Red Alert 1895

Chapter 791

Chapter 793 – Tibet Issue

When the anti-corruption work of various departments in the capital reached its peak, other departments did not stop. At this time, the Communist Party led by Zhou Chen came to discuss with a Karon from Tibet, especially It is a plan about how Tibet can be subordinated to the rule of the new empire established by Wang Guorui in the future. And Zhou Chen and this Tibetan Karon are arguing here, and then they are all around this Tibetan issue and cannot be resolved. And this Kalon is a representative sent by Tibet, and this representative also has a certain status. He is one of the senior officials in Tibet, and his power ranking is definitely very high. His power is second only to the Minister in Tibet, and he also has two living Buddhas. At present, the Manchu Qing Dynasty has perished, and the ministers appointed by them to Tibet have lost their power. Without the support of the central government, the minister in Tibet would have no power at all, but the real power is now in the hands of the Living Buddha, and his subordinates are only four Kalons.

“Mr. Galon, what you asked to keep is unacceptable to our Yanhuang Empire. This is not only unacceptable to our emperor, but also unacceptable to the citizens of any country. According to our constitution, we will never allow people like you Things exist, so please think about it carefully, do you want to modify the conditions?” Zhou Chen asked.

But that Kalon said: “No, these conditions are the most important conditions for us at present. If one of these conditions cannot be agreed, then we will not agree to accept the management of the central government.”

Zhou Chen looked at the conditions proposed by this Kalon, Zhou Chen didn’t even need to think about it, and he knew that Wang Guorui would not agree. Even if Wang Guorui agreed, the judges in the court would not agree, and even if the judge agreed, the members of the parliament would not agree. This is simply challenging the bottom line of society in the new era, so they absolutely cannot agree.

Because the conditions proposed by this Kalon are really too much.

First of all, the first one is to require the Tibet region to guarantee a certain independent status. Wang Guorui’s new government cannot send any troops to station there. . Send a small number of civil servants to exist as imperial envoys. This is also something that Wang Guorui’s new government cannot agree to, because stationing troops on one’s own land is a power to prove a country’s sovereignty, and no changes are allowed. Even in later generations. After China regained Hong Kong and Macau, isn’t it also going to send troops to garrison? Although there are not many people, it also symbolizes the sovereignty of a country, and it is absolutely not allowed to change. Therefore, it is impossible not to garrison troops.

As for guaranteeing the independent status of Tibet. This is also impossible. According to the new regulations, any officials must be appointed by the Examination Yuan, and then accept the administrative orders of the cabinet. This must ensure their relatively independent status, listen to the instructions and not listen to the announcement, and have their own military power. This is the kingdom. Rui and the new court cannot allow it.

As for the second article, that is to ensure that their living Buddha can guarantee the power status, that is, to ensure the power status of religious people, to ensure that religious people can continue to maintain their ruling status in Tibet, and to continue to guarantee their rights and interests.

This is also an act that seriously touched Wang Guorui’s bottom line and the bottom line of the law. Wang Guorui hates religious interference in politics very much. Religious interference in politics will inevitably bring about a blockade, and then further make the entire country reject foreign cultures, and then stagnate and cannot make progress. It’s like the Arab in later generations, isn’t that the case? If it weren’t for the oil there, they wouldn’t be able to develop at all. Let them strictly block the affairs of the outside world, and do not allow citizens to contact the outside world at all. In this way, their country cannot develop, and it will inevitably perish.

Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee the status of living Buddha and ensure that those Buddhist monks continue to rule Tibet. This is absolutely not allowed.

“We can’t agree to this. Your living Buddha must abide by our laws on religion, and do everything according to the laws. Religion cannot interfere with politics, but can only contribute to spiritual civilization, so you don’t need to worry about government affairs! “Zhou Chen said.

But Karon immediately shook his head. Obviously this condition was not accepted.

“Article 3, it is even more impossible to ensure that the economic model there does not change. What economic model are you in there? Temple monks and nobles occupy most of the land, and then a large number of serfs and slaves are forced to work, and then But you can only eat some meager food. And you can kill serfs casually, which is absolutely not allowed here. We will not talk about the past. But we will never allow you to kill people like this in the future. Anyone who wants to be executed must go through a public trial in the court. If there is no trial, then even our emperor cannot kill a person casually. In the future, slavery and serfdom must be completely abolished in Tibet. All the people enjoy the status of free citizens, enjoy the rights possessed by our imperial citizens, and also fulfill the obligations of our imperial citizens.” Zhou Chen said.

