Red Alert 1895

Chapter 855

Chapter 858 – Darkness

“President McKinley, black riots have begun in some cities in southern states. They don’t know where to get some weapons, not only rifles, but also explosive weapons such as grenades. 8>-` =-`·==-=·`-The number of people participating in the riots in various places has reached more than 10,000. Although the local whites have some weapons, they are not organized enough. Their resistance is futile. And the police also Just some light pistols, there is no way to face thousands of black rioters who have enough rifles and even hand grenades. They are asking us to mobilize the army to suppress. So please president **** to mobilize troops as soon as possible to suppress those black riots as soon as possible !”

According to the regulations of the United States, it is not so easy to mobilize troops. The president must personally come to the Communist Party, and then apply to the Congress, and then the Congress can grant military power before dispatching troops to fight. If there is no congressional authorization, it is against the constitution, and the deployment of troops is also “indiscriminate order”, and the army can not abide by it. This is done to control the military power, and prevent the president from taking advantage of the military power to take advantage of the mobile mutiny and form a dictatorship. Don’t think that foreigners are not afraid. Foreigners also have very strict control over military power, and they will not easily grant anyone the right to deploy troops.

To some extent, Wang Guorui is also learning this aspect. Although Wang Guorui split the military power, even the emperor would not be able to mobilize the army in the whole country when he had to, so as to avoid mobilizing mutiny and forming a dictatorial government. The emperor can only mobilize the imperial guards, and even if he wants to mobilize the imperial guards, he must have a legitimate and public reason, and he must communicate with the parliament. Therefore, Wang Guorui believes that the imperial guards only exist to protect the emperor’s position, not to really fight. If it really comes to the day when the world is in chaos, then these imperial guards will be useless. Wang Guorui’s imperial guards were only used to protect his descendants from being overthrown by mutiny, not for real suppression.

This kind of decentralization of military power certainly has the advantage of stability, but it is also very difficult when it comes to deploying troops. They are likely to cause disputes and delay military opportunities. Ya>文8﹏-·-`

“Immediately********. Then send it to Congress for consideration by Congress. If they are late, it will be troublesome. So it must be mobilized as soon as possible, and then go to suppress those rioting blacks. Can’t Let them spread out again. If this continues, the situation will probably be chaotic!” McKinley said.

However, the big men of the Congress, I am afraid that their days can be dilly-dally, and there are not many who can be called quickly. However, related news was quickly sent to Washington. Many people in Washington also began to get nervous. In particular, some black officials in the government have to bear the attention of those colleagues every day, and then look very suspicious.

According to past practice, every time the Republican Party wins the presidency after being elected, it will also appoint some black people with enough culture to hold government office out of political convention. But now the blacks in the south are rioting, so those blacks who are officials in Washington are also very embarrassed and don’t know what to do. Those white colleagues also looked at them very badly, but they also felt headaches and didn’t know what to do.

“Captain, most of those soldiers have been transferred away!” A Chinese agent said immediately.

“Very good. Those guys have been transferred, so we can all relax. Did they think we were just trying to incite these black people to rebel? We actually have other goals, these black people can’t make big things at all, expect them to be big things , that is impossible. Ya﹎>>文吧>>-=–=Even if all these black people rebel, they cannot be the opponents of those white people. These black people are all fools, without any long-term plans and Knowledge, expecting them to achieve great things is really a daydream! Therefore, we can only use them, not rely on them. The resources invested in their hands are nothing more than letting them do damage. Thinking that we want to support them to establish a country, this kind of stupid bird actually believes it? It’s really insane, but we can all implement our plan!” said the captain of the secret service.

The special agent captain immediately began to look at this map of Washington. And the external identity of this special agent captain is actually the secretary of the military attache of the Chinese military attache abroad, with the rank of major. But even though he was the military attache’s secretary in name, in fact he directly accepted the leadership of the local intelligence station. Of course, he was also responsible for secretly contacting the military attache with the intelligence station and providing intelligence support. Now the domestic intelligence station wants him to perform a mission. A very important task.

