Red Alert 1895

Chapter 868

Chapter 871 – Condolences To The Queen (Middle)

Hua Changfeng came to everyone, ready to give a speech. Especially for this kind of condolence, it is necessary to praise the achievements of the deceased. This kind of thing is the practice of all countries, and everyone will give some face. Even the enemy country would not curse people here, otherwise it would be very offensive. However, Hua Changfeng also spoke next.

“Queen Victoria became the king of England at the age of eighteen. That year was 1837 in the West, and at that time Britain began to enter its heyday. And this great era, I think the history of any country in the world can be called The Victorian Era. The Victorian Era will be an era that Britain will never be able to surpass. Queen Victoria is a monarch that cannot be surpassed by any king in the future. Therefore, on behalf of the Chinese government, the royal family, and His Majesty the Emperor, I express my gratitude to a great and unsurpassable future generations. Pay respects to the transcendent monarch!” Hua Changfeng said first.

The British people present seemed to feel very depressed after hearing this, and what Hua Changfeng said was very wrong! Although Hua Changfeng kept saying that he respected Queen Victoria, he kept saying that he was stepping on Queen Victoria, thinking that Queen Victoria was a great era, and the Victorian era was the most prosperous era in Britain. Everyone does not deny this, because Britain really reached its peak in the Victorian era, and everyone knows this.

But later, this Hua Changfeng actually said that Queen Victoria was an unsurpassable queen and an unsurpassable era. What does this mean? Future British monarchs cannot surpass Queen Victoria, and future Britain cannot surpass the Victorian era. Such words seem to be referring to Sang Huai!

You must know that Western society is different from China. The source of power in Western society is not ancestors, while the legitimacy of the source of power in Eastern society comes from the so-called respect for the ancestors. In Chinese traditional culture, as a descendant emperor, one can never claim that one’s achievements have surpassed that of one’s ancestors. As descendants, we can only “learn from” our ancestors. Those who think that they are “reasonable” are not as good as their ancestors, and those who think that they should be less capable than their ancestors. No matter what the ancestors were doing, they were all better than themselves.

So the so-called thought of respecting heaven and the ancestors has always been an important resistance to reform in China. After all, traditional filial piety shows that ancestors must be respected, and things that cannot be violated by ancestors. Therefore, many reformers who want to reform are often beaten back by the phrase “ancestral system”. And the emperor’s power and divine legitimacy come from their ancestors, so they naturally dare not deny their ancestors. And any emperor who has created achievements cannot be said to have surpassed his ancestors, so this is the most troublesome. This kind of thinking is also the reason for the inevitable decline of Chinese dynasties, because the political, economic, social, military and other systems in the founding period have become rigid, but vested interests have exalted the ancestral system as a reason and cannot carry out reforms. And once the emperor’s reform negates his ancestors, his own legitimacy will also be questioned. This is the reason for the collapse of many dynasties in China.

It’s not that I don’t want to change, but that this decadent idea is too serious, and the resistance to reform is many times stronger than that of the West. So Wang Guorui knew this deeply, so he avoided the various systems from being too strict. The system is too strict, which may not be a good thing, so he adheres to the principle of leaving everything to the front line, and does not regard every system and decree of his as absolutely effective. This is actually a room for future generations of politicians to modify and improve . If the system is too strict, then in the end, it will be because the system will become rigid at that time, so that there will be no cure for the collective outbreak in the end.

But the West has not had such a stubborn idea of ancestor inviolability since ancient times. Their thinking is not about admitting that they are inferior to their ancestors. It is reasonable, legitimate and reasonable for their offspring to surpass their ancestors. Instead, they don’t have so many rules and regulations. Their aristocrats all have the ideal of surpassing their ancestors, but this is because they are not bound by so many so-called thoughts of ruling the country with filial piety. They believe that it is right for future generations to surpass their ancestors, even if the opponent is the founding emperor, it is a good thing that future generations can surpass their ancestors. In China, if there is an emperor who wants to surpass his ancestors and surpass himself as the founding emperor, he will definitely be sprayed, scolded, and even the throne will be abolished. Therefore, in this case, China’s reform resistance is much greater, which is a lot of sadness!

