Red Alert 1895

Chapter 70

Chapter 69 – Reorganization

“We in Taiwan want to unite to resist Japan, and the Japanese army is still stationed in our Taipei Prefecture, so we must integrate all forces, especially military forces. Therefore, as the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War, I announce the reorganization of all armed forces in Taiwan, the entire Taiwan’s armed forces have to go through my reorganization. The Japanese army in Taipei can attack us at any time, so we have to be ready at any time and reorganize the army as soon as possible. If there is a delay, and those who resist the reorganization are all cooperating with Japanese pirates !” Wang Guorui said.

And a man in his forties said: “Haven’t the Japanese pirates been forced to retreat to Taipei and can’t move? Why…”

“Do you have an opinion?” Wang Guorui asked immediately before he finished speaking.

And he immediately shut up, obviously knowing what Wang Guorui meant, that is, I am so shameless, what can I do. As for the Japanese army in Taipei, they were clearly forced to be unable to move, but Wang Guorui deliberately “exaggerated” the Japanese army’s combat effectiveness, as if they could sweep Taiwan at any time. Anyway, Wang Guorui just wanted an excuse, an excuse to integrate Taiwan’s power. In the past, Wang Guorui had no time to integrate because of the Japanese army’s pressure on the border. But now that the Japanese army has been forced to the point where Taipei cannot move, it is natural to free up their hands to clean up the interior. Anyway, the Japanese army in Taipei is just an excuse, nothing else.

Half an hour later, the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Black Banner Army were also pulled into a nearby open space in batches, and then the first regiment rearranged them, and then prepared to select a group of troops as the backbone. Then they were scattered and mixed into the original three regiments of Wang Guorui, and a group of people were replaced from the three regiments, and then they were used as the backbone of the establishment of the third division. Now the second division is almost finished. And the third division is preparing. Therefore, the backbone personnel of the third division were exchanged with those from the Black Flag Army, and then reorganized.

“Listen well, you are now going to be broken up and reorganized, and then assigned to different units to serve as soldiers. Then re-train, so that you can adapt to the new war mode. If you don’t want to, then don’t Blame our ruthless military law!” Wang Guorui’s instructor said.

“Where is General Liu? Where is General Liu Yongfu?” Someone asked immediately.

The instructor immediately said: “Now we are all under the leadership of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese leader Wang Guorui. You General Liu Yongfu is not the leader of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war. All our troops in Taiwan must act under the unified command of Wang Guorui. You must You have to accept reorganization. And you better forget about Liu Yongfu. Serve Master Wang Guorui well, then kill more Japanese pirates, and receive rewards for meritorious service. And our Lord Wang Guorui’s Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army is the most promising army. So you join That’s a good thing!” said the instructor.

But right away there were diehards: “We want to see General Liu Yongfu, we want to see General Liu!”

“We want to see General Liu!” “We want to see General Liu!” “Let General Liu come out, we want to see him!”

Many people started to make noise, especially some officers inside, who took the lead in shouting to see Liu Yongfu.


The soldiers of the first regiment around began to pull the bolts of their rifles, and then pointed the muzzles of their rifles at the soldiers of the Black Banner Army. If there was any movement, they would shoot immediately.

“Do you want to be a rebel?” the instructor asked.

When the black flag soldiers saw these rifles, they also paused. They naturally knew that their flesh and blood were no match for rifles, so they stopped shouting one after another. And next. They also have to undergo reorganization, and then undergo corresponding primary training before they can be assigned to serve as soldiers in major troops.

Although some of these soldiers are Liu Yongfu’s old subordinates. But most of them are newly recruited soldiers by Liu Yongfu. Liu Yongfu was born in the Tiandihui, which rebelled against the Qing Dynasty. Later, after he was recruited, his Black Banner Army was continuously abolished, and in the end it was only a few hundred people. Later, the situation in the Taiwan Strait was tense, and Liu Yongfu was reused and sent to Taiwan to guard. Only then did Liu Yongfu start recruiting troops, and none of these troops were Liu Yongfu’s old subordinates. They are all newly added. So it is very easy to compile, and they will not be too loyal to Liu Yongfu. Anyway, whoever you follow as a soldier is not a soldier? As long as you have money to take. If you can defend your hometown, that’s all possible. As for the small number of Liu Yongfu’s diehards, if they know the fun, they can still save their lives. If they don’t know the fun, they are dead, and there is no third way.

That night, Wang Guorui listened to Zheng Hong’s work report by the bedside, especially about the reorganization of the troops.

