Red Alert 1895

Chapter 854

Chapter 857 – Fomenting Civil Unrest In The United States

In some states in the southern United States, the black sorghum here is still living a hard life. Although since the Civil War decades ago, these black sorghums in the United States claim to have gained freedom, and they have also gained the right to vote in name. However, their voting rights are also conditional, and blacks who fulfill these conditions are far fewer than whites. The vast majority of blacks are struggling at the bottom of society, and then they still suffer from all kinds of overt and covert discrimination. Although so-called racial discrimination is rarely discussed publicly, it is even a taboo. And this taboo of racial discrimination will also be a very important taboo in the next hundred years or so. Once it involves racial discrimination, it is likely to be very sensitive, and it may even cause a sensation, just like the so-called ethnic groups in China. It is as taboo as any conflict between people.

However, sometimes, the more the prohibition is emphasized, the more it shows the seriousness of the problem. It’s like that although China says that it cannot discriminate between ethnic groups, no one will talk about the so-called ethnic discrimination. However, Americans talk about the inability to discriminate between races all the time. The more they talk about this “impossibility”, the more it shows the seriousness of the problem. Although this is a taboo, it shows that the entire American society discriminates against black people.

The general education level of black Americans is relatively low, and most of them cannot have enough education to make them qualified for those high-level positions. And even if a small number of people can be educated, in fact, they are more willing to hire white people than black people under the same conditions, or even when the conditions of white people are worse. This also proves that the so-called equality between black and white is just a lie, and in fact it cannot be truly equal. And what they called the liberation of black slaves, in fact, many black slaves were liberated. Instead, life got worse.

When many blacks were originally slaves, their living conditions were actually very good. Compared with the blacks in their African hometowns, their lives were relatively good. No worries about food and clothing, but that is no freedom. But when they get “freedom”. What they will face will be cruel exploitation by those capitalists, even more cruel exploitation than those slave owners. They can only get meager wages, and even these wages are not enough to support their families. On the whole, after these black slaves were liberated, in addition to gaining freedom on paper, they actually lost more in life.

As for education and welfare in all aspects, they should not even think about it. In this era, it is too late for capitalists to exploit workers, so why talk about doing social welfare? You must know that in many factories. The annual death rate of workers is around 20%. Some factory supervisors even said that when a strong eighteen-year-old boy works in a factory, his hair will turn gray within three years. Many workers can’t survive for less than five years, and none can work for ten years, because they all die within this ten years. This is the cruelty of capitalist exploitation in this era, which is why the Soviet Union rose later. Because worker exploitation is so important, workers from all over the world have risen to resist. Only after the rise of the Soviet Union, Western capitalists will truly realize that they cannot drive workers to a dead end. The rise of the real old Maozi Soviet Union. Mostly it was not because the so-called doctrine was so good, but because the workers were forced to rebel, which led to the rise of the Soviet Union.

“Okay. These are the guns we gave you. You can use them to fight against the white people who exploit you. At that time, we will give you a steady stream of support, and then support you blacks to build a country of your own here! ” said a man of yellow race.

And the black man looked at the yellow man, and immediately asked: “Okay, when the time comes, you Chinese will be the best friends of our Africans.”

And the yellow agent smiled slightly, and then left immediately. As for the blacks who hurried to get the rifles, there were hundreds of them. Then let every one of these **** go and hold these rifles. As for afterward, they soon also picked up rifles for the Negroes. Looking at these rifles is also a burst of excitement. Next, after these blacks picked up their rifles. Immediately began to act according to the plan.

“Our brothers from Africa, these white people enslave us and discriminate against us. Do we still want to be their slaves? Take up your arms and charge with me!” the black leader shouted.

