Red Alert 1895

Chapter 797

Chapter 799 – Attack Lhasa

“Several Kalons, the Han army has already attacked, and we can’t stop it at all! Those untouchables also brought those Han people over one by one. They regained their freedom and did not have to do hard labor. They also betrayed us and brought those Han people here. ⊥, and along the way, those guys not only helped the Han people lead the way, but even helped the Han people to transport supplies. With these untouchables to help transport supplies, Those Han people were only a few thousand people, and they didn’t lack weapons, ammunition and food. And those untouchables also helped the Han people find the way to help them solve the plateau discomfort, and they had already obtained the medicinal materials. So the Han people will also A lot of damage on the plateau can be avoided.”

Soon, Li Guodong also took thousands of troops directly under him, as well as a large number of servant troops, and then began to attack in the direction of Lhasa. Then the troops of the Tibetan Kashag government along the way could not be stopped at all. Their current troops were completely vulnerable. These Tibetan troops used cold weapons, and it was impossible to resist the Imperial Guards with rifles and cannons.

“Brothers, attack Lhasa immediately, wipe out the Tibetan rebels, and then beat them hard. This group of rebels must be wiped out, absolutely leaving no one behind!” Li Guodong shouted.

However, those soldiers of the Imperial Guard were all Red Police Force, and they were all taciturn, so they probably wouldn’t answer him. However, the actions of the Guardsmen did not hesitate at all, and they immediately began to carry out their respective combat missions.

“Order immediately, attack directly! Artillery company, hit me!” Li Guodong shouted.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

Nine mortars began to bombard the so-called city wall of Lhasa, and the city wall collapsed a lot immediately. Because of the limited transportation capacity on the plateau, the Imperial Guard did not carry any heavy artillery this time, but only some mortars. This is not only easy to carry and transport, but also makes it much easier to replenish ammunition. However, there are no strong city walls in the Tibet area in this era. It is difficult to have any high-level city walls in the Tibet area, because their daily enemies are just the rebellion of slaves, not foreign invaders. So their city walls are not only low, even the so-called richest man in Lhasa does not have many strong walls. Not even the walls of the county towns in the Han area could hold back.

“Defend for me immediately, go up and defend for me, and don’t let the Han invade Lhasa!” Karon, who was in charge of Tibet’s military, immediately shouted.

A large number of slaves were **** and sent to the city wall, and then used as cannon fodder. The serf owners in Tibet and the lamas of various religious temples also know that when the Han people come, their good days are probably coming to an end. At this time, either choose to surrender to the Han people. However, the price of surrender is the lowest, that is, losing freedom in this life, because they are also the backbone of the Tibetan rebel group, even if they surrender voluntarily according to the anti-secession law. At least the backbone elements will be sentenced to life imprisonment, even if they have committed meritorious service for more than 15 years. Ordinary non-core elements may also receive light sentences, while those key elements such as serf owners and lamas will definitely be sentenced to heavy sentences. It goes without saying.

So now they are going to make the last desperate fight, because even if they surrender, they will be imprisoned for life, and they will never even have a chance to come out. What is the difference between that and death? Many people who once held power would rather die than go to jail, because they know that losing power would be worse than death. So they are unwilling to go to jail and would rather commit suicide. Now they are like this, even if they know that they are not very useful. But they also tried their best to send those serfs up, and then hoped that they could resist the Han people.

“Hold it for me, if you can’t stand it, you will all die!” The slave owners roared angrily.

And those lamas also said: “Come up for me, if you don’t go up, then I will kill you!”

These lamas. There was no such kind-hearted look on weekdays, and then he immediately began to look fierce, and then forced the serfs to go up. Then there are still many people in their hands with knives ready to supervise them, and then supervise them, if they dare not disobey orders a little. That is to kill directly.

Those serfs were forced to go up, and then their morale was very low, because they all knew that it was impossible to defeat these Han people this time, and even if they defeated these Han people, they would eventually become slaves. So it is death to fight with the Han people, and it is death if they win. And if you lose, if you lose…

“Everyone, the Han people have announced the abolition of slavery here. As long as the Han people come in, then we will all be free. At that time, we can get land, food, and freedom. As long as the Han people come in, then we will also be free.” We can all be free, and at that time we don’t have to worry about being killed casually. At that time, we will be safe. So, everyone turned against him, and then we went to kill those chieftains and lamas, and we welcome the Han people!” Suddenly shouted a slave.