“Husband, this time we have disarmed other armed forces in Taiwan. We have disarmed most of Taiwan’s armed forces, a total of 20,000 armed forces. However, they are all troops using cold weapons and fighting The willpower is very poor, half of them ran away when they heard the sound of the shells. The remaining half was not because they didn’t want to run, but because they were scared by the shells. Of course, this is a normal phenomenon, and we can’t say that they heard the sound of shells Just running is bad. Many soldiers do this at the beginning, but after training they can not be afraid of the sound of shells exploding, and then they can kill the enemy. This is the process of continuous training, and our recruits were like this back then. ” Zheng Hong said.

Although these black flag soldiers ran away when they heard the explosion, this does not mean that they are useless. Even in the army of the later revolutionary era, many soldiers who had just entered the battlefield were afraid when they heard the explosion. This is normal and cannot be solved by brainwashing. Humans have animal instincts. After all, human beings are a kind of advanced animals, and they will be afraid when they encounter danger. The difference is that those who have been trained can bravely rush forward in the face of danger, while those who have not been trained can easily collapse. This has nothing to do with whether they are really timid, but courage can be trained. Why do many soldiers in the warlords’ armies in later generations become fighting heroes when they come to our party? So the quality of a soldier is not completely unchangeable, it just depends on whether the person who trains him uses the right method. And these black flag troops are actually quite courageous, it’s just that they haven’t adapted to the combat methods of the firearms era, which is why they are so. If you have been trained, it can be solved very well.

“Husband, out of the 20,000 people, we have eliminated 10,000 people, mainly from the green camp. Taiwan’s green camp has been eliminated a lot. We did not embarrass Mr. Hu Chuan, who is in charge of the green camp, and let him stay in Tainan. An idle job, after all, he is Hu Wei’s father. However, the power of the Green Camp in his hands has been lifted. And the Green Camp has selected about 3,000 people, and the other troops are Liu Yongfu’s Black Banner Army. Keep it. Liu Yongfu is also considered a veteran for many years. He has a way of selecting soldiers and training soldiers. For those who were reorganized from Liu Yongfu’s Black Banner Army, we can also skip the physical training and go directly to tactics and the use of various weapons. That’s fine. Now, we just need to see how you plan to deal with these Manchu officials,” Zheng Hong said.

“Don’t be busy, these guys are toothless tigers, we don’t have to be afraid of them. Their army has been reorganized, so they can’t threaten us anymore. We have more chances to deal with them, and then Select some people with few bad deeds and keep them for a while. Or choose some people from the local government officials in Taiwan to serve as temporary officials.” Wang Guorui said.

First of all, Wang Guorui wanted to reorganize the soldiers in the hands of the Manchu and Qing officials in Taiwan and deprive them of their military power. If they were allowed to retain their military power, it would be a big threat to themselves. Don’t look at them, there are only 10,000 to 20,000 troops with low combat effectiveness, and the combined combat effectiveness of them is not as good as one regiment. But if these forces are used well, they can all become big things. Hitting someone with just one slap may only cause a slight But if you use the power of a slap to stab someone with a needle, it will be very painful. If the officials of the Manchu and Qing dynasties had an army of 10,000 to 20,000, no matter how poor their combat effectiveness was, it would be very dangerous for them to do this for themselves at the most critical time and place.

If they took advantage of Wang Guorui’s army to launch a sudden mutiny, they would all die without a place to bury themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to put away their military power, which will not only prevent them from defecting to the Japanese, but also prevent them from seizing power at critical times. You must know that ancient Chinese officials never lacked fools, and it was not without examples that they staged mutiny when foreign enemies invaded the most dangerous time. There are too many such idiots, so in order to prevent them from seizing their position as the leader of the anti-Japanese war in Taiwan, they naturally have to recruit their soldiers and deprive them of their military power.

As for the officials in Taiwan, without military power, it means that they have no ability to threaten Wang Guorui. At this time in Taiwan, the leader is the leader with soldiers in his hand. The orders of the Manchu Qing are useless in Taiwan. Although these Manchu officials are still loyal to the Manchu Qing, the Manchu Qing has been unable to send troops to back them up. The rule of a government must be backed by a violent machine. Without this backing, it cannot rule effectively at all. However, the Manchu Qing already had any troops in Taiwan worthy of a battle. If Wang Guorui had enough troops in his hands and was able to defeat the Japanese army, then Wang Guorui was also the most powerful person in Taiwan. (to be continued)

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