Red Alert 1895

Chapter 869

Chapter 872 – Condolences To The Queen (Part 2)

Text/Artillery Chief

Chapter 872 Condolences to the Queen (Part 2)

“The British Empire and Queen Victoria have shown great kindness to China! More than 200 years ago, China was invaded by the Manchu Qing, and then the bandits of the Manchu Qing killed our homeland and killed our brothers and sisters Compatriots, and they are still enslaving us Chinese. They use their backward and barbaric methods to erase all traces of our Chinese civilization. They shave their hair and make clothes easy, and they also enslave us Chinese. They ride on our people Domineering over their heads, then they **** the blood of our people and let them live in luxury.”

“They not only enslaved us physically, but also confused us mentally, and then enslaved us spiritually. They treated us Chinese as slaves, and then they made us treat them as the so-called legal government, but they They didn’t regard us as their citizens at all. They treated us as colonies, and they didn’t feel any pain when they sold our interests. Life is further enslaving and oppressing us.”

“Our people are enslaved, but because of two hundred years of deception and indoctrination, they have almost become slaves, and they don’t know how to resist. If there is no accident, this situation will continue.”

“However, at this time the British Empire appeared. Queen Victoria decided to launch the Opium War against China under the control of the Manchu Qing. You call it the Commercial War, and then let our China enter the beginning of suffering. But this suffering , but let us Chinese people start to wake up. From the initial confusion and ignorance, the Chinese people gradually recognized the true face of the Qing Dynasty. The British Empire told us that if we fell behind, we would be beaten. The British Empire told us that the international strength It is fundamental, without strength, nothing counts.”

“The British Empire told us Chinese that as long as they have the strength, they can do whatever they want. And because of this, after decades of brewing, we Chinese finally started to think about our own destiny. Our Chinese People began to resist from generation to generation, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom began its first large-scale anti-Qing uprising attempt. The leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan, founded the God Worship Association after absorbing the Western Bible. However, although Hong Xiuquan failed, he Inspired countless others.”

“Later. Our emperors finally realized that relying on the Manchu Qing could not save China. They just treated China as a colony, because their behavior was the same as that of the British Empire in treating colonies. Using the so-called Religion or the so-called outdated ideas to paralyze the local colonial people, and then recruit some traitors and scum in the colony to make up for their lack of troops. And use some small favors, and then win over the local forces in the colonies. Let them help maintain the rule. Finally, once the local forces are lost Use value, and immediately cross the river and destroy the bridge, and then annex the territory they control. How similar is this to what the British Empire did in India!”

Many British faces are dark, this Hua Changfeng really directly showed the dirty side of Britain, it was a slap in the face. Fortunately, there are no live broadcasts in this era, otherwise it would be embarrassing and thrown to the whole world. In fact, everything the British did in India is actually the same way as the Manchus did in China? Although each has its own environment, the methods are similar.

The British used Hinduism to help them rule India, while the Manchus used the rigid Confucian ideology to help them rule. As for the British using the local natives to instigate themselves to attack each other, and then they reap the benefits of fishing. As for the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they also used traitors to fight against the Chinese. Finally they collect corn in the back. As for the British, didn’t they also stipulate in India that if all the local Indian kings die, most of the territory will be abolished and then directly belong to the British Governor’s Palace?

Even the various means of the British can actually find similar means here in Manchu. This place is regarded as one’s own “home”, but only as a place where benefits can be obtained.

But now that Hua Changfeng pointed it out directly, the bureaucrats of the British Empire still feel very embarrassed. Because of those things that were done in India and various colonies. In fact, it is nothing more than to facilitate the rule. Of course they won’t talk about it, let alone announce it. Especially this kind of thing will not be said publicly, after all, this place is too **** and dirty, and they are not suitable to speak directly to ordinary people! But now it is said by this Chinese person. What a bad influence!

And those British people also cursed in their hearts, what happened to these Chinese people, they actually said that? Wang Guorui directly told all the dirty things that the British did in their colonies, so he didn’t care how much sensation these dirty things would cause after they were told. Especially what a huge impact it has on the people in their country. After all, these things are not suitable for publicity. Once they are publicized, what will those self-proclaimed gentlemen think? Will those newspapers that are afraid of chaos in the world question the British government with so-called humanity?

To know these foreign newspapers. However, attacks on the government have always been used as a selling point. They are not afraid at all. These Western newspapers may have some scruples, but the small newspapers really have no scruples. In order to gain attention, they are like those entertainment newspapers of later generations. They don’t care about the national strategy at all, they just want to attract attention and increase sales. There were really none of these things that he dared not do. If the British government retaliates against them, they will probably be willing to file a lawsuit with the government, and the more sensational the fight, the better.

Ordinary people rarely know about this kind of colonial affairs. They just need to know that they can work hard for the capitalists. As for how these raw materials come from and how much blood is stained here, these British people don’t need to know at all.

But now this Chinese actually told all the so-called “good things” and dirty things that Britain did in the colonies. This will definitely cause a big sensation.

“These Chinese, don’t they want colonies? Don’t they want to seize colonies? Don’t they just want to seize colonies? Is it good for them to do this? They have made these methods so public, so it is good for them There is no benefit at all in occupying colonies in the future, they will increase the difficulty instead. What do they mean by this?”

This gang of British bureaucrats couldn’t figure it out at all, and couldn’t figure out what he and Wang Guorui wanted to do. Wang Guorui will definitely start to expand, especially from Southeast Asia to America or Africa. In short, it is all about expansion. But Wang Guorui actually made these colonial methods public in such a way, isn’t this what people should be wary of? And by doing so, he will add more trouble to himself, isn’t he just asking for trouble?

When the time comes, if Wang Guorui also uses these methods, won’t he add trouble to himself?

But they didn’t know that Wang Guorui knew that the method of direct colonization in the future had already passed, and the method of colonization in the future would be more sophisticated, which would be economic colonization, and then proceed through proxy wars. Those small countries have become the agents of the big powers, so that no matter whether they win or lose, they will eventually sell their interests to foreign countries. Even some big countries will keep two dogs to bite each other, so that they can please themselves and keep selling benefits to get a little bit of meat.

The means of direct colonization in the future has passed, so this kind of economic control and proxy war is the mainstream. In the future, the national ideology of various countries will be improved again. If you directly colonize, you will pay far more than you will get. So Wang Guorui directly exposed the methods of these foreigners, and then he could prepare one step ahead of time.

At that time, not only would Wang Guorui not oppose the independence of those colonies, but he would rebel against the British behind their backs. At that time, Wang Guorui provided and then they went to war, so that they could sell some expired arms, so that they could exchange a lot of so-called gold mines, silver mines and other resources and minerals. Isn’t this method the method used by the Yankees later? After World War II, the Yankees had no way out for a large number of weapons. They just encouraged those colonies to rebel, so the sales of weapons were booming, and they even gained a lot of special economic rights.

This is simply a cheating, so this Wang Guorui also took advantage of this time of condolences to give a speech, and also mentioned the hands of these colonists. In this way, Wang Guorui is actually harboring evil intentions when the time comes. Those rebels might think that Wang Guorui is really helping them, but in the end they are sold and help count the money!

This is the difference. The cost of direct control is too high. Supporting agents can exchange some worthless things in exchange for a lot of resources, and then you can get a lot of benefits, right? Anyway, those weapons will be scrapped if they are not used, and storage will cost storage costs, so it is also a benefit to sell them as soon as possible in exchange for the rights and interests of various resources and economic control. And even if it fails, the loss is just some weapons that are close to being scrapped. There is nothing to regret, and maybe you can save so much storage costs in the future. (To be continued.)

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