Red Alert 1895

Chapter 871

Chapter 874 – Make A Big Deal, Make A Big Deal Of Construction (Part 1)

d Quan Zhixian immediately explained: “My lord, didn’t you say that the biggest difference between industrialized countries and agriculturalized countries is in the industrial structure. The ancient agriculturalized countries lost their population when they fought wars, and then reduced the labor force. And the ancient It is mainly agricultural taxation, so wars not only consume food, but also require a large number of people. The source of wealth in ancient times is nothing more than the generation of land, and this economic level is completely backward. You also once said that although Our so-called gross economic product in the Qing Dynasty seems to be the largest in the world, even higher than that of the United Kingdom. However, China’s gross economic product is produced by agriculture, while the United Kingdom is industrialized. This The difference is the difference between a potato and a potato chip.”

“So the British have already achieved industrialization. If they fight wars, they need to consume a lot, mainly industrial products. But if we are in ancient agricultural wars, the main consumption is agricultural products. Agricultural products are based on Food is the main thing, so fighting is actually robbing the people of food and various things. Coupled with the ancient system of corvee and other systems, it is even more impossible for them to resume production. Therefore, in ancient times, wars and large-scale construction projects are actually multiplying The cost is far from the cost on the surface, but the potential cost is huge.”

“However, if we realize industrialization, our demand for food will not increase much, but industrial products will increase. And industrial products cannot be eaten or drunk, and wars and various activities will not reduce the population engaged in those industries, even if The reduction will not be too much. On the contrary, various activities can stimulate those industrial production and further drive employment. Even increase the demand for industrial products, and then drive economic development. When the country spends money, it flows into various factories , Factories have to pay taxes, and part of this can still be returned to the government. Then people have to spend money on consumption after receiving wages, which further stimulates demand. Then the cycle is repeated step by step, and the economic effect driven by it is immeasurable.”

“This is the difference between ancient and modern times. They are completely different. The economic structure is different. You can’t simply use the past activities and wars for pure expenses and not much profit.”

“And don’t we want to start developing an industry now? But according to the statistics of the data, I found that the current market demand is too low. Although many factories have started production, there is obviously not much market demand. Many factories actually It is completely produced at a relatively low level. The productivity is not fully utilized. So the experience benefits are not great. If you want to accumulate enough capital, then it will definitely be difficult. So we might as well stimulate the economy and do it like this This celebration, and then help the factory to produce various industrial products. This celebration needs a lot of things. Then buy all kinds of cloth, etc. to make clothes, and even other things can be purchased, and then part of the money It has flowed into factories, and then many workers have flowed in, and even all kinds of workers can get income.”

“At present, our economic development is relatively slow, mainly due to the transition from an agricultural country to an industrial country. Many farmers who lost their land have entered factories, and they have almost no savings. Therefore, they are very cautious in spending money and dare not spend it casually. But the more you dare not spend money casually, the more there is no market. You must know that the vast majority of industrial products are actually used by people in the city. However, a large number of workers have poured into the city. They do not have enough Savings, dare not spend money casually. If you dare not spend money, the market will eventually decrease. When the market decreases, factories will not dare to increase production at will, and dare not expand production. Once production cannot be expanded, workers’ income will be reduced. In the end, it remained low, and then they didn’t dare to spend casually, and finally formed a vicious circle! In the end, our entire economy may face collapse. Even many workers who can’t work will return to the countryside again. Then the past The landlord economy has once again revived.”

“So we might as well make a big deal and spend more money. After our government’s large-scale construction and various expenses, a considerable part of the funds flowed into the pockets of workers. Under such a series of activities, workers dare to consume, and then further Driven by market demand, factories dare to produce in large quantities. Finally, workers’ income is getting higher and higher, and then they dare to consume further. This is a virtuous circle, so it is not necessarily a bad thing to do a lot of work. Just look at spending money There it is! In the past, the big fuss was mainly spent on luxury goods. These things did not promote the economy at all, but would encourage luxury. So this is the reason why the big fuss in the past was wasted. “

After hearing what Quan Zhixian said, Wang Guorui immediately realized that the current economic level in his country was just in a period of transition. Whether it is an industrial businessman or a landless peasant who has just been transformed into a worker, they are all in the situation of primitive accumulation. The situation of this primitive accumulation is actually very difficult, and if you are not careful, you may return to before liberation.