However, a slave owner immediately came over and was furious, and then pointed a knife at him and said, “You dare to rebel, or I will kill you!”

“Hahahaha, I’m dead, but my family and my descendants can get freedom and land. I deserve to die! Everyone turned against him!”

The slave immediately came up and walked up without any hesitation, and went directly to **** the knife in the slave owner’s hand, and then the two began to fight. And the slave owner suddenly felt that his strength was not as strong as this slave, and he was in a stalemate, and he was still at a disadvantage.

“Everyone, hurry up and turn against them with me, and welcome the Han people to liberate us!”

“Don’t move, whoever dares to move me will kill you, aren’t you afraid of death?” the slave owner who supervised the battle shouted.

“We are dead, but our family can be free. Are you willing to live this kind of slave life for generations? Are you willing to be killed at any time?”

After hearing this, someone finally couldn’t bear it anymore and said, “It doesn’t matter if I die, the descendants of my family can be free, I will fight with you.”

“Fight!” “Fight!” “Fight!”…

The slaves who were about to be sent to be cannon fodder shouted, but the slave owners never thought that the slaves who would not dare to resist on weekdays would be so bold at this time. And they originally hoped to let these slaves stop it, but now it has turned into this situation, and the slaves rebelled first.

“You rebelled, I will kill you!” A slave owner hacked a slave to death.


Those slaves rushed forward as if desperate, and although they didn’t have any weapons in their hands, they were all very brave. Because they know that the Han people outside the city are here to liberate them. When the Han people come, they don’t have to be slaves, and they can easily gain freedom. Then why do they help the slave owners and lamas who enslave themselves? And now they all choose to attack the slave owners one after another. Even if they die, their family members and descendants can also be free, which is enough. And they not only want to be cannon fodder, but they also want to be cannon fodder after winning the battle, so of course they quit.

“you you you you you…”

The slaves suddenly started to turn against each other, even before Wang Guorui’s imperial guards officially launched the infantry attack, the Tibetans also began to actively encircle and suppress the slave owners.

A slave snatched a knife, and then slammed it into a slave owner. The slave owner vomited blood and died immediately.

“Everyone and I snatched their knives, and then went to kill them!”

Although those slaves didn’t have knives, they immediately started to fight bravely with those slave owners, and began to **** the knives in the hands of those slave owners. And now they are all starting to fight, and those slave owners and lamas didn’t expect that they would untie the slaves’ instruments of torture. Originally, in order to let the slaves attack the Han people, the torture tools of these slaves were untied. And they think they have knives in their hands, so they can threaten those slaves. But now those slaves actually rebelled, which made them regret it, and actually snatched the weapons.

“Are you going to treason?” the lamas said angrily.

“Is this our country?” Those slaves asked while beating Obviously these slaves did not regard the Kaxag government as their own country.

No slave will be patriotic, that’s for sure. Soon, the slaves in the entire city of Lhasa also began to rebel. Although the slaves don’t have any weapons, they can’t stand the crowd! Tibet in this era was a society of absolute slavery, and slaves accounted for the vast majority of the population, at least more than half. Originally, those slaves were hopeless, so they did not resist. But now seeing the Han people coming, they all chose to follow the Han people and work hard for freedom. When people have hope, they will fight for it with all their might.

“General, the city of Lhasa is already in chaos, and the slaves are revolting!”

Li Guodong immediately gave the order: “The whole army will attack, and then attack this city of Lhasa!”

Thousands of troops immediately began to attack, and then prepared to conquer Lhasa, and then liberated Tibet this time and achieved most of the success. As for other places, most of them can be decided, because those slaves will also rise up one after another, support Wang Guorui’s army, and become the leading party. So-called patriotism is nothing compared to freedom. It is a joke to expect a slave to have patriotism towards that slave country. (to be continued.) u

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