Red Alert 1895

Chapter 793

Chapter 795 – Anti-Secession Law (Part 1)

Soon, the imperial guards in the capital began to be mobilized, and Wang Guorui began to take out the roster, and then prepared to draw out all the red police troops of the imperial guards. About 40% of the Imperial Guards are Red Police soldiers, and then half of these troops will be drawn out, which is about 5,000 people. These Red Police soldiers are also senior non-commissioned officers in the Imperial Guard, and these Red Police soldiers are currently the best way to solve the Tibet issue by force. If natural people are used to solve the Tibet issue, the price will not be small! Anyway, the Red Police Force is just like cannon fodder, and it is not bad to sacrifice for natural people. Anyway, Wang Guorui would rather die ten Red Police soldiers than one natural soldier. Red Police soldiers are not as valuable as natural soldiers in terms of economic significance or talent utilization.

And the transfer of the imperial guards immediately made the entire capital feel unusual, because the transfer of the imperial guards was actually unusual! Theoretically, the transfer of the imperial guards does not need the approval of the parliament. The transfer of the imperial guards is an armed force directly controlled by the emperor. From the current legal theory of the Yanhuang Empire, it can be transferred by the emperor, but the prerequisites are that they must They must be mobilized openly, not secretly. If it is not a public order, it can be regarded as a disorderly order, and the officers of the Imperial Guard can consider whether to execute it. In fact, this is a loophole left by Wang Guorui himself, a loophole intentionally left, because he is afraid that his descendants will mobilize troops at will to destroy the constitution for the sake of power, which will be fatal.

However, following the public transfer of the imperial guards, it immediately caused a huge commotion in the capital. When everyone didn’t know what was going on, the parliament suddenly announced that it had voted and passed a law called the “Anti-Secession Law”, and this law was soon publicized.

“China has been a multi-ethnic country since ancient times. There are several ethnic groups in China who build together. And each ethnic group is in a different place, working together to build the same motherland…”

The preamble of this law is about introducing the situation of China and claiming that China is a country jointly built by multiple ethnic groups. Of course, Wang Guorui also specifically pointed out that the Han nationality has the largest number of people and the greatest contribution in the process of building the country. So it is normal for the Han nationality to occupy the dominance of the country. However, he did not deny the contributions of all ethnic groups, and he also welcomes people of all ethnic groups to participate in ③▼③▼ and discuss politics together.

But behind, it became a little bloody.

“However, there are some careerists who intend to destroy the unity among the various ethnic groups in China, and do not hesitate to incite conflicts among the various ethnic groups and provoke conflicts among the various ethnic groups in China. They also intend to use their own minds to **** public opinion and kidnap minorities. The people of the nation divided the country…”

next. This anti-secession law also introduces some “careerists” who specifically incite conflicts among ethnic groups, and then even intend to use their own power to kidnap the people of various ethnic minorities to establish a country on their own, and then split the motherland. This is absolutely not allowed, and this must be severely punished. Even next, it specifically stipulates that the central government can use various means to solve the problem of national division. Even including, but not limited to, the use of military force to resolve separatist issues.

“Any important backbone member of an organization that leads, organizes, or participates in the secession of the country shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty in accordance with the Criminal Law.” Twenty years, life imprisonment, and death.”

And then announced the punishment of various people involved in separatist organizations and puppet governments. The minimum penalty here is more than 15 years, and even the highest crime is the death penalty. And this makes everyone feel hungry. This anti-secession law is really painstaking, and it makes people feel scared when they look at it. If it is really implemented in accordance with the Anti-Secession Law, I am afraid that the next step will really kill people, making people shudder.

And everyone speculated. Who is this law really aimed at?

“Is it a Mongol or a Manchu?” “It’s not a Mongol or a Manchu, it’s a Tibetan!” “Yeah! I heard that the Tibetan seemed to be trying to mess around, but he completely **** off the Emperor.” Yes! They heard that they had colluded with the British. Long Yan, who completely angered the emperor, is really going to die this time!” “Tibetans? Where are the Tibetans?”…

It has to be said that the common people at this time were not very popular with geographical knowledge. Because there is no culture here, the education popularization rate is very low, and many people even have no chance to learn the Four Books and Five Classics. How can they know where the Tibetan areas are? Only some frequent migrants may have heard of where Tibet is. As for the vast majority of people, they only know Manchuria in the Northeast and the so-called Mongolian region, and this Tibet is really too remote. Not to mention this era, even in the 21st century, there are too few people who really know this place, and even the vast majority of Chinese people only know the name, and it is not clear what else is there. At most, that is to know a Potala Palace.