“The south is in turmoil at present, and it is impossible for the Americans to devote too much energy here. Moreover, most of the guards next to this villa have been withdrawn. There were no less than a company of guards, but Now there is less than one platoon, and the other troops have been transferred to the city of Washington to enforce martial law. The remaining troops are only more than 20 people. At that time, we can take advantage of this time when the Americans are not paying attention When the time comes, take the opportunity to sneak attack. After getting the woman inside out, they don’t have time to worry about us anymore. They are more important to go to the south to suppress the rebellion. As for this woman, we can safely take advantage of this turbulent time Well, the Americans don’t have time to think about this, so we send him out of the US quickly, and then we can all complete the task. Anyway, the Americans themselves are in chaos, so naturally they don’t have the heart to find this woman. This is our best chance to complete the plan .If we can’t seize this opportunity, then we may have difficulties in the future. At that time, once those Americans are alerted, it will be difficult for us to take action. The country needs this woman very much, and only this woman can make Satisfied domestically.”

“I really don’t know what is the use of this old woman in her sixties in China. This old woman is not beautiful either. Even when she was young, she was not a beauty. How could she be wanted in China?”

“Look at what you said, what are you thinking about all day long? Isn’t it enough for you to pick up girls in Washington every day? I heard that you have dated a few more recently? I really admire you, Thinking about these things in your head every day, I am afraid that in another 20 years like you, you will not be able to become a colonel stationmaster! Besides, you pig-headed, you just saw that she was a woman, but you didn’t notice her before What is his identity? His previous identity was, at any rate, the queen of a country. Although this country is a bit shabby, he is still a political figure! If you don’t have a strategic vision, how can you develop better? You continue Go, roll on women every day, so I hope you will die soon, and die on the belly of these European and American women.”

“Hey, who made our income high! Our rank of captain is comparable to most of their middle class. Plus various overseas subsidies and so on, don’t look at us as just a captain, compared to the rank of ordinary domestic troops The income of lieutenant colonels and even colonels of second-line troops may not be so low! In addition, we secretly cooperate with local Chinese gangs to resell some things, which is even more cool. Now these Americans are everywhere It’s full of women who want to get something for nothing. I’m fine with that, anyway, all these women worship money very much. As long as we have money, who can’t receive it? Besides, even the emperor raised a famous American dancer Is Duncan a canary? Hehe, we are good at the top and effective at the bottom. Haha, this is actually the so-called crooked upper beam and crooked lower beam!”

“Go, don’t blame the emperor for your crookedness, understand? If it was more than ten years ago, your words alone would be enough to make you lose your head! Fortunately, the emperor is kind and will not hold you accountable for such a stupid thing. Responsibility, otherwise you will be miserable.”

“Okay, you two idiots, can you talk nonsense enough? Hurry up and study the map, don’t talk nonsense here. Have you been in the United States for a long time, and you have developed the appearance of those foolish men?”

“, am I not used to this? Do as the Romans do! What’s more, my identity outside is just a son sent by China to investigate business? I don’t want to look like a local tyrant, no How can I win their trust by acting like a playboy? So, I am also here for work.”

“Less nonsense, you are the one who talks too much nonsense, hurry up and fix it for me, and then after making a plan, prepare to start action tomorrow! The above is urgent, we must get it done as soon as possible, otherwise we will all die, understand Is it? And, if it succeeds this time, all of us can upgrade to one level.”

Those agents began to prepare to formulate a corresponding plan, this time the plan was to take a woman away. And this woman is very important to the future plans of China and has extraordinary value. The General Intelligence Agency created turmoil in the southern United States. In addition to disgusting the Americans, it also had another idea to attract the attention of those Americans, so that when they hijacked this woman, the Americans could not concentrate on it. hunt down. This then provided them with a more secure condition to smuggle this woman out.

Of course, none of these agents knew the use of this woman, let alone the domestic plan. They are just soldiers, and soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, and then they can only obey, and they don’t have to worry about more advanced things. They only need to complete the tasks of their superiors, and they don’t have to worry about other things. (To be continued.)

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