“Papa papa…”

Those black people started shooting everywhere on the street, and then immediately shot when they saw white people, obviously as if they wanted to vent their anger of being oppressed in the past. And now they have finally obtained a kind of “liberation”, the Pandora’s box in their hearts has been opened, and they will all become very crazy in the future. They didn’t have enough weapons and equipment in the past, so now they have enough weapons and equipment, and there are many advanced weapons, they can naturally let out a bad breath, and then let their suppressed anger in the past finally be released.

“Ah! Buying cakes, what’s going on?” “Police, these blacks are rebelling!” “These blacks are rebelling, they are rebelling!” “Blacks are killing everywhere, they are killing everywhere, the police come quickly!” …

Many Americans who are being hunted down by black people are also struggling everywhere, although many of their whites have guns, although the United States does not ban guns. But in fact, although the United States does not prohibit firearms, it does not mean that you can walk around the market with firearms casually. What’s more, the United States does not prohibit the purchase of guns, but in fact it is not possible to buy them casually without review. Before buying a gun for the first time, you have to go to the police department to apply for various gun licenses, etc. This procedure is also quite troublesome, and people with criminal records are prohibited from applying for gun licenses. Even after applying for a gun license, you can only buy pistols. As for long weapons such as rifles, even if you buy them, you can’t take them to the street.

Of course, there is another important reason. After all, it is impossible for anyone to take a gun with them when they go out, right? If it wasn’t for the extremely bad local law and order environment, who would go out and carry a gun? So these blacks suddenly took out their guns and came out to fight, which immediately shocked the whites. It was impossible to fight back effectively for a while, and they were caught off guard by the blacks.

And similar things are happening in many southern states of the United States. Because the southern states have always been places where black people gather, many black people in the south are slaves in the past, and most of them live in the south. However, there are more blacks in the south, which naturally makes the conflict between whites and blacks in the south more obvious and prominent.

In many southern cities, blacks have also taken up arms one after another, and then joined this black violent organization whether voluntarily or involuntarily. Then those black people beat, smashed, looted and burned everywhere, and even looted and raped women everywhere, and they all became crazy. They seem to be thugs one by one now. They have completely forgotten what they should have thought before. They just hoped to fight for the interests of their own race. But once the time comes to violence, they have long been blinded by desire, they have long been faced with being blinded by the wealth and women in front of them, they only have these two things in their eyes, and they wantonly vent their hearts. Desire, to wantonly live the life that I think I can’t live in my daily life. They didn’t care that they were already in danger at this time. In fact, the United States had already started targeting them.

“These guys are really a group of guys who can’t get stuck in the mud. Looking at them like this, how can there be any material for an uprising? Once they have some achievements, they will immediately start looting without any regard for discipline. How can this kind of people Is it possible to succeed?” An agent of China’s General Intelligence Agency said Another agent also hummed: “Why have so many peasant uprisings in China failed to succeed? In fact, it is those many people The level of education is too low, there is no long-term vision at all, and there is not much long-term vision. It is not that I discriminate against those farmers in ancient times, but I have to say that most of the ancient farmers did not have long-term vision and were unable to undertake such important responsibilities. And once they start looting, they will all go crazy. Maybe they only rob the big households at the beginning, but after they rob the big households, they will immediately start to rob the middle class, and after they rob the middle class, they will also rob the civilians. , They have also completely lost the hearts of the people. The level of education is low, and they don’t have a long-term vision, so naturally they can’t afford this uprising.”

Those blacks still had leaders at the beginning, but since they started looting, they have also fallen into madness, ignoring any discipline at all. They saw wealth that they could not have obtained in the past. Even those white women drove them completely crazy. The white women who usually look down on their blacks from above are now being crushed and ravaged by them, which makes them feel like venting their anger.

And the white people in many cities immediately called the police, but like in many film and television dramas, when the police arrived, they were late, and those black people had already started to mess up the whole city. Small pistols could not stop the black rebellion of almost thousands of people. They could only ask the army to suppress it. As a result, the troop transfer procedures were also a hassle, so this made the situation even worse. (

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