Red Alert 1895

Chapter 794

Chapter 796 – Anti-Secession Law (Part 2)

Soon, the imperial guards were mobilized again, but this time the mobilization was all natural troops, and they were dispatched this time to surround Dongjiaominxiang. At this time, the foreign ministers were also shocked. Then diplomats from various countries also came out one after another to see the army coming. And that many people also gasped, because the imperial guards were dispatched, even the cannons were dispatched. This time, an artillery battalion was dispatched, and this artillery battalion was enough to raze the legation area in Dongjiaomin Lane to the ground. After all, these legation districts are not military buildings, so they have not been attacked!

“What are you doing? This is the legation area, you are invading, you are invading!” Zhu Erdian said angrily.

But those troops were not polite at all, and stepped directly into the dividing line with both feet, obviously not taking this so-called legation area seriously. When Zhu Erdian saw this soldier stepping into this line, he immediately became furious.

“According to international practice, the land of the legation area is an extension of our country. You actually stepped into it casually. This is a violation of our British Empire’s territorial sovereignty, an invasion of our British Empire, invasion!” Zhu Erdian was completely angry.

But at this time, Li Enfu, as the foreign minister, took the initiative to come over and said: “Mr. Zhu Erdian, we have not established diplomatic relations with you, so we do not have any legations abroad. We do not recognize your legation. We have not had any relationship with you. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the regulations of this legation are also nonsense.”

“Didn’t we establish diplomatic relations during the Qing government?” Zhu Erdian was furious.

Li Enfu replied: “We have never recognized that we are the successors of the Qing court, because the Qing court was an aggressor and belonged to the aggressors who invaded our country. You established diplomatic relations with the Manchu Qing Empire, not China. Moreover, here It is our Chinese territory, and we are qualified to do anything on our Chinese territory. For example, military exercises, such as firing two artillery pieces, if there is any problem with the people above, then it is none of our business. What’s more You are the countries that established diplomatic relations with the Qing court, that is, people who help our invaders. Therefore, the friends of the enemy are also our enemies, so what does it matter if we attack the enemy’s allies? What’s more, the Qing Empire has not perished now. Ah, the emperor and queen mother of the Qing Empire still exist, don’t they?”

Zhu Erdian was furious immediately, this is simply too deceiving! At that time, Wang Guorui did not let Guangxu abdicate, but directly ascended the throne by himself. And it shows that the Manchu Qing is the aggressor. They are robbers and invaders who stole China. So they do not recognize any treaty signed by the generosity of the Manchus. Although Wang Guorui did not announce the abolition, he asked those foreigners to discuss with the Qing court on how to resolve these treaties. Anyway, these were all resolved by the Qing court. At present, the Qing court is nothing more than a bare empire, that is, an emperor and a queen mother. What is there? And Wang Guorui didn’t give them any special treatment, just some low-level pensions every month. Each of Empress Dowager Cixi’s pension is not enough to be 20 yuan. Everyday life is tight.

Since Wang Guorui overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty, none of those countries chose to recognize Wang Guorui, nor did they choose to formally establish diplomatic relations. Because those Europeans are also discussing what to do, discussing how to deal with Wang Guorui’s method of labeling the Manchus as the so-called invaders of the Qing Dynasty, so that Wang Guorui will not inherit the legal system of the Manchus. The Qing Empire did not perish on paper, and the emperor and queen mother still existed. Therefore, these countries actually maintained diplomatic relations with the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and did not establish diplomatic relations with Wang Guorui’s New China.

Since diplomatic relations were not established, the territory of the so-called legation could not be a real legation, so Wang Guorui could enter without any scruples. Anyway, theoretically speaking, they do not have diplomatic relations. Play however you want.

“We are now conducting exercises on our territory, and they are live-fire exercises.” Li Enfu said.


A shell was fired and exploded directly at the British Legation. As a result, the wall of the British Legation was bombed and collapsed in a corner. But this shell is only a seventy-five millimeter shell. It’s not those large-caliber artillery, so this time they are not so powerful, and they didn’t blow up the house.

“You guys, are you serious?” Zhu Erdian said angrily.

“Of course it’s real, isn’t it still fake?” Li Enfu asked back.

Zhu Erdian immediately asked, “What exactly do you want to do?”

“Hand over the man!” Li Enfu said.

“Who?” Zhu Erdian asked pretending to be stupid.

“Don’t make me pretend, Zhu Erdian. You still know it. If you don’t hand it over, then our live-fire drill will begin!” Li Enfu said.

