Red Alert 1895

Chapter 815

Chapter 817 – Three-Dimensional War (Part 2)

As the chief of the general staff, Qiu Baoren also clearly felt that the future war will definitely be a three-dimensional war. Because the mode of this war is almost from the sea to the road to the sky, almost from three levels of strikes, so that the enemy can be attacked from three directions, and then good results will definitely be obtained. And the importance to military officers in the future will definitely become more and more important, there is no doubt about this. And this made Qiu Baoren feel a lot of pressure, because if the sea, land and air fight against the enemy together in the future, then their single-armed officers will definitely face a huge pressure.

In the past, as a soldier, you only needed to learn one type of combat, either the navy or the army. And now an air force is going to emerge, and the air force is fighting in the sky, so it must be able to attack and bomb the ground, and then go further and use various weapons to fight. And such a situation must still be under tremendous pressure, especially those officers who should know when to bomb and when to strike. And the timing of this air strike and sea strike is also very important. ****Early, the enemy may not have arrived on the battlefield, and if it is late, the enemy may have withdrawn. And such a commander must not only be familiar with the professional capabilities of his own military branch, but also learn the capabilities of various other military branches, which is enough to make them feel a lot of pressure.

“That’s right, the requirements for officers in the future are getting higher and higher. The future war must be a multi-faceted attack on the enemy, not only from the sea and land, but also from the sky. And I’m afraid it will expand to Many larger aspects, these are the future officers must learn, if you miss these, I am afraid that there will be a lot of problems. And this joint training, I suggest that the officers must start research and discussion Let’s talk about how to carry out all-round three-dimensional strikes by sea, land and air.”

“Set up a joint teaching and research room in our War College, which is responsible for teaching officers and soldiers of other arms to conduct joint training together, and then let them be familiar with the training of joint forces, so that they don’t put their combat capabilities in their own arms. Let They can properly learn other military branches, so that they can truly master them, and then adapt step by step to the needs of future wars.”

But Qiu Baoren replied: “Your Majesty, is this too early? Our aircraft has not yet been capable of actual combat. Is it established now?”

“Of course, my one opinion is that it is better to let people wait for the equipment than to let the equipment wait for people. If once the equipment arrives, you are not even the slightest preparation, so you must be unlucky. So let them be ready. Then you can Let me learn these things as soon as possible, so that they can learn more knowledge of joint operations step by step. Once that day comes, everyone is just cramming, and it will definitely be over. So we We should learn these joint operations and three-dimensional combat capabilities as soon as possible. The mainstream of future operations must be air-ground coordination and sea-air coordination. To meet the needs of this future war.” Wang Guorui said.

In this era, no one is more familiar with the future military development trend than Wang Guorui, a traveler. In particular, the future military development trend is to use the coordination of multiple arms of the sea, land and air, and only in this way can we defeat the enemy more effectively, and then reduce our own casualties more effectively. In the future, joint operations will be the absolute mainstream, so of course they can’t just stop learning on their own. If they don’t learn, they will definitely fall behind the times in the future. Of course, it is not enough to lag behind other countries, because only Wang Guorui has developed a practical aircraft, and other countries do not have this aircraft at all. It may take several years for them to develop an aircraft? If there is no accumulation for several years, I am afraid that it is simply impossible to develop an aircraft that can be used in actual combat.

certainly. Although Wang Guorui took the lead, he never minded that he could lead more. In terms of military equipment and tactical research, it’s not like driving on the road, it’s better to stop for three minutes than grab a second. And in terms of military research and development of military tactics. That is absolutely every second counts, don’t delay even a second. It is a little bit of a lead, and sometimes this lead, that is, the last straw that can crush an opponent, can make him completely collapse. So it is better to study it earlier and discuss it earlier. Only in this way can we make ourselves really faster as the basis for development and cultivate talents.

