Red Alert 1895

Chapter 816

Chapter 818 – Sea Airport (Part 1)

“Your Majesty, I know that the army will definitely need this plane. After all, they must also need it for reconnaissance and bombing. And our navy doesn’t need this plane, right? At most, our navy needs some planes to conduct a small amount of For coastal reconnaissance, I just want the army to do it. And our coastal defense forces all belong to the army, so we don’t need too many pilots, right? A few meanings are enough, not too many.” Qiu Baoren Said.

Qiu Baoren, a general from the navy, is obviously not very enthusiastic about this aircraft, because the navy is not too enthusiastic about aircraft, and it is still the era of cannon giant ships. All naval operations rely on battleships to conduct operations. The classic thought of Yu Dayou back then was that big boats are better than small boats, many boats are better than few boats, big guns are better than small guns, and many guns are better than small guns. And this law has hardly changed so far, and it is always the same. It is just that the artillery is more powerful, the range is longer, the rate of fire is faster, and the armor of the warship is thicker and harder.

However, Qiu Baoren obviously didn’t know the future development direction of the navy, which was the characteristic of his era.

“Qiu Baoren, then don’t underestimate this plane. And I’m sure, this plane is definitely no less useful to your navy than the army, and your navy will benefit more from it!” Wang Guorui said.

“How come?” Qiu Baoren asked in disbelief.

Wang Guorui asked: “How far can the current naval guns shoot?”

“Probably theoretically speaking, the range of our furthest battleship guns is about 20 kilometers, but in fact, it is impossible to hit at a range of 20 kilometers. At the extreme range, the possibility of hitting the enemy is almost unnecessary. The possibility of the mid-moon is higher. Generally speaking, the effective combat distance is within ten kilometers.” Qiu Baoren said.

Qiu Baoren is quite familiar with the navy. The effective range of warships in this era is still within ten kilometers. Once it exceeds ten kilometers, it’s all up to you. Even within ten kilometers, the hit rate is low, and ten percent is already blessed by the gods and Buddhas in the sky. More than ten kilometers, I am afraid that the hit rate of 1% is already high. In the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War a few years ago, Japanese warships often engaged only one or two kilometers away. not far.

“Qiu Baoren, let me ask you, if this plane can carry a bomb weighing 100 kilograms, and then charge more than 80 percent of the charge. What do you think will happen? If such a bomb hits a battleship, what will happen? How?” Wang Guorui asked.

Qiu Baoren suddenly gasped, because the consequences were really unimaginable! Because Qiu Baoren was born in the navy, he naturally knew the tricks in the naval battleships. Regardless of the fact that a naval shell is very heavy, it can weigh hundreds of kilograms at every turn. But in fact that is called a pit! A battleship gun shell of hundreds of kilograms often has a charge of only a dozen kilograms, which is not bad. The charge of more than ten kilograms is not high, and the proportion of the weight of the shell is not large.

The reason why the charge of the naval gun is so small is that during the firing process of the naval gun, the pressure in the barrel of the gun is extremely huge. In addition, a part will be left for the use of weapons, and these weapons will not participate in the battle, so the weapons cannot be regarded as warheads. And the chamber pressure is so huge, it is natural to use a thicker casing to protect the shells to ensure that the shells will not explode by themselves inside the barrel. Once the shell exploded inside the barrel, it would be disastrous. At that time, if you don’t use the enemy to fight yourself, you will perish.

So in this case, the protection system of aggravated shells is also necessary. This further compresses the space of the gunpowder charge.

But what if the bomb is dropped from the sky? For the bombs thrown from the sky, he did not have to bear the pressure of the barrel, and threw them directly from the sky. And for the corresponding protection system, it is also possible to save more, and even use lesser steel. Because there is no influence of the chamber pressure of the shell, they can increase the charge ratio as much as possible. If it is an aerial bomb, the charge coefficient can be increased vigorously. There are quite a few aerial bombs with a charge of 80%. So for a 100-kilogram aerial bomb, its charge has reached 80%. That is to say, the charge has reached 80 kilograms. Then the weight of this aerial bomb is only a fraction of the weight of the heavy artillery shell, but its power is several times that of those battleship guns!

