Red Alert 1895

Chapter 69

Chapter 68 – Big Fists Are The Last Word (Part 2)

Wang Guorui pointed his finger at the army outside the door, and everyone saw that the army in Tainan had taken over outside the door. And these people are obviously a group of brave men, because they still have a lot of fierce aura from the battlefield, which is much stronger than those guys in the green battalion army. And they all know that these are the troops that defeated the Japanese army, which is naturally different from the troops in their hands. But now Wang Guorui is very rude, relying on them directly, so he can deny the result of everyone’s election.

Wang Guorui’s meaning is very obvious. He has the only army under his command that can fight the Japanese army and win the battle. This is Wang Guorui’s reliance. If the anti-Japanese leader in Taiwan does not have Wang Guorui’s approval, if Wang Guorui leads the army to strike, wouldn’t that mean that the Japanese army can drive straight in? Of course, Wang Guorui would not do these things, but it was normal for Wang Guorui to rely on the army to gain political capital for himself. Without Wang Guorui’s support, no one would be able to secure the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War.

As for saying that the Taiwan Black Banner Army is powerful in combat and will become the main force in the resistance against Japan, this is just putting gold on your face. And everyone knows that without Wang Guorui’s army, Taiwan’s resistance against Japan would be nothing more than empty talk, so it is impossible to bypass Wang Guorui for anything. Only then did they realize that Wang Guorui had also taken the initiative to use his troops to support himself and coerce them into compromising with Wang Guorui.

“Hmph, is the army under your command my Qing’s army? As long as it is my Qing’s army, then you must accept my supervision!” said a middle-aged man.

Wang Guorui asked, “Which onion are you?”

“I am Dao Zhongman, the Taiwan soldier of the Qing Dynasty! All Taiwan’s troops must be supervised and managed by me. You can mobilize troops at will. If you don’t follow orders, what do you mean? Do you want to betray the court?” said the young man.

But Wang Guorui said: “Don’t use any court to suppress me, the court can’t control Taiwan now!”

“You, you, you, you want to rebel! Taiwan is the territory of the Qing Dynasty, how dare you refuse to accept the rule of the imperial court?” Zhongman said angrily.

Wang Guorui snorted coldly: “Since the Shimonoseki Treaty came into force and the imperial court officially handed over Taiwan to Japan, our Taiwan is no longer the territory of the Manchu Qing. Our current international status of Taiwan is still pending. The right of ownership is still unexplainable. But the only thing that can What is certain is that the imperial court has no right to give orders to Taiwan, do you know? You go to the international arena to see. As long as the treaty is signed, Taiwan has been abandoned by the imperial court, which is equivalent to Japan’s territory. And because of our resistance against Japan, Taiwan The status of the government is yet to be determined. The right of ownership is also to be determined. So we Taiwan is now a disputed area, not under the management and control of the Manchu Qing, and the orders of the Manchu Qing court cannot order us here. Everyone, you have studied these international law?”

Wang Guorui’s meaning is obvious. Since the Treaty of Shimonoseki came into effect, Taiwan has been given to Japan by the Manchu Qing from a legal point of view. However, Japan has not been able to eat Taiwan now, which means that Taiwan’s international status has yet to be determined, and everything will have to wait until the war between Taiwan and Japan is over to discuss again. At that time, it will belong to Japan. Whether to return to the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, or simply go to extremes to establish a country on its own, it all depends on the situation at the time and the game in all aspects.

But. The only thing that is certain is that the Treaty of Shimonoseki between the Manchu Qing and Japan has come into effect, and the Manchu Qing has given up its sovereignty over Taiwan, so the Manchu Qing has no right to order Taiwan. Taiwan is now a disputed area, and no party has the right to order Taiwan. Leaving aside Wang Guorui’s military power, let’s just say that Taiwan’s current international status is embarrassing, so naturally it cannot carry out the orders of the Qing Dynasty.

“I don’t care. I am an official of the imperial court, and you are also an official appointed by the imperial court. My rank is high, so you must obey me!” Zhongman said angrily.

Wang Guorui said angrily: “It seems that I am playing the piano to the cow, I won’t tell you anymore! Someone, pull this guy down and kill him!”


The soldiers outside the door replied, and they quickly walked towards Zhongman.

“What do you want to do? I am an official of the imperial court, and you are guilty of the following crimes! I will sue you to the imperial court, sue you!” Zhongman shouted.

Zhongman was pulled away, and soon there was a gunshot outside the door, and that Zhongman was also shot. Wang Guorui just wanted to use Zhongman’s head to warn these guys and make them be more honest. Because Wang Guorui just wanted to tell them that the lives of you guys are in Wang Guorui’s hands, and Wang Guorui has military power in his hands, and he can take their lives at any time. Those people couldn’t protect themselves at all, and they were no farts in front of Wang Guorui’s army. And this Zhongman was the one who actively resisted Wang Guorui, and Wang Guorui was going to use Zhongman’s head to warn them.

