Red Alert 1895

Chapter 790

Chapter 792 – If You Are Not In Danger, Why Should You Be An Official?

In the past few days, what is most famous in the newspapers is not the emperor Wang Guorui’s gossip and shows, nor is it the new policies issued by the court, nor is it all kinds of romantic gossip. ◎, and in the newspapers in Beijing and other places in the past two days, it is not the emperor or the new Prime Minister Xiao Hongsheng who is in the limelight. Everyone’s limelight has been overshadowed. And this person is the new director of the ICAC, Cen Chunxuan. And recently, Cen Chunxuan, director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, is really ruthless enough to be merciless in his actions. He had just been ordered to form the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and he had not even recruited all the staff, so he took some people to various departments of the central cabinet to search. Then first of all, they have to check the accounts, and then if there is even a little unclear in the accounts, they will be invited to the ICAC to investigate. Then, according to the usual practice, after going to the ICAC does not mean torture, but tea reception.

But in the past few days, this Cen Chunxuan is really crazy, it’s crazy to the point of no bounds. All the staff of various departments in the central government of the capital, who had a little bit of suspicion, or who had a little bit of unclear explanation, were taken to the Independent Commission Against Corruption for questioning and investigation. Of course, not all of them are corrupt officials, and some were released after explaining clearly. After the people who were released back then told what happened inside, they heard that tea was served, so some folks compared the ICAC to the “Lian Kee Tea House”, because after entering, they can be used by others. The ICAC conducts a reception with tea.

And some people directly say that the tea of this Lianji tea house is the best to drink, because it can bring honest officials to the people, so the tea of this Lianji tea house is inestimable. But for some guys, it’s frightening in my heart!

Especially those with unclean buttocks, which makes the mother very scared. Although they have not been investigated now, they are all extremely guilty. Fear of being unclean. And some people received some small gifts on weekdays, and then helped their relatives to say hello, and then did some things to cross the line. Originally, this kind of behavior of relying on relationships to go through the back door is often between illegal and not illegal. At most, it is to use one’s own power to seek something for one’s relatives and friends. It is not a crime, and that is not enough. Because my relatives are not the kind of people who dare to make trouble, and they will not cause any major problems.

Originally, this kind of thing is very common in Chinese culture. It is normal for one person to attain enlightenment and ascend to heaven. It is normal to use the power in your hands to seek some moderate benefits for your relatives and friends that will not bring too many adverse effects. There is even a saying that this is “not avoiding relatives with internal promotion”, which is a virtue.

But the current trend is simply frightening. The last few days. Of all the people in the central department of the capital, one-third of them have been questioned, and more than 20 percent of them have been taken to the Independent Commission Against Corruption for careful recollection, and then they are called in the specified time. The location clearly explained the matter, this is the so-called “shuanggui”. As a result, the entire officialdom in the capital was also in danger to the end, and then the officialdom in the capital was also plunged into fear, for fear that if I did something wrong, I would face being taken to the end.

“Your Majesty. The current Cen Chunxuan is now called the official butcher. Recently, more than 400 people have been arrested in various departments, ranging from a deputy minister to ordinary staff. They are about to be tried. It’s too cruel, now All major departments in our entire capital are also in a state of fear. If this continues, everyone will be in danger! If this continues, no one will be able to work with peace of mind. How can we be an official like this!” Xiao Hongsheng said .

However, Wang Guorui asked: “Old Xiao, why haven’t you made any progress over the years? When you become an official, you have power in your hands. Are you not used to being supervised? Those of you who study in the West, don’t you Do you want to advocate supervision? Why don’t you want to be supervised now, does it feel uncomfortable to be supervised?”

“This…but…” Xiao Hongsheng was also suddenly speechless. On weekdays, these officials who were born as overseas students all advocated supervision, officials and people.

But now I feel as if I am being supervised, and it turns out to be very uncomfortable.

“Your Majesty, is the supervision too much now? This makes people feel uncomfortable!” Xiao Hongsheng finally said.

Wang Guorui snorted coldly and said, “Whether you do it yourself or not, you are not afraid of the shadow! You haven’t seen it. As long as you can explain things clearly, you can let them come out as soon as possible. As long as you can let yourself have no problems, that’s very It will come out soon. And those who haven’t come out, in fact, can’t be explained clearly. And who can’t explain clearly, I don’t need to say more about this? As for the supervision, I think you have never received supervision in the past , That’s why I’m so uncomfortable!”

