Red Alert 1895

Chapter 796

Chapter 798 – Did They Fly Over?

After more than ten days of trekking from the capital to the south, this thousands-strong Imperial Guard expedition to Tibet arrived in Tibet at an unimaginable speed. Then they had already climbed the plateau from Sichuan, and it took them only a dozen days to march from the capital. This speed can be recorded in the annals of human history. Because of such a fast march, I am afraid that no long-distance runner can do it, and they all did it.

“This is really a plateau, a restricted area for life!” Li Guodong smiled wryly.

Li Guodong carried the oxygen bag on his back, and then he also breathed the oxygen in it, and he felt a lot of pressure! And these Red Police soldiers under Wang Guorui didn’t even have oxygen bags, so they could stand it. This made Li Guodong’s awe of Wang Guorui even more powerful, because with these capable and loyal soldiers, what kind of country can’t be defeated? Of course, there are oxygen bags, which are only available to natural officers, and other Red Police soldiers do not have this treatment at all.

“Launch an attack on me. When you see the city, attack me immediately. Do you understand?” Li Guodong said.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

Thousands of Red Police soldiers who had landed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Li Guodong, immediately began to fight. Whenever they encountered a town, they immediately began to attack. And those so-called armed forces in Tibet are simply too bad. If it weren’t for the plateau environment, Wang Guorui would have conquered Tibet long ago, even easier than conquering any city. Most of the Tibetan soldiers on these plateaus also fought with big knives and cold weapons. Facing these Red Police soldiers with guns, they were completely vulnerable.

As a result, the people in those cities were also wiped out very quickly. And when the Red Police soldiers wiped out the enemy’s armed forces, they immediately began to prepare for the liberation of the serfs. And when the serfs heard about the new policy, they thought it was incredible at first. After confirming again and again that they could obtain the land, and that they didn’t need to be slaves, they all immediately jumped up and began to become leaders one after another. To help these red police forces to sweep other cities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. And the cities were soon breached, and then the serfs were liberated, and those serfs also began to join the leading party. Some even joined the military to help with logistics. In less than two days. Li Guodong immediately began to prepare more than 7,000 logistics personnel, and then prepared to let them start to transport materials. Fortunately, the materials needed by the Red Police soldiers are simple, and they don’t need any vitamins and vegetables. Those high-level materials only need to be in charge of natural officers, which reduces the logistics pressure countless times. As for ammunition, it’s not a big problem. Just save some money.

And the serfs in Tibet chose to side with Wang Guorui one after another, because they were not equal, that is, relying on Wang Guorui’s willingness to abolish slavery, they could support them. Between choosing to be a leading party and choosing to be a slave, I am afraid that most normal people choose to be a leading party. Because the so-called national ideology is based on the conditions of citizens. If this country does not regard you as a citizen, can those people regard this country as their own motherland? If the ruling class of this country treats you as a slave, will those people really support you? Count on one to be forced to work without any pay, and can even be killed casually. Then one’s own life is just a symbol of wealth in the eyes of those slave owners, and they can even kill you casually and exchange your life for his so-called fun. Under such circumstances, do you still think that this slave will love the country ruled by these slave owners?

A country does not know its people, and its people do not know its country. If the country does not regard you as its own citizens, can you expect these people to love your country? In the eyes of those Tibetan slave owners, these serfs are not citizens, so these serfs will also support foreign rulers. Whoever can abolish slavery, these slaves will follow him. To count on a slave is a national righteousness to this so-called nation. That’s simply not possible. The so-called civic consciousness and national consciousness are also based on having one’s own autonomy, being able to determine one’s own destiny, and being able to feel the basic freedom. You’re counting on a man who is forced to work for no pay and can even be killed for fun at any time. Will they have any patriotism? Just like human-like cows and horses, will they recognize the human country, will they have human patriotism? Maybe they will have a good impression of a certain master, but this is definitely not patriotism.

So when the news of Wang Guorui’s abolition of slavery came, a large number of serfs also became leaders.

“Kalon, we just received the news. The Chinese are going to war against you, you should prepare early! I came here from India in a hurry just to inform you! You don’t have a telegram here, so I came here in a hurry!” one said the British.

