Red Alert 1895

Chapter 83

Chapter 82 – Natasha First Kill

Tanya is busy training troops, and Natasha, another hero, is not idle either. Now both sides are preparing to fight in the trenches, and both sides are also procrastinating here, hoping to see if they can’t hold on first. At this time, the emphasis is on the defensive strategy that the enemy does not move and we do not move, and both sides think so. Now Wang Guorui’s new-style troops have not been trained yet, and it will take a month or two to train the new-style tactical troops. That is the time for a large-scale counterattack. However, this does not prevent Wang Guorui from sending Natasha to fight, because his sniper rifle has a long range. Although bullets are expensive, costing two hundred silver dollars each, as long as they can kill some senior Japanese commanders, they can earn money.

“Miss Natasha, it’s an honor for you to come to our third division’s defense area. Please also teach our soldiers how to shoot!” Zhao Xi said politely.

But Natasha didn’t give Zhao Xi much face, and said: “It takes a long time to train marksmanship. I’m here to find the target, not to guide you. My goal is to snipe the enemy, and then Get results. As for the marksmanship, you should practice it yourself, I don’t have time to train you. Now is the time of war, and the real combat skills need to be trained on the battlefield instead of being guided by me.”

Except for the commander Wang Guorui, Natasha is relatively indifferent to others, so he is not very enthusiastic about Zhao Xi, the commander of the third division. Her current goal is to find the enemy Important people, and then kill the enemy generals.

As for Zhao Xi, he was making fun of himself, but there was nothing he could do. Who made Natasha have this qualification? Her marksmanship is very good, which is already against the sky. On the other hand, the relationship between Natasha and Wang Guorui is somewhat unclear, so if Natasha becomes Wang Guorui’s woman in the future, Ann will be the wife of their boss. Offending the leader is not terrible, but offending the leader’s wife is the most terrible thing. If you offend the leader’s wife, one pillow blow a day can make you ashamed, after all, they are a family!

Natasha picked up the binoculars and first observed the Japanese camp opposite. And this Japanese army position is seven or eight kilometers away from Wang Guorui’s army position. Most of the rifles and cannons of this era are also unable to hit the opposite side. However, this does not include the special sniper rifle produced by the system in Natasha’s hand. Compared with the sniper rifles of later generations, it is even more powerful, so it is also possible to have an effective range of more than seven or eight kilometers.

On the other side, a man wearing the clothes of a lieutenant general of the Japanese army also came to the front line to inspect. Obviously, it was to see how this group of troops, especially Wang Guorui’s army, had the ability to beat Kitashirakawa Palace Nengjiu into such a mess, and almost wiped out the entire army.

“General Nogi Noki, this is the front line. It’s very dangerous, so please go back quickly!” an adjutant said.

But the Japanese Lieutenant General Nogi Xidian said disdainfully: “You let me command in the back, and then you fight in the front? As a general, how can you see the enemy’s strength if you don’t go to the front of the battlefield? Moreover, Look here, it is more than 7,000 meters away from the position of the Chinese. How could they hit me at such a distance? Even cannons are impossible to hit so accurately. So you can rest assured, I There will be no problem. I am in Liaodong of the Chinese people. I have experienced all kinds of battles. How could there be an accident in a small Taiwan? I don’t believe that the bullets of this era can kill me.”

But Nogi Xidian never thought that his words would become a prophecy, and he would be killed by a super bullet that came from unknown hundreds of years later.

And the Japanese staff officer didn’t say much, because according to the rifle range of this era, it is impossible for them to be hit here. Because although the actual range of rifles in this era can reach several kilometers, the effective range is only a few hundred meters. Even, if outside the effective range. They are not too lethal and they are not accurate. There are more than seven or eight kilometers here, so they all started to inspect these troops with confidence. So some inertial thinking made it impossible for them to know Natasha’s power at all, and they could easily kill their heads. If it weren’t for Natasha’s bullets being too expensive. Wang Guorui hoped that Natasha could kill more people.

“Lieutenant General Nogi Xidian, this is the place where the soldiers shoot, and we dug the trenches into a sawtooth shape according to the method of the Chinese people in Taiwan, and then every two soldiers are in a sawtooth, so as to avoid the Chinese. A small-caliber artillery. This way, at most, one or two people will be sacrificed. It will not cause a lot of casualties! And we also learned from the Chinese…” The staff officer chattered and began to introduce the tactics they learned from Wang Guorui.

