Red Alert 1895

Chapter 84

Chapter 83 – 1 Trigger

“What? General Nogi Nozomi was killed?” Kawakami Kawakami asked.

“General, yes, General Nogi Noki was killed by a bullet shot in the head by the enemy from seven or eight kilometers away. This is the bullet. Please take a look, General!” the staff officer said.

And in this era, shooting people from seven or eight kilometers away to kill people is simply a fantasy, it is really unimaginable. And this made many Japanese generals feel terrified. After all, if they could shoot themselves from seven or eight kilometers away, it would really make no one feel safe and everyone would be in danger!

“General, you want to avenge Lieutenant General Nogi Xidian!” someone said immediately.

“Revenge!” “Yes! The Chinese people are so shameless, we must take revenge!” “Yes, take revenge!”…

The Japanese army shouted for revenge, obviously wanting to go to war immediately. And now they are not reconciled, so if they can’t take revenge, they will definitely suffer a loss. Therefore, they all shouted for revenge, to give Wang Guorui’s Chinese army a little color.

Seeing this situation, Kawakami Caoliu immediately said angrily: “Okay, let’s go to war with the Chinese army immediately, and we must teach the Chinese people a hard lesson.”

Soon, the Japanese army began to prepare, and they all began to dig trenches, trying to shorten the distance between the two sides.

And now, Wang Guorui also started to speak immediately.

“Everyone, a lieutenant general was killed by the Japanese army. They suffered a big loss this time. A lieutenant general was killed before the war started. No one will be reconciled. So they will come here soon We must prepare for revenge. According to my intelligence, the Japanese army has already begun to dig trenches, and this time their main target is Chen Liyan, your second division, so you must be prepared. So this time the Japanese army did not come well, We have to take good care of them. This is our first big collision, and this time will determine the morale and posture of the next, so we can only win, not lose. Once we lose, it will definitely be a big blow to our morale. It was a big fall. And the Japanese army is actually our apprentice, if the master loses to the apprentice, it will be shameful.” Wang Guorui said.

“Yes!” Everyone said together.

Wang Guorui’s orders also began to be issued, and the subordinate troops also began to move forward. Several kilometers. The Japanese army was also moving forward for several kilometers, and the two sides finally met and confronted each other less than two kilometers apart, which could happen at any time.

“Master, should we take this opportunity to rush? While the Japanese army is not getting a firm foothold, rush to disperse them? Maybe we can defeat them in one fell swoop and win!” A staff officer of the Second Division asked Chen, the commander of the Second Division. Li Yan asked.

However, Chen Liyan shook his head and said, “Didn’t you see that the Japanese army is in full swing, and there is no sign of a firm footing? I’m sure that if we dare to attack, their artillery will definitely blow us to shame.” Yes! And, do you think we can attack their core? Can we break through the tortoise shell of the Japanese army? Obviously not, our breakthrough ability has not yet reached this level. Here, we can only use trench warfare, If there were no trenches, their powerful artillery fire and sufficiently dense ammunition could kill me in large numbers. Although we want to defeat the Japanese army, it does not mean that we have to make unnecessary sacrifices.”

And the same idea was also the idea of the opposite Japanese army.

“General Guilang, do we want to take the initiative to attack? I think they are not getting a solid foothold, and they are also digging trenches on the opposite side. As long as we can take the opportunity to attack, then we might be able to take them down in one fell swoop!” someone said.

But Gui Lang immediately said angrily: “Idiot, didn’t you see that their formation is neat and they are covered when digging trenches? And look, they have that kind of small artillery shells to cover at any time, and their cannons are still behind. We rushed out rashly. We will inevitably be hit by their artillery fire. At that time, our losses will be huge. In this kind of trench warfare, I understand that the attacking side will suffer a lot.”

The future of Guilang in Japan is also unlimited. In particular, he is a former prime minister, one of the veterans of Japan, and the favorite student of the first veteran of the Japanese army, Yamagata Youtomo. And I have to say that the Japanese army has put forth all its strength in this attack. Moreover, the heads of the first to sixth divisions of the Japanese army are all elites of the current generation of Japanese. The division commander of the six divisions currently invading Taiwan by the Japanese army. They can all be said to be the most elite generation in Japan at present, and they all have a bright future. And most of them will be at least generals in the future, even marshals and prime ministers, so they are definitely not mediocre people. So Guilang is very aware of the disadvantages of this kind of trench warfare. The biggest problem with this kind of trench warfare is that the defensive side has raised the defensive firepower to the extreme, while the offensive side has suffered heavy losses.

