Red Alert 1895

Chapter 85

Chapter 84 – No Man’S Land

“Soldiers of the Third Division of the Great Japanese Imperial Army, you rush with me to avenge General Nogi Noki!” A Japanese army captain shouted.

“Come on!” “Long live the Emperor!”…

Soon, the soldiers of the 3rd Division of the Japanese Army began to charge forward under the order of the division commander Gui Taro. And they want to break through when Chen Liyan’s second division is not stable, because Wang Guorui’s army is digging trenches too fast. If this continues, the Japanese army may be in a disadvantageous situation, so they have to take risks Charged.

“Artillery Corps, fire me!” Chen Liyan shouted.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The shells fell like a big hailstone, and immediately exploded when they hit the ground, and many Japanese soldiers were blown into the sky. And then the Japanese army continued to charge, and did not collapse and retreat due to the impact of the shells. However, their casualties began to rise in a straight line, and then they continued to charge, obviously hoping to break through the gap between the trenches between the two armies, and then rush into the trenches of the Kingdom’s Swiss soldiers to fight, and then destroy Wang Guorui’s army.

“The regiment’s mortar battalion is ready!”

Soon, the mortars of those regiment-level subordinates also began to aim, and these mortars were just equipped for use. And getting the use of these mortars made the soldiers feel very good. This kind of mortar has a long range, reaching about 500 meters, and it is more powerful than a grenade. Of course, the biggest advantage is that it is easier to aim than grenades. After all, there is a formula for aiming mortars. It is not like grenades that can rely on the feeling of soldiers, so it is much more convenient to use.

“Da! Da! Da! Da!…”

Mortar shells were fired one by one, forming a dense firepower coverage area at 500 meters to 100 meters. When the Japanese army came out of the trenches, they had to be bombarded by the artillery of the Kingdom’s Swiss soldiers, and then rushed to about 500 meters to be bombed by mortars.

“Warriors of the emperor, don’t retreat, continue to charge me!” The Japanese army captain shouted.

“Come on!” The Japanese army charged again.

But every time the Japanese army took a step forward, it had to pay a huge price. They have just advanced the battlefield by five hundred meters. Already lost almost a thousand people, and the two alliances that played this time were only more than 8,000 people, and their casualties have already been one-eighth. But he can only grit his teeth to support it, after all, the military law above is not just talking nonsense.

“The Japanese army has rushed to 300 meters, and the machine guns are ready!”

“Da da da da…”

The Maxine heavy machine guns began to spray flames hard. These machine guns were like whips, and then beat the Japanese army continuously. But the Japanese army was shot down like cutting wheat. But the Japanese army rushed to a distance of about 300 meters, and their losses continued to increase sharply. In just a few minutes, they lost almost 500 people. This number is almost unimaginable when they fought against the Qing army in Liaodong, and now they have to suffer such huge casualties, so they must also conquer this position.

“Riflemen ready, grenades ready!”

“Papa papa…”

In the end, the riflemen finally opened fire, and these riflemen were at most responsible for some last bits and pieces, because they were able to break through the enemy within a range of two hundred meters. That’s pretty rare at all. They were able to break through, but they were all shot to death one by one by the riflemen. In the end, they could only fall less than 150 meters away from the second division’s position. After hitting the last 150 meters, they seemed to be very close, but they couldn’t break through this position, which made them very painful.

“Division commander, let’s make the soldiers retreat quickly, it will be a meaningless sacrifice if this continues!” said the chief of staff of the Japanese Third Division.

Gui Taro looked at the situation ahead, then sighed and said, “Let’s retreat!”

Gui Taro also understood that with the capabilities of the Japanese army, it was impossible to break through the formation here. So everyone also felt the strength of these Wang Guorui’s troops. The firepower is too fierce. As soon as they left the trench, they were about to be hit by cannons, and then Wang Guorui’s mortar machine gun and other various weapons were used along the way, and they couldn’t conquer it at all. And they suffered heavy losses, but in the end, they didn’t have any effect. So morale dropped again.

“Division commander, we lost about 3,000 people in this attack. And the loss of our opponent’s Chinese army…” the staff officer was a little embarrassed to say, obviously they caused almost no losses to Wang Guorui’s army. And this kind of thing is naturally difficult to say, if you say it directly, it will be a slap in the face of the head of the division, Gui Taro.