Isn’t it the same for our party in later generations? When there is not enough weapons and equipment, we will first conduct personnel training with a long-term perspective, so that once the equipment arrives, it can be used almost immediately. Even if it can’t be used immediately and trained into an army, it is certain. Only when the training is completed as soon as possible is the real maximum damage to the enemy. Therefore, it is also very important to cultivate talents first and then develop weapons, so that they can play a greater role in the future.

“Next, your army and navy will send people to learn how to fly this plane, let them learn aviation technology, so that you will form army aviation and naval aviation in the future!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui did not intend to give the Air Force the status of an independent military branch from the very beginning, because the air forces of all countries in the world can truly become independent military branches only after they have demonstrated their own value. The British Air Force Command was established after World War I, and the US Air Force became an independent branch only after World War II. The same is true in Japan. During World War II, Japan did not have an independent air force command department at all. There were only army aviation units and naval aviation units, and they were all attached to the navy and air force.

Of course, there are benefits to doing this, especially in the early days. In the early days, the status of the air force was not high. The air force was mainly used to detect the enemy and cooperate with the army to attack. But later, the air force’s strike capability became more and more powerful, and the combat capability of the air force has also been reflected. Their lethality is no less than that of the army and navy, and they are fully qualified to become an independent combat system. In this way, they can be said to have their own and can become a real military branch. If each military branch wants to qualify as its own military branch, it must be able to achieve its own independent strike capability, an independent and complete military system, and its lethality is no less than that of other military branches. Only in this way can it be eligible for independence.

If now is the time to separate the air force, then I am afraid that the management of the air force will be convenient, but once on the battlefield, the air force cannot conduct independent operations, and then everything will rely on the cooperation of the army and navy. At that time, when the army and navy want the support of the air force, many departments will have to be turned over to get support at that time. Such a command system must be problematic. At that time, the air force will not be able to effectively cooperate with the army and navy in operations, so they must be in trouble.

The Air Force is currently not capable of fighting independently, so it will definitely not work for him to have the status of an independent military branch. At present, let him be scattered in the army and navy respectively. In the future, when the time is ripe, he will be truly independent and become an independent branch. As for how they can develop, it depends on themselves, let them show their abilities on the battlefield, and they have to wait for the development of future aviation weapons before they can truly exert their strength and let them Get the real attention of the army and navy, and get a qualification to treat them equally.

The status is all fought by oneself, whether it is a country or an individual, or even a certain military branch. If you don’t have enough strength, then you don’t even want to stand on your own. Didn’t the water army also cooperate with the army at the beginning, and later developed into ocean operations, and showed sufficient combat effectiveness, coupled with the needs of overseas colonies, this gave them the same status as the army. Therefore, the military and arms are created according to the needs of the war, and the needs are also the market. If this “market” disappears, it will also be eliminated.

“We will set up a special flight academy next, and then specialize in pilot training. In this way, we can let them learn enough flying skills, and then let them learn to fly well, so that they can really learn to resume flying in the future .” Wang Guorui said.

But Fu Tiandi immediately said: “Your No way! Our planes are all made in the laboratory, and we can’t meet the training needs of the students in a short time!”

“It doesn’t matter, I have a way to get a lot of planes, don’t worry!” Wang Guorui said.

Because Wang Guorui just heard the unlocking order from the Air Force Command, which means that they have already started to unlock the Air Force Command, so that they can also manufacture a large number of aircraft. And this aircraft is the current aircraft with very weak combat effects. Although it was possible to manufacture experimental aircraft before, the Air Force Command was not able to unlock it at that time. Because those planes are not capable of actual combat, they are not capable of actual combat at all, and the red alert system will never admit it.

But now this plane barely has a certain actual combat ability. Although this actual combat ability is terribly weak, once it arrives on the battlefield, it will have the effect of seeing light and dying. A plane flying at a height of only a few tens of meters and staying in the air for more than ten minutes can only kill the enemy by throwing a grenade. At that time, people can shoot you down with a light machine gun, and you will definitely die at the sight of light.

However, it can be used to train pilots, and it is enough for the first batch of pilots. (To be continued.)

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