Red Alert 1895

Chapter 76

Chapter 75 – Natasha

“Didi, the host has been recognized by a population of one million, and the second hero recruitment system is open!”

When Wang Guorui heard the news, he immediately began to pay attention. Because I heard that after getting the approval of a million people, that is, you can get the recruitment of a second hero, so that the second beautiful hero in Red Alert can come out again. He didn’t expect that this day would come so soon, and it would arrive after only a few months. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the population of Taiwan was more than two million, and now that he has become the leader of Taiwan, he may be able to be recognized by a population of one million.

“Haha, I have finally been recognized by a million people. It seems that the publicity work has been done well during this period of time, and Zheng Hong is still working very hard. It seems that I will pamper her these few days and let him feel how I treat her. Your favor!” Wang Guorui thought shamelessly in his heart.

Since the second hero could be recruited soon, Wang Guorui ordered to recruit Natasha. As for why it wasn’t Yuriko, it was because Yuriko was from the Sun Empire, and in fact she was Japanese, so it would not be appropriate to recruit a Japanese at this time. So in the end, Wang Guorui still chose Natasha as the target of recruitment. As for Yuriko, it might be later. Because the next recruiting of the third hero requires the approval of a population of 100 million. At that time, I am afraid that I have to rule more than half of China to be able to do it.

“Oh, Commander, I miss you so much!”

As soon as Wang Guorui arrived at the barracks, he was immediately hugged by a passionate woman. The woman was wearing a beret and a black waterproof uniform, but the circle of her stomach was exposed to the air. As for the lower body, he wore relatively short trousers, which looked very short, and the thighs to the knee joints were all exposed, which made Wang Guorui very fanciful. And below are the boots, which are black leather boots, reflecting a shiny luster. And this beautiful woman is also holding a svd sniper rifle in her hand, which looks very important.

“Oh, miss. Are all you Soviet women so enthusiastic and unrestrained?” Wang Guorui asked.

Wang Guorui was really surprised by this Natasha. When he first saw Tanya was very cold, he simply ignored him, and he didn’t even want to get close to him. Not to mention intimate behavior, so Wang Guorui thought that all the beautiful heroes in the Red Police were like this. But now Natasha, the beautiful hero of Soviet Russia, is so enthusiastic and unrestrained, which makes Wang Guorui a little surprised and a little unbearable. It was the first time he had seen such a passionate girl, even Zheng Hong who had a close relationship with him was not so presumptuous towards him!

“Commander. Seriously, you’ve been recruiting me for so long. It’s really suffocating. I watched you fight in the base, and the fight was very refreshing, especially that Tanya, who actually went to the battlefield and killed so many people.” Enemy, don’t you want me to go to the battlefield? Do you hate me?” Natasha asked suddenly “acting like a baby”.

And Wang Guorui immediately said: “How is it possible, how can I hate you? I am here to prevent the Japanese navy!”

“Hmph, this time and space technology is too backward, I can’t summon my plane. Otherwise, I can also clean up their navy!” Natasha said.

Not long after, Wang Guorui called everyone together again and took the initiative to introduce Natasha to everyone.

“This is Miss Natasha, a Russian, that is, the Raksha people we called in the past. She is a female general I specially invited, and she is very capable! She is a sharpshooter, and she can even go as far as Twelve miles away, the enemy was killed with a single shot. Besides, if you hit the head, you wouldn’t hit the chest,” Wang Guorui said.

This Natasha’s ability is sniping, and the sniper rifle in her hand is also specially made. The maximum range is enough to reach about ten kilometers. Of course, Natasha is the super trump card among snipers, and the furthest sniper distance can reach six kilometers, which is twelve miles. And the sniper rifle in her hand has a super high-magnification telescope. And Natasha can measure the wind direction, and she is very familiar with various environmental changes. Since Natasha is a sniper, she is very sensitive to changes in the wind environment, so she also has the ability to forecast the weather.

And those officers present heard that Natasha was able to snipe the enemy six kilometers away and hit the enemy. This really made many people sweat. six kilometers away. This is almost unimaginable, and the human eye cannot see so far. It can only be seen unless it is a big mountain, but if you look at a person from six kilometers away, you can’t see it at all. Those officers here probably know the shooting ability of their soldiers. Generally speaking, it is an accurate ability of one or two hundred meters, but this Natasha can reach six kilometers, which is too heaven-defying.