Xiao Hongsheng suddenly felt ashamed. In the past, he kept saying that he advocated supervision, but in fact they did not supervise at all. In the past, the supervisory offices of Wang Guorui had actually seriously dereliction of duty. At that time, the officials of the supervisory offices were worried that they would be put on small shoes when they were transferred to other positions in the future, so they often adopted the principle of catching the big and letting go of the small. This kind of supervision method of grasping the large and letting go of the small is actually very weak and useless. So they didn’t receive much supervision at all before, and now they are suddenly subjected to this kind of supervision everywhere, and they feel that they are not used to it.

From a power that can be supervised by no one, it becomes a person who is watched at any time, as if he has done something he shouldn’t do, and he will be arrested soon. Can you not feel trembling like this? If it is on weekdays, maybe they just feel that there is a superior supervising, and it doesn’t feel good. But now they feel that the whole society is watching them, their colleagues are watching them, their superiors are watching them, and even their subordinates may watch them at any time, so they feel that there are eyes watching them everywhere. Under the attention of so many eyes, I seem to be a transparent person, and I have been seen through by others. If I have any thoughts, I will be seen by countless pairs of eyes immediately. This feeling is of course not good.

“Everyone in the officialdom is in danger now? I think everyone must be in danger. If they can’t be in danger, then why are they officials? If they are officials and they don’t feel the danger, then they are encouraging them to abuse their power! ” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui knew that if he wanted power not to be abused and officials not to rape, then he needed supervision. If there is no supervision, those officials will certainly abuse their power. Rather than saying that human nature is inherently good, Wang Guorui on the contrary recognized Xunzi’s human nature as inherently evil. If no one urges them, the vast majority of people will think about their own interests, and thinking about their own interests will naturally damage the interests of the public. And an official has too many public resources. If no one supervises them, will they resist making some of them their own? Even if it is an ordinary person, seeing a pile of wild fruits in the wild, and there is no one around, will he resist picking the fruits and eating them?

The wealth and resources held by these officials belong to the public and belong to all the people. But this “master” is too far away and too illusory, so they will subconsciously treat it as a wild fruit. In this case, won’t they take out two of them to fill their stomachs?

Officials are also human beings, and their average moral level, Jedi will not be higher than that of ordinary people. So when no one is watching, can they guarantee that they will not steal it? This is impossible, so Wang Guorui will never believe in their own integrity.

“Since you become an official, you have to accept the supervision of countless pairs of eyes. If you can’t even stand this kind of supervision, then don’t be an official. To be an official, you must accept supervision. If you don’t have supervision, what kind of official do you have? If you don’t feel the danger, how can you be an official? To be an official is to feel that there are cliffs on both sides, and then it seems that you may fall off at any time. You have to try your best to ensure your balance. Otherwise, if you are an official without fear Then what kind of official do you want to be?” Wang Guorui asked.

Xiao Hongsheng’s heart was like countless grass mud horses passing by, Wang Guorui did not hurt his back when he stood and talked! Wang Guorui, the emperor, was a guy who jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements. While holding power, he watched the officials fight each other. Then he finally came out to be a peacemaker, and he completed a task of being an emperor. And Wang Guorui, the emperor, was not short of money either. No one knew how many good things he had let the army grab with guns. Now many foreigners’ properties at that time were forced to sell them to him at a low price, almost at the price of a cabbage.

Although now that the country has been established, a lot of restraint has been restrained, and part of the wealth has been spit out to the government. But who doesn’t know how much wealth Wang Guorui has? Wang Guorui doesn’t need corruption at all, and doesn’t need corruption at all to enjoy himself and enjoy a happy life. Directly, the annual dividends are money that countless officials will not be able to get in a lifetime of corruption. So it’s acceptable to say these words from anyone’s mouth. But from the mouth of Wang Guorui, who used the army to rob and force foreigners to transfer wealth at a low price, why does it taste so wrong?

“Okay, to be an official is to accept supervision. If you don’t want to accept supervision, then we should get together and get together, resign as soon as possible while we are young, and then find another way out!” Wang Guorui said. (to be continued.) u

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