Trench warfare is very cruel to the attacker. If you don’t have enough manpower and material resources, then don’t attack. And in many cases, even if it is defeated, the loss price paid is higher than the strategic goal you want to achieve. So now Wang Guorui and the Japanese army are in an inexplicable deadlock, neither side wants to take the initiative to attack.

However, Wang Guorui has an advantage, that is, he can be forced. If the Japanese army was killed by Natasha, a lieutenant general, they must take revenge. If there is no retaliation, the morale of the Japanese army will definitely drop, so they must take the initiative to attack. If you don’t attack, I’m afraid there will be very serious consequences.

“Hurry up and dig the trench for me. It’s about two kilometers away from them. After we finish digging, we have to dig forward through various methods, so that we can move forward through geotechnical excavation. This is our best method. It is!” Chen Liyan said.

Now Wang Guorui’s officers have also truly experienced the essence of trench warfare, which is nothing more than digging trenches, and then continuously advancing through geotechnical excavation methods. And use artillery fire to cover each other, and then continuously attack the opponent’s position, so that the result of destroying the opponent can be achieved. The battles between the two sides were also carried out in the trenches. Without the protection of the trenches, the losses would definitely be very heavy.

The soldiers were digging very fast with their engineering shovels in hand, and shovelfuls of soil were dug out, and this speed was unimaginable in the past. When the Japanese army on the opposite side saw this situation, they also cursed at their engineers.

“Engineers, how did you dig trenches? How did the Chinese army dig trenches so much faster than us?” Gui Lang asked.

Now Wang Guorui’s troops have completed six-tenths of the progress of digging trenches, but the Japanese army’s speed of digging trenches is only less than one-tenth of the effort, which is at least half slower than that of the Chinese army. So Guilang couldn’t help being angry, because once the Chinese army dug the trench first, it would definitely have an advantage for the Chinese army to deploy defenses. The speed of digging trenches in trench warfare is also an important assessment indicator. If you can’t dig trenches as soon as possible, you will definitely suffer a lot. The speed of digging trenches largely determines the number of attacks and the initiative, so Gui Lang also began to yell at the engineering soldiers for their ineffectiveness.

“General, there is nothing we can do. I don’t know what happened to the Chinese people, but they dig much faster than us. And I see that every time they shovel down, they can easily dig out a shovelful of soil, so I I suspect it’s their shovel!” said the leader of the engineering corps of the 1st Division of the Japanese Army helplessly.

Naturally, the captain of the engineering corps was very aware of the benefits a good tool could bring. Wang Guorui’s engineering shovel digs very fast. Normal people can compare the digging frequency of the two sides, and Wang Guorui’s people dug once, but the Japanese army has not finished digging. By comparing the frequency of shoveling, we can see where the gap between the two sides is. And there is no doubt about the strength of Wang Guorui’s army, so Gui Lang felt very scared.

“We can’t go on like this. We must annihilate this army. Once they merge with the central government in or even control the central government, our Great Japanese Empire will never have peace !” Gui Lang thought in his heart.

Now all the “sighted people” in Japan also understand that it is absolutely impossible for Wang Guorui, the Taiwanese army, to merge with the Manchu Qing mainland government, otherwise Japan will inevitably die without a place to die. Because everyone of them now knows that only by maintaining the corruption of the Qing Dynasty can they gradually destroy China. But once the Chinese start to wake up, it may be very dangerous. Originally, these Japanese officers came to fight only to seize Taiwan, but now they are fighting to kill Wang Guorui’s power. If Wang Guorui can’t be killed, or even let Wang Guorui control China, then China may re-emerge in the future, and then there will be big troubles.

“We must destroy them, at all costs! If we don’t eliminate them, then our Japan will be doomed.” Gui Lang thought.

“General, the trenches of the Chinese army have almost been dug, and we are just about halfway there, so…” a Japanese army staff officer said.

“Call me now, when they are not getting a firm foothold!” Gui Lang said.

“General, didn’t you just say…”

“It was just now, and now is now. I didn’t expect them to finish digging the trench so quickly. If we don’t stop them quickly, the next situation will be very unfavorable to us!” Gui Lang said.

“Yes!” A Japanese soldier immediately replied. (To be continued.) xh118

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