So this aerial bomb, just listening to the qualified effect, also made Qiu Baoren break out in a cold sweat! If the battleship hits such a 100kg aerial bomb. Once the aerial bomb is dropped, the battleships that are lagging behind may all be scrapped on the spot. And even advanced battleships, how many times can they bear it? If it is said that what is important in war is to deliver the greatest firepower density in the shortest time, so that the enemy can bear the greatest degree of firepower in the shortest time, so that the blows they receive in the shortest time are also the most fatal. of.

In the military, there is also a saying that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt one’s ten fingers, because ordinary injuries may recover quickly. Then the damage is not much. But once they are attacked by enough saturated firepower, their losses will be huge, and they will definitely withstand the maximum firepower attack in the shortest time, so they will definitely not be able to bear it.

Adding a 500-kg aerial bomb and a battleship shell of the same weight, maybe the battleship shell can only slightly injure the opponent, but a 500-kg aerial bomb has a charge of about 400 kilograms. Then maybe one aerial bomb is enough to blow up a battleship in two, this is not a joke.

“Old Qiu, have you seen it? If aerial bombs can hit from the sky, even battleships are vulnerable. And can battleships use their main guns to fight against aircraft in the sky? Obviously not, they are not so flexible …And what about aircraft for battleships? There is no need to choose many aircrafts. Battleships are such a big target. It is not very easy to deal with them? One aerial bomb goes down, and there is no need to specifically select anything. No matter where it is thrown, that battleship Most of them will be crippled if they don’t die.”

“Look, and next, how much does an aircraft cost? Now I have seen this aircraft. If the research costs in the past are not counted, the cost of this aircraft is only about 1,000 yuan. Battleships often cost millions of pounds. You should know what to do with the cost of millions of pounds, right? Ours is one thousand yuan, and after mass production, the cost will be even lower. Even future aircraft It is even more expensive, but it will not exceed five thousand yuan. And even if ten planes are exchanged for one battleship, it is still a profit for us. To put it another way, even if we die ten pilots, and they die More. There are more than 600 people on a battleship. Although the training cost of our pilots is relatively high, is it cheaper for them to train all the talents on a battleship? They have hundreds of sailors, and the various training costs are definitely lower than our aircraft pilots The cost is high. What they lost was an excellent battleship captain, several deputy captains, and many excellent sailors. And our loss is only ten pilots, so we have made money.”

Although what Wang Guorui said hurt people, it was like this in the army. To a large extent, the army is required to pay attention to the exchange ratio. There is a ratio between how much you lose and how much the enemy loses. The closer the exchange ratio is, the closer the strength of the two sides is, and the more brutal the battle will be. But if the exchange ratio is large, then of course the side with the less has an advantage. Although such data is relatively cold, it is actually the case. At the level of strategy, what needs to be considered is the exchange ratio between the two parties, rather than talking about cherishing life.

When you have reached the position of military commander, of course you can’t daydream that you can fight without killing people. Of course, as a military commander, what you can consider is to reduce your exchange ratio to the opponent, and then make the opponent’s exchange ratio higher. As for the undead in battle, as a high-level general, don’t have such thoughts. For high-level generals and politicians of a country, that is just a However, the only thing that can be done is to make this number lower and look better. ,

So Wang Guorui talked about the advantages of this aircraft, that is, the price of an aircraft is low, and the training cost of officers is also very low. Well, this cheapness is relative, it’s just very cheap compared to the enemy’s battleships and huge fleets. So even if ten planes were exchanged for one battleship, it would be his own money. An aircraft may be produced on the assembly line in a day, but what about the battleship? The construction cycle of a battleship can take several years! Even if the speed of shipbuilding increases during the war, it is definitely not as fast as the speed of aircraft manufacturing.

It is said that if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant, but this plane is not an ant! This plane can hold bombs. A bomb is more powerful than a battleship’s naval gun, so it is definitely a “venomous” ant. Even an elephant can’t stand the bite of this ant. what!

Therefore, this aircraft is definitely the future development trend, and it is the development trend of future naval warfare.

“Next, I will ask people to conduct research on a project called sea airports, to study how aircraft take off at sea and then conduct operations, and the corresponding combat platforms.” (To be continued.)

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