That is to say, if an officer is in the headquarters, as long as he is a little exposed, he might shoot a bullet from the opponent’s battlefield at any time, and then his head will explode. At that time, if he died and didn’t know how he died, that would be really wronged.

“Husband, where did you invite this young lady? How many strange people and strangers do you still have?” Zheng Hong asked.

And Natasha immediately said: “The commander invited me, how could I not come? I have been waiting for the commander to call for a long time, and now the commander has finally summoned me, of course I will come! As for me and Commander’s relationship, that is…”


Natasha took the initiative to kiss Wang Guorui on the cheek, and this scene surprised everyone. However, soon the officers present also showed the look of “it is so”, and they all probably understood the whole story.

And Wang Guorui was a little speechless, this Natasha was completely different from Tanya, Tanya was very resistant to being intimate with herself, but Natasha was really keen on being intimate with herself. Natasha even took the initiative to seduce Wang Guorui with the unique parts of women several times, which made Wang Guorui very angry. But just now when Wang Guorui wanted to go further, Natasha didn’t even agree, but just avoided it on purpose. This made Wang Guorui even more anxious, but it also showed that Natasha and Tanya had completely different personalities.

“Well, now we have introduced Miss Natasha to you. If there are any important and valuable targets on the battlefield in the future, you can ask Miss Natasha to help you shoot them. However, if it is not extreme For an important goal, don’t ask Miss Natasha to come forward. Because Miss Natasha’s appearance fee is not low! Think about it, the cost of killing an enemy twelve miles away is not low. !” Wang Guorui said with lingering fear.

Naturally, Wang Guorui would not let Natasha play too many battles, and Natasha was mainly used to shoot and kill the most important targets. Because Wang Guorui had inquired clearly with the system that the bullets used by Natasha were not cheap either. And Wang Guorui is quite familiar with this system, any special equipment is darker than Bao Zheng’s face. And this Natasha’s sniper rifle costs two silver dollars per bullet, which is really black enough. Originally, five silver dollars per bullet for Tanya was already expensive enough, and five silver dollars was enough for Wang Guorui to let other soldiers kill a dozen people, but Tanya could only kill one, at most two, hardly three. when.

But Natasha’s bullets are even more expensive, at least two hundred silver dollars per bullet. If this money is used by other soldiers, it can kill hundreds of enemies. Therefore, in the case of such a high cost, it must be used to kill those very meaningful targets, instead of thinking about killing ordinary soldiers. If Natasha was used to kill ordinary enemies, then Wang Guorui might really have lost money to his grandma’s house.

After the officers left, Hu Wei couldn’t help sighing: “My lord Wang is really blessed, and she has two foreign beauties who fall in love with her. Moreover, these two foreign beauties are very beautiful, and they can fight. One of them is a brave general on the battlefield, it really shames countless men to death. I really don’t know how Mr. Wang found these two beauties, but these two beauties have compared countless vulgar fans.”

Everyone began to lament Wang Guorui’s beauty After all, she is such a beautiful woman, and she is also a foreign woman, who is more capable of fighting. This is enough to envy many people. Many of these officers are from the military, and the most admired in the army are the strong. Although they sometimes look down on women, when women are much stronger than them, they naturally have to obey. Tanya and Natasha are heroes on the battlefield, and these officers have to obey.

“My lord Wang has enjoyed the blessing of Qiren now. I really don’t know how the two foreign beauties feel like?” Chen Liyan also said.

“Hmph, if you are capable, you can also find a foreign woman! However, they are probably not as good as these two women of Mr. Wang.” Zhao Xi replied.

“Hey, people are more popular than people! I have been betrothed by my father since I was a child, but it turns out that the other party is beautiful, but she is not like the two foreign women, Mr. Wang. She has an exotic style and has a very individual personality.” Hu Wei said again.

And they didn’t know that the “Lord Wang” they envied was having a great headache because none of these women was a fuel-efficient lamp. (To be continued.) xh118

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