Red Alert 1895

Chapter 789

Chapter 791 – 0 Tolerance (Below)

Wang Guorui once heard a saying about the law in later generations. Many people think that only harsh punishment and cruel laws can punish criminals and make people dare not commit crimes. And some people advocate to follow the example of Singapore, and then let China implement severe punishment, so that those criminals know the consequences of their crimes. However, many people refuted the so-called situation that Zhu Yuanzhang killed so many people but failed to eliminate corrupt officials, and believed that severe punishment methods could not really stop crimes. It’s like many crimes have been capital crimes since ancient times, and many crimes are capital crimes for killing the nine clans at every turn, but why do people still commit crimes?

In fact, some people say that to curb crime, they don’t care how serious the legal punishment is, but whether the law can be strictly enforced, whether the law can be truly implemented, whether it is zero for those who violate the law. tolerate.

If zero tolerance cannot be achieved, then in the end there will still be a large number of people with a fluke mentality, thinking that they can escape a catastrophe, that they can get away with not being punished, or are lucky enough not to be punished so harshly. As long as this kind of luck still exists, the criminal will still exist. In the final analysis, corruption is also a crime. If zero tolerance for corruption cannot be achieved, then no matter how severe the punishment is, there will still be many people who are lucky enough to commit corruption in the end.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang killed so many corrupt officials, why couldn’t he stop them in the end? That’s because he can’t achieve zero tolerance. When he punishes, he doesn’t look at the problem from the perspective of strictly enforcing the law, but from the perspective of his personal will and the perspective of safeguarding his personal interests. He fights for nothing more than to maintain the stability of his own country, not to rely on the law to govern the country. So his personal thoughts are very heavy, and the law is just an excuse to maintain his rule. However, if it would be beneficial for him to rule the country if keeping a corrupt person, then he would let him go. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang’s position is very problematic. It is not so much for anti-corruption as for maintaining his own rule.

Since he can’t do zero tolerance. His punishment is too arbitrary, it is entirely his subjective punishment, not a real legal punishment. The majesty of the law does not lie in the severity of the punishment, but in the fact that no one easily crosses him. If a person commits a crime. Deliberately increasing the severity of the sentence because of certain dignitaries or public opinion, this is actually a violation of the law. Regardless of whether it is a felony with a light sentence or a misdemeanor with a heavy sentence, it is actually an act of desecration of the law.

“If you want to prevent crime, it doesn’t lie in how severe the punishment is, but in that it is carried out completely in accordance with the law. No one bends the law for personal gain, and there is no aggravated sentence. The only thing is to let them see that everything must be dealt with in accordance with the law, without any cover-up or The punishment is especially heavy, so that they don’t have any fluke mentality. Even if they are killed like Zhu Yuanzhang, although it seems that many officials have been severely sentenced, more people have seen that this is nothing more than Zhu Yuanzhang’s own thinking. It is causing trouble, not being punished according to the law. So everyone has a chance to get away with it, and this is the most important reason why corruption has been repeatedly banned. Therefore, we are not so serious about the law, but because of zero tolerance.” Wang Guorui said.

“The minister understands!”

soon. Those corrupt officials in the construction department were also announced, and then the courts were asked to prosecute and then proceed to the corresponding trial. But this time it was a public trial, and it was even open for the people to come and watch, so that everyone can see how this corrupt official was tried and sentenced.

And this also made many people with ulterior motives think they had caught Wang Guorui’s pigtails, and then began to belittle Wang Guorui’s new court.

“Have you seen it? Doesn’t the new court still have corrupt officials? He also said that the new court will definitely have a new look, and that the new court will definitely bring a better life to the people. Have you seen it? It is the promise of the new court, but now there are corrupt officials? There are still corrupt officials in the new court. I thought the new court would have something everywhere. In fact, it is not the same? Isn’t it the same as the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the past? , there are still corrupt officials, and there are still corrupt officials who are harming the people and exploiting the people.”

“That’s right! This is the new imperial court. They even claim to be better than the Manchu Qing Dynasty. I don’t think they are the same, they are just like dogs!”

“That’s all, the new court is like this, what else can we do? Huh, aren’t they still the common people? There is no difference between them and the Qing court.”

