japanese troops!”

“Where, 15,000 people were annihilated in Wang Zhi County! Fifteen thousand Japanese troops were annihilated by Lord Wang Guorui just like that. It’s really amazing!”

“Where, I saw it with my own eyes. The corpses of the Japanese soldiers piled up like a mountain at Mr. Wang’s place, no less than 50,000 people!”

Soon, one piece of news gradually spread out, and began to spread to countless people. And this kind of news is getting more and more outrageous, and there are 10,000 people at the beginning. But later it actually rose to 20,000, 50,000, or even 100,000. When the legend was the most outrageous, it was spread that Wang Guorui wiped out 200,000 Japanese troops. This is really a joke. As for whether anyone believes it, there are a lot of “witnesses” who say it seems to be true. This made them all feel as if it was real, and the 200,000 Japanese troops were wiped out by Wang Guorui’s slap.

And everyone is not so afraid of the Japanese army anymore, because Wang Guorui has easily wiped out the “200,000” Japanese army, so what is there to be afraid of these Japanese troops? Therefore, Taiwan’s anti-Japanese enthusiasm has risen again. Obviously, many people must have regained their confidence in the anti-Japanese war, and then prepare to continue to fight against the Japanese army.

“My lord Wang, you are really a living Bodhisattva who saves Taiwan’s suffering! My lord Wang, you wiped out hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops this time. This really gave Taiwan the hope of resisting Japan. Therefore, we specially Come to work in the army, a little heart is not a respect!”

Wang Guorui was receiving the local gentry who came to work in the army, because they knew that if the Japanese army captured Taiwan, their land might be lost. Therefore, these people are very concerned about the safety of their land. If the land is taken away by the Japanese army, they will inevitably return to the pre-liberation overnight. So they also hope to come out to work in the army, to boost morale, so that Wang Guorui’s army can work hard, and then fight to protect their wealth. And the wealth of these laborers is regarded as investment.

“Hehe, gentlemen and elders, I have a bright future in Taiwan’s resistance against Japan. This time I wiped out a regiment and a battalion of the Japanese army at once. If we in Taiwan can unite as one, we will definitely be able to defeat the Japanese army and drive the Japanese army back to our hometown!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui is still relying on these landlords and gentry, because now is not the right time for them to fall out. If they fall out with them, maybe they will go to the Japanese army and cooperate with the Japanese. Although Wang Guorui had long wanted to reform their land, but now is not the time, these gentry must be appeased. After all, they all have money in their hands, and they can provide a lot of funds for Wang Guorui. If you fall out at this time, it will not do you any good. As for the future, that can only be discussed later, and if you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge in the future, that is also a future matter.

“I know that Mr. Wang likes cash, so I deliberately took out all the silver accumulated by our family for many years, just so that Mr. Wang can fight the Japanese army well!” said a gentry.

Wang Guorui looked at those big boxes of silver, and immediately felt that the landlord was also very rich! These landlords accumulated wealth every year, and most of them were used for storage, and then kept in the cellar for no use. And these moneys are very huge wealth. If they can be used for circulation, how much economic development can be driven and how much capital can be provided for the national industry! But now they are all used for storage by these landlords, and they are useless at all.

“Okay, okay, my performance is accepted. You put your heart in your stomach, and I solemnly promise everyone here that as long as I am still in Hsinchu County, I will not let the Japanese army cross Hsinchu County to attack Tainan! If If the Japanese army wants to pass, they must step on my corpse!” Wang Guorui said.

“Master Wang is so righteous, I admire you!” The landlords and gentry said one after another.

Next, the news that Wang Guorui had wiped out a large number of enemies also began to spread throughout Taiwan. Everyone started to spread the news one after another, because now in a situation of finally got some good news, and everyone seemed to have grasped at straws, spreading the news about Wang Guorui Spread it out and boost the morale of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war. And many people also began to regard Wang Guorui as a life-saving straw, as a savior, hoping that Wang Guorui could defeat the Japanese army and give them peace.

But what Wang Guorui needs is this effect. As long as Wang Guorui can become the savior in the hearts of the people of Taiwan, then he can completely win the hearts of the people of Taiwan. At this time, once he can become the spiritual leader of the Taiwanese people’s resistance to Japan, it may be very beneficial for the next two to rule Taiwan. And this is real prestige, not something ordinary. What Wang Guorui lacks now is prestige, because he was only a county magistrate before, and his status is too low. Moreover, this magistrate does not have much prestige and cannot affect the whole of Taiwan. Therefore, Wang Guorui needs to let more people in Taiwan know his reputation, so that the people of Taiwan also place their confidence in Wang Guorui very little. Only in this way can Wang Guorui “do whatever he wants” without being afraid of too many opposition forces.

Only in this way can Wang Guorui establish absolute authority, so that he can have enough prestige to rule Taiwan after driving out the Japanese army. Prestige is important if it is important, but it is not important if it is not important. Although Wang Guorui can rule Taiwan through the Red Police soldiers, the people’s sincere support and the control of the Red Police soldiers are completely different things. Therefore, it is very necessary to be able to establish prestige.

However, this news quickly spread to the Japanese army, and the Japanese army’s Governor of Taiwan, Kawayama Sukiki, and the Japanese army’s head of the Guard Division, Prince Kitashirakawa Miya Nohisa, also became furious, obviously unable to accept this. Miserable results.

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