But the Kalon immediately refused and said: “I don’t have any conditions to negotiate with these three points. If you don’t agree to one of these three conditions, then we will not agree to belong to your Chinese management. So, please Think about it carefully, if we don’t agree to all three conditions, then none of us will choose to join you.”

Zhou Chen knows that this seems to be out of the question. The three conditions of these guys have all hit the foundation of this new empire. Although the foundation of the Yanhuang Empire is not based on the idea of democracy and freedom, it must also guarantee a certain degree of democracy and freedom, and cannot veto democracy and freedom. First of all, the country is a unitary system, military power is brought to the central government, and diplomatic power is also returned to the central government. Tibet not only does not allow Wang Guorui to garrison troops, but also has its own army and its own diplomatic power, which is not acceptable.

This is related to the foundation of China’s founding, and it is impossible to agree. As for other religions intervening in politics, this is also a terrible thing, and it cannot be allowed. The most terrible thing is the slavery behind, and slavery is the most terrible thing, and this is even more iron-clad and unacceptable. Which country in the world still practice slavery? All countries have also abolished slavery one after another, and the United States has also completely abolished slavery after the Civil War. Even the so-called decadent Manchu Qing Dynasty clearly ordered the abolition of slavery during the Yongzheng period?

If Wang Guorui still dares to play slavery, then he is looking for death! At that time, it was a public enemy of the whole people, and even a public enemy of mankind was possible. So this slavery is absolutely unacceptable, even worse than the previous two. Therefore, none of these three items can be agreed, so the Tibet issue may be difficult to solve.

“You don’t belong to us, so what do you want to do?” Zhou Chen asked bluntly, but his words became a little cold.

But the Kalon also replied: “If this is the case, then we in Tibet can consider establishing a country of our own!”

“How dare you!” Zhou Chen said coldly, obviously his words were full of killing intent.

“Hmph, I just dare, so what? I think some people will help us, such as the British. Our Tibet is very close to British India, and the British will definitely help us when the time comes.” Kalon said.

Zhou Chen replied: “Then we really have nothing to talk about, please leave!”

Kalon left immediately, and then Zhou Chen immediately went to report the situation, especially about this Kalon actually wanting to ask the British for help, which is really challenging the bottom line. Zhou Chen probably knew that things might not go well this time. Wang Guorui has always hoped that these guys can take the initiative to seek refuge, and then Wang Guorui doesn’t mind giving them some high positions with little power, giving them some honorary positions, so that they can retire. But now it seems that Wang Guorui’s kindness has been taken as the liver and lungs of a donkey, and he doesn’t give face.

Naturally, it is not so easy to give up the power already in They will not be willing to give up the power in their hands, so I want them to give up the power in their hands and want to abolish slaves Control, and then give up all kinds of economic power, so that their own people will not agree. Slavery is the foundation of their survival. If there is no slavery, they will naturally not choose to agree to join this China.

So this is an irreconcilable contradiction. This is an advanced civilization replacing a backward civilization, and it is also a struggle between a new class and an old class. Therefore, the class interests of the two parties are not the same. This kind of slavery is worse than the capitalism known as the flesh and blood factory, and it is even more terrible. Therefore, whether it is so-called Western capitalism or other so-called ideas, almost none of them advocate slavery. At present, abolitionism is prevalent all over the world, and the whole world is abolishing slavery. How could Wang Guorui dare to risk the displeasure of the world to agree to slavery?

Even if Wang Guorui wanted to die, he couldn’t do it like this. This is a way that will chill the hearts of the people of the whole country, so it can’t be done at all. What’s more, Tibet actually wants to collude with the British, so they must not be allowed to continue to be stable. This has already touched the backs of Wang Guorui and the whole of China. It is impossible for this matter to be resolved.

“Your Majesty, I want to see His Majesty as soon as possible about our Tibet issue!” Zhou Chen said. (To be continued.)

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