And the Manchu and Qing officials also shuddered at the scene. Obviously, Wang Guorui was afraid of the practice of killing people when they said they would kill them. Wang Guorui is so domineering. Instead of reasoning with you, he directly used force to force them. If you have the courage, go and reason with the rifle to see if your head is harder or the bullet is harder.

“Okay, now the Taiwan Anti-Japanese leader election is going on, who can you nominate? Who is suitable to be the anti-Japanese leader in Taiwan, let me tell you, I am still very democratic!” Wang Guorui asked.

“Democracy is a ghost!” The Manchu officials present were all slandering inwardly.

Of course those guys knew that Wang Guorui would not agree to any other candidates he proposed. And when the time comes, he will still offend Wang Guorui, and maybe he will be killed. So they are also very smart, and they didn’t directly say who is the right candidate. Everyone fell silent in this way, anyway, it was just so exhausting, non-violent non-cooperation.

Wang Guorui saw that no one suggested it, so he took the initiative to say: “I recommend Wang Guorui, the magistrate of Hsinchu County, to be the anti-Japanese leader in Taiwan. Wang Guorui will definitely be able to lead everyone to defeat the Japanese invasion and maintain Taiwan’s stability and unity.”

Everyone present almost fainted. They had seen shameless ones, but they had never seen such shameless ones as Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui actually took the initiative to recommend “Hsinchu County Magistrate Wang Guorui” as the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War. Isn’t this recommending himself? According to the consistent tradition of Chinese culture, even if a person really wants to take a certain position, especially a leadership position, it is recommended by others, not by himself. Asking others to recommend it will make you “popular”! And if you recommend it yourself, then you are suspected of being a wangpo selling melons—self-selling and boasting.

But Wang Guorui is just so shameless. In order to become the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War, he even took the initiative to recommend himself, even without shame. But they can’t say anything, because they still have to be shameless, after all, there is no rule that they can’t recommend themselves! Also, Wang Guorui has soldiers under his command, and the soldiers under Wang Guorui won’t listen to them! They naturally don’t have any opinions, even if they have any opinions, they can only endure it!

“Now, start voting! Those who oppose Wang Guorui, the magistrate of Hsinchu County, as Taiwan’s anti-Japanese leader, please raise your hands!” Wang Guorui asked.

All the people present were silent, because they did not dare to object. If they dared to object, Wang Guoruike would probably kill someone next. That Zhongman’s blood was not cold just now, and now they don’t want to step into Zhongman’s footsteps so quickly. Civil officials like them are the most knowledgeable about current affairs, and they will never fight against a warlord who holds military power. Now Wang Guorui has become a big warlord, so they will not foolishly provoke him. Therefore, the scene fell into silence for a while, and no one raised their hands to object.

However, many people also thought in their hearts that when Wang Guorui said who would agree, they would not raise their hands. Anyway, they neither agree nor oppose, that is, the attitude of non-violent non-cooperation. However, the plot of the matter did not seem to be what they thought.

“Since there is no objection, it is agreed. Since everyone agrees that I, Wang Guorui, will be the leader of the Taiwan Anti-Japanese War. If Wang is not talented, he will definitely be able to lead everyone to resist the Japanese army and protect the country and the people!” Wang Guorui said.

“I, I, I…” Liu Yongfu stuttered in a hurry. UU reading

Wang Guorui is so shameless, it was obviously intentional just now, first ask who disagrees. But when no one raised their hands, Wang Guorui immediately said that everyone had no objections, which means he agreed. This made their “non-violent non-cooperation” fail immediately.

“Okay, now I will announce the next plan as the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War!” Wang Guorui said proactively.

In this way, Wang Guorui became the anti-Japanese leader in Taiwan. And those people didn’t dare to speak out against it. After all, Wang Guorui had many powerful troops under him. If they dared to object, they would be blacked out by Wang Guorui immediately. And Wang Guorui was not afraid that they could stab them. Now that Wang Guorui has soldiers under his command, and the Japanese army is still stationed in Taipei, if anyone dares not cooperate, then Wang Guorui will also be labeled as a Japanese pirate. Anyway, this hat is one button and one accurate, even the Qing Dynasty will not tolerate people who have adultery with Japanese pirates.

Anyway, Wang Guorui is also showing his face now, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, anyway, even if these people say that he is a warlord, he will recognize it. Since they cannot be persuaded, it is to use rifles and bayonets to force them to cooperate with themselves. As for those who don’t cooperate, they are “been” fornicated by Japanese pirates, and then dragged to trial and shot. (to be continued)

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