Red Alert 1895

Chapter 75

Chapter 74 – Scorched Earth

“The Imperial Japanese Government told the people of Taiwan that the Qing Empire had ceded Taiwan to our Japanese Empire. However, a small number of Taiwanese people insisted on going their own way and tried to resist our Japanese Empire’s acceptance of Taiwan by force, so our Imperial Japanese Government specially warned Taiwan. If the local people continue to resist the Imperial Japanese Army’s takeover of Taiwan, they will be the enemies of the Imperial Japanese Empire and will be killed without mercy. And all the people who participate in the resistance, fund the resistance elements, and hide the resistance personnel will be killed by the Imperial Japanese Empire Severely punish and kill without mercy.”

“Before, Taiwan attacked our Imperial Japanese Army, which caused the first batch of troops to suffer certain losses. His Majesty, the Emperor of Japanese Empire, and the government are very angry and will definitely punish them severely. Anyone who participates in the Japanese Imperial Army will suffer certain losses. Fighters in the Japanese Empire will kill without mercy, and even their families will be implicated. And our Great Japanese Empire will immediately send six divisions of 300,000 imperial troops to land in Taiwan. Take over Taiwan. I also ask the people of Taiwan to cooperate with the imperial army, and don’t make fearless resistance, otherwise they will be killed without mercy. And whoever cooperates with the imperial army, the imperial army will definitely not treat you badly, and will definitely reward you!”

“The Prime Minister of the Imperial Japanese Cabinet, Ito Hirobumi! In 1895 AD, the twenty-eighth year of the Meiji Empire of the Great Japanese Empire, and September 5th in the twenty-first year of the Guangxu Empire of the Qing Empire.”

When this 400-word announcement was read out in front of the people by Taiwanese propagandists, it immediately exploded. Because the people of Taiwan immediately realized that Japan has not completely given up the idea of occupying Taiwan. Although their Guards Division was defeated, their ambitions were not dead, and they wanted to send an army of “300,000” to occupy Taiwan. This made the people of Taiwan realize that the war of resistance has not really ended, so everyone just let go of their hearts and immediately brought it up again.

“Everyone, it is clear that the Japanese pirates have occupied our Taiwan. They will not give up their occupation of Taiwan. If we don’t stand up and resist, then we will all be treated as subjugated slaves. And the Japanese pirates will enslave us at that time, let us We can’t survive at all. They want to rob us of our land, rob us of our wealth, rob our food, rob us of our wives and daughters for them to rape. They can migrate to our Taiwan. They will definitely kill all the people in Taiwan, leaving no one behind, and then come over and step on our bones to occupy our land. The Japanese pirates have a lot of desires, and it is not something we can solve by surrendering. So we must unite Let’s fight the Japanese pirates together. Drive the Japanese pirates out of Taiwan!” Wang Guorui said.

“Get rid of the pirates!” “Get rid of the pirates!” “Get rid of the pirates!”…

Immediately after Wang Guorui finished his speech, countless “tuo” also started shouting, obviously wanting to heighten the atmosphere. And countless Taiwanese people have also begun to become passionate, and human beings are group animals, once they are influenced by the entire group, they will immediately fall into it. A group can often drive many people crazy, but now Wang Guorui’s speech, coupled with the corresponding propagandists, has made the people a little crazy.

“The Japanese pirates are coming. Once the war starts, there is no distinction between the north and the south, and people regardless of age. We all have the responsibility to defend the land and resist the war. We must strengthen our confidence and then drive out the Japanese pirates. We must have the determination to fight the war to the end. , Let the Japanese pirates come to us and be attacked everywhere. I hope that the people of Taiwan can actively join the army and fight against the Japanese pirates on the battlefield in person. Those who cannot join the army should also be able to participate in logistics support. This will definitely be a great deal for the Japanese pirates Moreover, we must fortify the wall and clear the country, and have a determination that we would rather burn our homes to scorched earth than leave them to the Japanese pirates.”

“Now, as the leader of the Anti-Japanese War in Taiwan, I, Wang Guorui, have issued an order to all the people in Taiwan that the people in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaosu County, and Taichung County in the north of Taiwan will gradually move to the south of Taiwan to survive temporarily. Those who can be taken away We should take away as much as possible, and those who cannot be taken away are used for military purposes. Or burned on the spot. We must not leave a grain of food, a piece of steel, or anything that is helpful to the Japanese army. And People in Yilan County, Hualien County, and Taitung County in the east of Taiwan don’t need to worry, we will send special troops to pick you up from the mountains and forests, our troops will help you survive in the mountains and forests, and protect you!”

“Now, as the leader of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war, I declare that all Taiwan will implement the scorched-earth war strategy, and all Taiwan will implement military control. Everything must serve the war of resistance against Japan. If there is any disobedience to the management, it will be punished at the slightest level, and at the worst level, it will be dealt with according to internal and external enemies.” Ms. Zheng Hong from the Military and Political Department will lead and preside over the work of relocating the common people.”