If the economics of the later generations are used, if the people dare not consume, the goods will not be sold in the end, so that workers will easily lose their jobs, forming a vicious circle. Wang Guorui also thought of Roosevelt’s New Deal decades later in the original history. Roosevelt’s New Deal mainly used the method of promoting domestic demand during the economic crisis and built various social infrastructures through large-scale construction. And Roosevelt used the people who did not have much labor skills in the past to engage in the construction of those infrastructures, which was actually the reason for the rapid development of the United States after the war.

Although the government spent money, it ended up in the hands of ordinary people, and then those people returned part of it to the government through various taxes through consumption and so on. In this way, they stimulated the economy layer by layer and restored the normal development of the economy again.

Wang Guorui also realized that the current domestic industry is still relatively primitive, and it was still on primitive accumulation just now. If the common people do not have enough capital to consume, the market cannot expand. Moreover, a large number of workers have just joined the industry and are not skilled workers. Therefore, their salaries are also low. For a combination of reasons, because people’s savings are not high, people are unable to consume, which in turn prevents the domestic demand market from being tapped.

“Export is not enough! It is impossible for countries all over the world to open their markets to export to us, and they are eager to sell their goods to us! So it is impossible for us to expect to export. We can only find ways to expand domestic demand. But the people Too little savings to dare to spend is also a problem. If this is the case, it is a good way to make a lot of money. However, as long as it is not used for extravagant enjoyment or luxury purchases, then it is fine. ” Wang Guorui also agreed.

However, Wang Guorui immediately asked, “Jiangsu Jun, you have improved a lot during this time!”

“I know that the country is currently undergoing economic recovery and development, so I think the emperor will definitely need people who are proficient in economics, so I took the initiative to learn.” Jun Zhixian replied.

Wang Guorui also nodded. Compared with other North Korean female secretaries, Jun Jixian also has an advantage, that is, he takes the initiative to learn. Other North Korean female secretaries went to him and his lower body all day long, hoping to gain Wang Guorui’s favor, so as to strive to have a child and gain stability and wealth. But Jun Ji-hyun is not like this, she can take the initiative to learn every time. Although she might not understand it, she was able to take the initiative to learn, and learned when she didn’t understand, trying to keep up with Wang Guorui’s needs. It is not scary to not understand in this world, but pretending to understand if you don’t understand, and not learning if you don’t understand, that is the scariest thing. The most important thing is that Quan Zhixian can take the initiative to learn according to the needs of the country and Wang Guorui.

“It seems that during this period of time, you voluntarily gave up going to bed at night. Does that count as studying?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Yeah!” Quan Zhixian nodded.

During this period of time, it was Jun Ji-hyun’s turn to serve her She took the initiative to give it up to another North Korean female secretary. This made others call her stupid, but she used this time to make up for it. Because Quan Zhixian knew very well that she was already in her twenties and almost thirty years old, and she was much older than Wang Guorui. Once over the age of 30, it may be difficult for a woman to attract a man by her appearance, especially a king with many beauties around him. So maybe before the age of thirty-five, one can still rely on appearance to attract men, but once one reaches the age of thirty-five, the only thing that can maintain one’s love is talent.

Although it was said in ancient times that a woman’s lack of talent is virtue, but since ancient times, there are only two situations that can really maintain the king’s favor, one is that they have shared adversity together. The other is talent. Why is Wu Zetian able to maintain her status all the time? Is it because of her appearance? No, it is because of talent. Even Cixi, an important adviser in the government affairs of Emperor Xianfeng back then. So Quan Zhixian knows very well that Wang Guorui doesn’t mind his woman expressing her opinions on politics, so Quan Zhixian knows very well that if he relies on his body alone, he may not be able to attract Wang Guorui for many years. If he does this for a long time, he will not be able to maintain his status. Since the body can no longer continue to attract a king for a long time, it can only be maintained with talent.

“Okay, you ask the secretary’s office to send an official document to the cabinet, I agree, and add another two million to the budget.” Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.) xh:.147.247.73c

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