So everyone doesn’t know what kind of situation this is, and who is so bold that Wang Guorui directly legislated for them.

“Immediately order the security department to dispatch the special police team, and then go to arrest the Kalon sent from Tibet!” said Cabinet Prime Minister Xiao Hongsheng.

The capital special police team directly under the security department immediately started to dispatch, and then ran towards the **** hotel, and then they wanted to arrest the Tibetan Karon this time. And this time, their anti-secession law must have a guy as a sacrifice flag, and this Kalon is also the best object for the sacrifice flag. Killing this Kalon means that the central government represented by Wang Guorui will not solve the Tibet issue by peaceful means, but will solve it by violent means, and let them know the intention of offending the central government and splitting the country. as a result of. If they really dare to build a country by themselves, they will definitely not let them go. In order to safeguard the unity of the country, Wang Guorui would never be stingy about killing people. Although Wang Guorui didn’t like to kill people, and could even treat the enemy’s captives with mercy, he would definitely not give preferential treatment to those who tried to split the country.

“Get in now?” the SWAT team shouted.

“Captain? No!” “No!” “No!”…

“Where are those Karon from Tibet?” the special police captain asked.

“Yesterday afternoon, they checked out in a hurry, and then left!” the waiter said.

“Damn it, it’s a step late. But they can’t escape!”

Soon, people from the State Security Bureau, the General Intelligence Agency, and major intelligence systems also began to investigate, and then they began to search where the Tibetan Karon had gone. These guys really slipped faster than anyone else. They obviously found out that the smell was wrong yesterday, so they ran away immediately.

But after this, soon, the intelligence organizations also began to discover the traces of these people.

“They went to the British Legation. They didn’t leave the capital, but went to the British Legation.” Hu Ling from the State Security Bureau said.

“This group of guys really deserves to be old fritters. They have such clever minds. They know that they can’t run far, and even if they run, they will be chased back. They ran for nothing. They simply ran to the British Legation, hoping to get The asylum of the British. It seems that they have colluded with the British.” Xiao Hongsheng scolded.

However, next, this is a tricky problem. These guys ran to the British Legation, so that these policemen are not suitable to attack.

“Your Majesty, according to the regulations of various countries, all the land of the legation is an extension of their country’s territory, so if we rush in, it can be regarded as an invasion of their country!” Li Enfu said.

But Zheng Hong immediately shook his head and said, “If we just wanted to catch someone who sacrificed the flag, but we let him get away with it like this, wouldn’t we be slapping ourselves?”

This anti-secession country must have someone who sacrifices the flag. If it is so publicly announced, if there is no target for future generations to sacrifice the flag, then it will definitely not be able to have enough authority. If this guy is allowed to get away with it, wouldn’t that mean that their anti-secession law will be slapped in the face? If this is the case, then I am afraid that those criminals will all go to foreign embassies next, so they will definitely have a headache. Therefore, we must find a way to solve Your Majesty, why don’t we talk to the British and see if we can get them to hand it over! ” Li Enfu asked.

However, Wang Guorui said sinisterly: “Who said we recognized those foreign embassies? Have we established diplomatic relations with them?”

“Aren’t they envoys to the Qing Dynasty back then?” Li Enfu asked.

And Wang Guorui snorted: “We did not admit that we are the successors of the Qing Dynasty, we are expelling the invaders of the Manchu Qing! So, they established diplomatic relations with the Manchu Qing, so what does their matter have to do with us? They have not They have not established diplomatic relations with us, when did we admit that it is a legation?”

“Ah? That’s right!” Li Enfu said suddenly.

“Order the police to go and enforce the law. And, just in case, let the Imperial Guards dispatch troops there immediately, and block the so-called Dongjiaomin Lane in the legation area, and don’t let them fly out! Of course, We can avoid causing casualties, or we should not cause casualties. If it is the best, force the British Minister Zhu Erdian to hand him over.” Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.) uw

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