Soon, all of Wang Guorui’s orders were carried out. Wang Guorui first wanted to clean up the people in the northern half of Taiwan, and then moved them to the Tainan area. Only in this way can there be free space, and then it can be used as a battlefield. The main direction of operations in the future will be based on Taipei, because Wang Guorui believes that the Japanese army will generally not choose Tainan to land.

If Wang Guorui has checked a lot of information about Taiwan, Zheng Chenggong landed from Tainan when he regained Taiwan, but some accidental circumstances prompted him to land from Tainan when Zheng Chenggong regained Taiwan. Back then, the Dutch were not unprepared to defend Taiwan. But why didn’t they have much defense force in Tainan, let Zheng Chenggong sneak attack? In fact, the main reason is that there is a “natural danger” in Tainan, which made the Dutch relax their vigilance.

If you want to enter Tainan from the open sea, there are two waterways, one is the northern waterway, and the other is the southern waterway. The south laneway is wide and deep, so it is easy to land. Back then, the Dutch deployed heavy artillery here, and with the addition of some ships, they could all be protected. And now Wang Guorui also got some heavy artillery from the red police system at any cost, and built a fort in the south alleyway, which can almost protect the safety. Generally speaking, warships will not fight against shore artillery, because it is often the warships that suffer.

Of course, Zheng Chenggong landed on the Northern Passage that year. The water in the Northern Passage is shallow, and only small boats can pass through it, and large ships cannot pass through. However, Zheng Chenggong had mastered the law of high tide back then, so he took advantage of the high tide to land and caught the Dutch by surprise in one fell swoop.

But then was then, and now is now. Back then Zheng Chenggong’s warships were all made of wood, and compared to the displacement of thousands of tons in this era, they were nothing. And the warships that could barely pass when the tide was high, in this era of giant ships and cannons, no matter how high the tide is, they cannot attack. So the times are advancing, and warships are getting bigger and bigger. This has caused the places that could be used as landing points in the past to be unable to be used as landing points now. What’s more, in this era, the world has not invented a professional landing craft. If the Japanese army had landing craft, of course Wang Guorui would not feel relieved about Tainan. But the Japanese army had no landing craft, so Wang Guorui could rest easy in Tainan.

The Japanese army would not choose to land from Tainan unless it was a last resort. Tainan’s hydrological conditions are too bad to be suitable for the giant steel ships of this era to land, so Wang Guorui is not afraid. Therefore, what Wang Guorui had to beware of was the Japanese attack from Taipei. As long as he grasped the way to attack south from the Taipei area, there would be no problem at all if he held it. That’s why Wang Guorui put his main force in Taipei so that he could fight the Japanese army.

“Zheng Hong, you can immediately move the people of Taiwan to Tainan, and you can even select some strong young people to join the army. Of course, you can not force or not, and focus on publicity and education. Of course, there are some professional people, Even if they don’t want to, you have drawn me strong men. For example, doctors, the army lacks doctors the most, especially doctors who can treat various traumas. If you meet a doctor who can perform surgery, then you have to pull them over by force. Some Those with special skills, I will make a list for you, you must compulsorily conscript them into the army. Also, some of the people in the prison are also selected. Those criminals who have committed crimes, let them form death squads, go to the battlefield by killing The enemy came to atone for their sins. If they can kill the enemy, then we can all reward them, and we can start a new life in the future!”

“And next, you have to select as many people as possible from the Japanese prisoners to educate and reform, so that they can form an anti-war alliance. Of course, we don’t want them to help us on the battlefield, but to disintegrate the Japanese army. Morale, and then encourage the Japanese army to recognize the results of this unjust war. I will write to you about the specific experience later.”

“We will have more troops in the It is inevitable that many soldiers will not abide by discipline, and we must strictly deal with it recently, otherwise there will be problems when we expand the army, and it will be miserable! We expand the sentence too quickly, It is inevitable that some problems will arise, so you, the Minister of Military and Political Affairs, have a very heavy responsibility.”

Wang Guorui began to arrange tasks for Zheng Hong. Now it is all prepared before the war, so it is very important to rely on the military and political department to take charge, and Zheng Hong’s responsibilities are also very important.

“Yes!” Zheng Hong said.

After Zheng Hong answered, Wang Guorui suddenly smiled evilly and said: “Miss Zheng, you will be very tired in the future. I have arranged so many tasks for you, and I am very sorry for you, so I will serve you today so that you can Be comforted by your soul!”

“Shameless!” Zheng Hong cursed inwardly.

Wang Guorui used various reasons to torment her, leaving her speechless. Wang Guorui had so many reasons that it seemed that anything could be a reason. And Zheng Hong also felt helpless towards Wang Guorui’s lust, but who made him follow him, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog. (To be continued.) xh118

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