Li Enfu left after finishing speaking, but at this time, envoys from other countries came over immediately.

“Zhu Erdian, you should hand him over! At this time, leave him alone.” “Yeah! Zhu Erdian, it’s time for you to stop pretending here.” “Zhu Erdian, do you really want them to Did we all get blown to death?” “Zhu Erdian, let’s hand him over!”…

Everyone persuaded Zhu Erdian to hand over the so-called Tibetan Kalon so that they could be safe. This time Wang Guorui transferred an artillery battalion, and their lives were in danger at any time. So if people are not handed over, they will all die!

“But, this is related to the strategy of our British Empire!” Zhu Erdian replied.

“Zhu Erdian, Chalue belongs to the country, and your life belongs to you. Besides, if you want to implement your country’s Chalue, don’t take us to be buried with you. Otherwise, none of our countries will let you go!”

After hearing this, Zhu Erdian finally sighed helplessly. Anyway, now that Wang Guorui doesn’t itch when there are too many lice, and doesn’t worry about having too many debts, let alone bombing this so-called legation, even if he does them all, he won’t be afraid of anything. To countries may definitely exclude them, not because of the presence or absence of embassies. If it wasn’t for Wang Guorui who was worried that he would give himself a bad record in history, he would have ordered the bombing to start long ago.

Zhu Erdian immediately handed over the Tibetan Kalon and his party, and they were immediately taken to trial.

Then in the court, after a very quick trial, the evidence was conclusive. Some people around Kalon, in order to save their lives, immediately told everything in detail, how they planned to collude with Britain, and then let Tibet establish an independent country by itself. At this time, the so-called crimes were already very obvious, and then this Kalon was convicted and sentenced to death.

“Come here, take him, go to execute the execution publicly, and tell everyone that splitting the country will not end well!”

This Kalon was taken to Caishikou in the capital, and this place has always been the place to execute criminals, so this Kalon was still shot here.

“When two countries are at war, don’t kill the envoy!” “When two countries are at war, don’t behead the envoy!”

That Kalon still wants to yell that the two countries are at war, and the saying that the envoy will not be killed will save him from death. And many people around here are also discussing here, because the unspoken rule of not beheading has existed since ancient times when the two countries are at war, so they all feel that they agree with it. However, someone soon came out to explain.

“Why are the two countries not beheaded when they are at war? Has our court recognized them as one country? Our court did not recognize them as one country. Naturally, there is no rule that two countries are at war and not be beheaded. So, they are just traitors , Is it okay for the court to execute the traitors?” A wise man said immediately.

This Kalon thought that the war between the two countries would not be executed. Since he said so, Wang Guorui must kill him. If Wang Guorui didn’t kill him, wouldn’t that mean that they were two countries? Just like if it is a later generation, if a person from Taiwan comes to the mainland and uses this reason to exonerate him, he must be killed if he is to be persecuted. It will never be recognized as two countries. If the death penalty is exempted because of this, isn’t it acknowledging the two countries? If you want this Kalon to say that, you are going to die in the first place, and this time you will die without a place to die.

And this Tibetan Kalon was received by Zhou Chen’s boss, not the so-called Li Enfu’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Wang Guorui asked the Communist Party to receive them, but in fact he believed that they were one country, not two countries. But that Kalon didn’t know this, so they thought Zhou Chen was the Minister of Foreign Affairs!


A row of gunmen in charge of executing the execution began to raise their Then, in the voice of a unified order, everyone changed the bullets together. When the replacement of bullets is over, it begins to wait for orders.

The Kalon was also immediately frightened by this situation, and then knelt down and said, “You can’t kill me. The two countries are at war, and if you don’t kill me, you will be envoyed! If the two countries are at war, if you do not be beheaded, you will be envoys. Aren’t you afraid of being ridiculed?”

But the prison officer was not polite, and said directly: “Launch!”

“Crack, clap, clap…”

A round of rifle bullets shot at that Kalon, who was hit by more than a dozen bullets immediately, and then spat out bright red blood. Finally, he tried desperately to stand up, but he couldn’t stand up at all.

“Good kill!” “Good kill!” “Good kill!”…

Countless people around also began to shout, because the idea of great unification has penetrated into the hearts of every Chinese, and almost no one would support the division of the country. Rather be a peace dog than a disorderly person, this is the consensus of every common people. Therefore, no one will support those careerists who split the country. (To be continued.)

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