But one of the other three Kalons in the Tibetan Kashag immediately said angrily: “What’s the matter with you? The Chinese have already boarded the plateau, there are about 5,000 people! They are already on our plateau Sweep around and release those untouchables everywhere. But, you only came to inform me now, isn’t it too late?”

“What? They’ve already landed, that’s impossible!” said the Englishman.

“What’s impossible? This is the battle report sent by our people. According to their description, those Han people have already killed them, and they can’t stop them at all! Can you British send troops to support us!” Kalon asked. .

“Send the army? Impossible, the environment here is too harsh, our army can’t bear it!” the British replied.

But this Kalon immediately said: “This is the Imperial Guard of the Han people, it is the most elite army!”

“Impossible. Although I heard that the imperial guards were dispatched to conquer Tibet, they set off from Beijing! They set off from Beijing, and it’s only been half a month. How can they reach the plateau? Impossible! You must know that I came from Beijing alone. When India came here, I didn’t feel the rush. I was exhausted. How could their army march so fast? Did they fly over?” the British said in disbelief.

However, on the other hand, Zhu Erdian, the British Legation, also turned green and said, “Did they fly over?”

Zhu Erdian looked at this photo, which was the situation of Li Guodong, the commander of the imperial guards commanding the army to attack the Tibetan city. And this photo was obviously sent to the bottom of the plateau by the eagle, and then sent by the pigeon again. Because this plateau can only let eagles to send news, but fortunately, many of the liberated slaves can tame eagles. Naturally, they can send messages to the bottom of the plateau through eagles, and then send the camera negatives to the bottom of the mountain, and finally pass the development of the technical department. , sent to Beijing again.

And when Zhu Erdian saw this photo, it was like seeing a ghost. He could tell that this photo should not have been forged and smeared, but a real photo. But this is even more terrifying, because Zhu Erdian estimates that even if these imperial guards want to march, it will take a full two months to actually set foot on this plateau to fight. Zhu Erdian had already overestimated this as much as possible, but he didn’t expect that it was as if he had seen a ghost, and he launched the first battle in less than fifteen days.

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible! Are they still human? If there is such a force, even if there is any rebellion in the country, maybe it will be able to put down the rebellion soon?” Zhu Erdian thought with fear.

Why were rebellions in ancient times so severe, and even once a rebellion happened, the consequences would be unimaginable? That’s because the information communication and marching capabilities in ancient times were backward, because once a rebellion broke out in a local area, it might take as little as a month to mobilize soldiers to quell the rebellion, and it was even more unpredictable. In this way, it is easy for the local rebels to grow bigger and finally rule one side.

But this is terrible. It only takes fifteen days to travel from Beijing to Tibet. Within 15 days, it was almost a rapid march from the northernmost part of China to the southernmost Tibet. Isn’t that terrifying? With such a fast marching speed, coupled with the order of the telegram, an order can be issued immediately at any and then go to quickly put down the rebellion.

Zhu Erdian estimated that if some of these troops could be arranged in every province of China, there would not be many, that is, about 500 people. Even if there is any rebellion in the local area, they can be ordered to quell the rebellion by telegram at any time. Then most of the rebellions will also be wiped out in the bud, and then they will not be able to grow at all. Under such circumstances, Wang Guorui’s ruling power in China will be as safe as Mount Tai. And any rebellion would probably be wiped out in the bud, simply not having enough time to grow bigger.

“It’s scary! This kind of quick-response troops is really scary. That Wang, how many such troops does he have?” Zhu Erdian thought.

Zhu Erdian even knew that Wang Guorui sent him these photos just to show off his muscles. Although the problem cannot be absolutely explained from the marching speed alone, the marching speed will always be one of the references for the combat effectiveness of the army. No matter what era it is, the speed of the army is always an important reference. Even in the interstellar era in the future, this marching speed is definitely an important indicator. Human beings will never change in pursuit of marching speed. So Zhu Erdian saw this photo, which explained a lot of problems. Even if only a small part of Wang Guorui’s troops can reach such a marching speed, it is still very powerful. (To be continued.)

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