“Baga! Is it an honor to learn tactics from the Chinese?” Nogi Xidian said angrily.

And that staff officer really wanted to slap himself in the face, because he had just said something to flatter Wang Guorui to Nogi Xidian, who was the most hostile to the Chinese. This Nogi Xidian is the most hostile to the Chinese, especially his greatest loyalty to the Emperor of Japan. Even before the Sino-Japanese War, he wrote a poem dedicated to conquering the four hundred states of China. And because of this, Emperor Meiji was very happy to promote him, so his official career was prosperous until he reached the position of division commander. If there is no accident, his future will definitely be even greater in the future.

“Okay! A man with two stars on his shoulders should be a lieutenant general of the Japanese army!” Natasha whispered.

Natasha knew that her goal today was him. This is the first time that Natasha was taken to the battlefield by Wang Guorui. Of course, killing an enemy must kill a good enemy as her “first time”, so that it can be commemorative! A Japanese lieutenant general, that’s just right. As for the general of the Japanese army, there is only Huashan Ziji here, and no one else. So a lieutenant general is not bad, and it is of course very suitable as Natasha’s “first time”. So Natasha has already started targeting the Japanese lieutenant general.

Nogi Xidian took a telescope and looked towards the position of the Kingdom’s Swiss soldiers, and then he observed it, and suddenly found a red light in his eyes.

“General Nogi Xidian, there seems to be a small red spot on your forehead!” said the staff officer next to him.

And the staff officer didn’t know that this was called a laser, so he hadn’t realized what the little red dot was, it was just a kind reminder.

“Click!” Natasha saw that the laser point had aimed at Nogi Noki’s forehead, and then lightly pulled the trigger of this special sniper rifle.


Nogi Xidian felt a pain in his head before he heard the gunshot, but he didn’t know anything after that. The sad thing is that he didn’t say his last last words in this world, and he just died like this.

The staff officer next to him realized that he had just seen Nogi Xidian’s head exploded suddenly, which immediately made him feel heartbroken. Lieutenant General Nogi Xidian just died when his head exploded in such a dazed way, and there was no sound, and it didn’t sound like a gunshot, but he died like this? Because the distance was several kilometers, the Japanese army did not hear the gunshots, but Nogi Xidian just died, which made them feel terrible.

“Lieutenant General Nogi Noki is dead!” “Lieutenant Nogi Nori is dead!” “Lieutenant Nogi Nori is dead!”…

The staff officer shouted loudly, and the voice shocked many people, a good lieutenant general, just died like this? And it was a full seven or eight kilometers away from the enemy’s battlefield, so they could die like this, which almost made everyone think it was a joke.

“Okay, this time it’s the first kill, and I finally killed a Japanese lieutenant general! Tan Ya, that stinky woman, killed hundreds of enemies. It’s all pretty good.” Natasha said excitedly.

And Zhao Xi looked at the distant position and said, “Miss Natasha, did you kill a lieutenant general just like that? I didn’t even see clearly.”

“Let you see clearly, do I still need to eat this bowl of rice?”

Natasha came back to Wang Guorui, and immediately claimed credit and said: “Commander, I killed a Japanese lieutenant general, and it seems that those Japanese soldiers shouted that it was Nogi seems that I killed a Japanese lieutenant general. A famous Japanese general!”

“What? You killed Nogi Xidian with a sniper shot?” Wang Guorui was shocked.

Wang Guorui did not expect that Nogi Xidian would die under Natasha’s gun in this way. This is a very important military exploit. You must know that Nogi Nozomi was able to become a Japanese general later, and he was one of the most loyal lackeys of Emperor Meiji of Japan. In the later Russo-Japanese War, he used “meat bomb” tactics to break through Lushun, resulting in heavy casualties. But the Emperor of Japan did not punish him, and Nogi Nozomi was the most loyal to him after all. Even after the death of Emperor Meiji, Nanogi Nozomi committed suicide and was buried with his wife.

And because of this kind of loyalty, Nogi Noki will be favored by some Japanese people with ulterior motives in later generations. And now Nogi Noki has not used meat bombs, nor has he committed suicide and was buried, but he was killed by Natasha, so this is really news.

“Well, Natasha, you did a good job! This time the Japanese army is about to go crazy. Before the battle started, the Japanese army killed a lieutenant general. This can be said to be a blow to them. Once the Japanese army hears the news , Morale will definitely plummet. And once our soldiers find out, it will surely boost morale.” Wang Guorui said excitedly. (To be continued.) xh118

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