The West does not have this tradition of being bound by ancestors, so they think it is right to transcend ancestors. But what Hua Changfeng said was too wrong. It is said that Queen Victoria is an unsurpassed queen in later generations of Britain, and the Victorian era is an era that later generations of Britain cannot surpass. The subconscious meaning of these words is to show that Britain has already flourished and declined. It has reached the most prosperous era, and it cannot be more prosperous in the future. Hua Changfeng’s words were simply cursing the decline of Britain. After the curse, Britain began to decline and could not surpass the Victorian era.

An era that cannot be surpassed, that is not a good thing for Westerners. Once there is an era that is said to be unsurpassable, it means that they have declined and cannot return to the past. This situation has happened many times in Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and so on. The aristocratic officials and even ordinary people in those countries were immersed in the glory of the past, and they tried their best to recall the glory of those years. Their countries have always liked to brag about their history, and then they seem to be as glorious as their history.

This is a common problem in European countries, especially Western European countries. Once they have a glorious history, they try their best to brag and look back, and they don’t have much idea to continue to create a prosperous world. Although China has changed dynasties time and time again, it has also created prosperous times one by one with a long history. In China, so-called flourishing ages are not uncommon. If there are only a few prosperous ages in any dynasty, no one would be ashamed to call it a dynasty. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Chinese people to have prosperous times. On the contrary, it is because there have been strengths and declines, and the strengths and declines again and again have just used the suffering to exercise the perseverance of the entire nation. Although China has reincarnated again and again, it has exercised the perseverance of the nation in this way, which may not be a harvest.

Therefore, Hua Changfeng said that future generations cannot surpass Victoria and the Victorian era. This clearly means that the British will definitely decline in the future.

“Hmph, this Chinese is interesting. Who wrote this speech? How wicked!” William II thought with a smirk in his heart.

Many ordinary British people are still very satisfied, thinking that this Hua Changfeng is praising their queen, is praising their queen. But for those old fritters who are mature and have many years of political experience, their faces are dark, obviously hearing the hidden meaning in these words. After all, ordinary people like to listen to good things. This has nothing to do with whether they are smart or not, but that everyone has a specialization in art. Ordinary people just heard Hua Changfeng praise their queen, but they are not that kind of politicians, and they don’t have much cultural foundation, so naturally they can’t quickly understand the meaning.

What’s more, even the most powerful Britain in this era has not been able to truly popularize enough high school education. At present, what Britain can achieve is only six years of compulsory education, so they don’t understand such advanced word games at all. But those British officials and the royal family feel hot, this is completely smoking their successors! The more Hua Changfeng praised Queen Victoria and the Victorian era, and explained that future generations could not surpass it, it was telling them that Britain had begun to decline, and it was inevitable. At that time, Queen Victoria and the Victorian era will become an eternal myth in Britain, an era that cannot be surpassed forever.

Once an era cannot be surpassed forever, is it not a tragedy for a country and a nation? Ancestors are used to surpass, and seniors are also used to catch up. Although the result of the Yangtze River’s waves pushing forward is cruel to the predecessors, if we don’t do this, human beings will not be able to progress. However, Britain has never been able to surpass the Victorian era, so they are already doomed. This is simply a slap in the face, it is a slap in the face of those British politicians and the royal family. Obviously, they look down on them very much, thinking that they cannot continue to maintain the glory of the Victorian era, let alone surpass the Victorian era.

The Germans are gloating here, obviously laughing! This speech is too wicked. The more Hua Changfeng praises Victoria, he is slapping his successors in the face. As a German who has always wanted to bring down the British Empire, he is naturally very gloating about this situation.

However, that Hua Changfeng still had his own words, and what he said next surprised everyone even more.

“Actually, our emperor is very grateful to the British Empire and Queen Victoria. The British Empire and Queen Victoria have a great kindness to China!” Hua Changfeng said.

Many people at the scene almost vomited blood, so Hua Changfeng would say that? Anyone knows that the British have suffered a lot under the hands of China, but now they say that they have great kindness, isn’t this too funny? However, since people say that, if you stretch out your hand and don’t hit the smiling face, you really can’t say anything. So out of their so-called gentlemanly style, they could only let him continue talking. (

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