“Huh!” Gui Taro snorted, obviously very upset.

And at Wang Guorui’s headquarters. As the supreme leader, Wang Guorui began to explain the trench warfare to those mid-level officers.

“Did you see that the Japanese army attacked the position in charge of Commander Chen Liyan just now. Between our trenches and the Japanese army’s trenches, we can call the open space in the middle no-man’s land. The no-man’s land is a flat land, and the two sides It is almost impossible to survive in this area alive. Because of the violent artillery fire, as well as the use of automatic weapons such as machine guns, our firepower has reached its peak. Under this fierce firepower, just It is impossible to break through this no-man’s land relying on human flesh and blood. As long as it is a human being, it cannot withstand such fierce artillery fire.”

“And the best way is to find a cover in no man’s land, but the biggest problem is that the other party knows this too. A suitable cover will be used as the focus of the battle between the two sides and will be constantly bombed. And As you all saw just now, our Taipei belongs to a basin, and there are relatively few raised bunkers here, so we can’t get good cover. So we must be able to build a bunker on it. If there is a bunker, then we can cover it Soldiers advance.”

When Wang Guorui talked about this, someone immediately asked: “Then there is no way for us to break the situation? Now if we want to break through the opponent’s position, we have to withstand the opponent’s huge firepower. And under such fierce firepower, we simply cannot Effectively breaking through the opponent’s position, the war has reached this point, that is, it has entered a state of consumption. It is easy for both sides to fail to break through, and then neither side can move forward and continue to attack. In the end, it can only be fought over which side has more resources. But is there no way to break this situation?”

“Master Wang, you just said that if we can have a bunker, it will be much safer. Then can we move the bunker so that we can charge with the soldiers, so that the soldiers can hide behind the bunker, then our soldiers will be relatively safer How about charging into the enemy’s trenches, and then rushing into the trenches to fight the enemy?” Someone asked.

Wang Guorui saw that it was a battalion-level officer, and immediately asked curiously, “What’s your name?”

“Lord Wang, my name is Song Yang!” said the battalion-level officer.

“You’re right. This can indeed break through the opponent’s position, but how can you make the bunker move? First of all, the bunker must be large enough, and the hardness must be high, otherwise it will not be able to block the enemy’s bullets and cover yourself But, how do you realize this idea? Can you push this heavy thing with manpower? Wang Guorui asked.

“This…” Song Yang had nothing to say.

Wang Guorui quite approves of Song Yang’s “fantastic idea”, because this “moving bunker” is actually the idea of a tank. Later generations of the British invented tanks during trench warfare during World War I. In fact, they were thinking in terms of moving bunkers. They installed the engine in the iron box, and then covered the soldiers’ charge with machine guns. The tank can crush the barbed wire, which can open a passage for soldiers to rush in. And tanks can also cover each other with soldiers. Tanks use their large and hard enough bodies to cover infantry, and infantry need to avoid those “death squads” to blow up tanks. And later on, tanks are also responsible for using tank guns to smash those firepower points, so as to clear the way for soldiers to course, this current idea of Song Yang is still unlikely to be realized. Because tanks need diesel engines, but according to history, diesel engines will not be invented until next year. If a steam engine is used to make a tank, this will not work at all, because the huge size of the steam engine cannot be used on the tank. So although Song Yang’s idea is very good and has value for further development, it is currently not feasible.

“I already have a way to break the general. But the soldiers must receive updated training, which is highly targeted. And now Miss Tanya is training the soldiers, and then you can learn more new tactics, this It is also one of the ways to crack this kind of trench warfare,” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui also began to teach some students, so that he formed the so-called “teacher-student friendship” with those young officers. Of course, Wang Guorui also wants to set up a military academy, but the conditions are not yet ripe. First of all, officers have to fight on the front line, and there are no redundant officers as military academy instructors. Moreover, the officers on the front lines are not very comfortable with the new tactics. Those who are familiar with the new tactics are Wang Guorui, Tanya, and Natasha. Time to give these young officers a rotating explanation. And these people will be Wang Guorui’s students, and they can gradually get better promotions in the future. (To be continued.) xh118

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