These few are still stubborn young scholars wearing the so-called traditional scholar’s clothing. Then everyone gathered here to discuss the matter of Wang Guorui, a corrupt official. Recently, these past scholars are really leisurely, and there is no limit to leisure. They don’t study anymore now, and they are living at home every day. Since Wang Guorui abolished the so-called imperial examination system and changed it to the so-called political rights examination, they have found that the pass rate of those who think they are scholars is very low! Because this political qualification test actually does not test the Four Books and Five Classics, but Chinese and mathematics are the main subjects, and other subjects are supplemented.

However, the courses in Chinese are not for the examination of those things that matter, but for the examination of vernacular Chinese. In this way, for scholars who have been delving into those stereotyped essays all day long, they do not understand vernacular essays. On the contrary, they don’t know how to say those vernacular Chinese, and they are not as familiar with the words and grammar of vernacular Chinese as those in ancient Chinese. This time they were blinded. As for those maths, some of them even made mistakes in addition and subtraction within ten thousand digits, and even exaggeratedly counting on their fingers for addition and subtraction within hundreds of digits, so it would be strange if they could pass.

These scholars may have no problem with their IQs, but they use them in the wrong place. Emotional intelligence is also very poor, expecting them to be able to do a good job in politics is simply absurd. Therefore, they eat here every day, and then gather everywhere. The only fun is to scold Wang Guorui, and they are picking faults. Picking the bones in the egg also finds a few faults!

So, now that Wang Guorui has caught corrupt officials, everyone is very excited. It feels like this new court is no different from the old Manchu court. Don’t they all have corrupt officials?

“Guys, you can now yell at the emperor and the court without anyone coming to arrest you. Isn’t that changing? You still say no?” The waiter in the teahouse immediately complained.

The scholar immediately cursed: “What are you, a waiter in a shop, talking like that? Can you evaluate such a major national event?”

“Hey, don’t tell me, I’m still qualified! I just passed the political aptitude test. I’m reviewing these days. Maybe I’ll be able to be a civil servant after a while. I’ll be an official by then, no Come to be the clerk of this shop! And I have passed the political ability test anyway, I would like to ask some scholars, how much did you score in the exam?” The clerk said disdainfully.


These few scholars still can’t let go of the so-called scholars’ face in the past, and now they see a shop waiter who serves them here discussing state affairs. You must know that this was the privilege of their scholars in the past. But now times have changed, and even a waiter in a shop can talk about national affairs, isn’t this upside down? And people say that they have passed the exam, but scholars and scholars like themselves have not passed the exam at all. Isn’t this a slap in the face? Self-determination still despises others, but now others come to despise you too. If they have passed the political qualification test, then you have not passed it. If they are not qualified, then you are also qualified?

“However, corrupt officials still exist, so what is the difference between this court and the Manchu Qing court? They say it is better than the Manchu Qing court, isn’t it also a group of corrupt officials now? Since they are all corrupt officials, then there are What kind of progress?” Some so-called scholars said.

But Xiaoer Dian replied: “The biggest difference between our new court and the Manchu court in the past is that the corrupt officials in the present court will be sent to trial. But the corrupt officials in the Manchu court in the past, they can continue to be Officials, continue to search for fish and meat, this is the biggest difference, do you understand? So, there are corrupt officials, but how do you see how the two courts deal with these corrupt officials?”


This is the biggest Wang Guorui has never denied that there are corrupt officials within himself, and what he can do is to find one and judge another. However, the Manchu Qing court never admitted that there were corrupt officials within itself, even though everyone knew that corruption was very serious, but the Manchu Qing court never admitted it but tolerated rape, and finally the corruption became more and more serious. And isn’t the official donation system a system that promotes the development of corrupt officials? So everyone knows that there is a problem here, but the Manchu court never investigated and dealt with it, and some emperors even said that they were neither deaf nor blind, and were not worthy of being in charge.

Even the appeasement of corrupt officials has been said so openly. It is simply impossible to expect them to fight against corruption and to punish corrupt officials.

The shop waiter immediately said: “The biggest difference between my new court and the old Manchu court in dealing with corrupt officials is not whether there are corrupt officials. It is because the Manchu court tolerated traitors in the past, but our new court is just like what the emperor said ,zero tolerance!”

After hearing this, everyone at the scene was silent for a while. This may be the biggest difference in dealing with corrupt officials. The core of anti-corruption is not whether there are corrupt officials, how to punish those corrupt officials, but the attitude towards corrupt officials. (To be continued.)

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