Red Alert 1895

Chapter 872

Chapter 875 – Make A Big Deal, Make A Big Deal Of Construction (Middle)

d Following the proposal of the cabinet, Wang Guorui instructed that after the approval of the parliament, various things about the New Year celebration started almost a month earlier. This is Wang Guorui’s first New Year since he ascended the throne, especially everyone is preparing for New Year’s activities. However, Wang Guorui did not hide the expenses of this celebration. The central government alone has budgeted about 12 million yuan, and this is still the central government’s expenditure. , that made many people shudder. Such a large sum of money may not be expected by ordinary people for a while. After all, the monthly income of ordinary people is only a few yuan. Although they feel a lot, they can’t really feel the “a lot”.

Just like many urban online novels of later generations, tens of billions, hundreds of billions or even trillions, it sounds like a huge number. But without personal experience to make money, and without really experiencing a large amount of expenses, even ordinary people cannot understand what such a large number means. The number is so large that ordinary people don’t even know what it means. But those who have experience in governing, and some who have really mastered money, are also terrified.

“Fun Lord! I don’t think this Yanhuang Empire is any better than the previous dynasty. Just now, I didn’t know how to save money in the first year. Instead, I made a lot of money here, and made a lot of money. It’s really a defeated country!” Someone shouted here with grief .

And most of these guys are those who had some culture in the past, but they all used the so-called Confucian classics in order to be able to be officials. After these guys abolished the old form of the imperial examination system, they either took the so-called political rights exam, and many of them failed the exam. However, the Confucian classics they studied in the past were not able to earn a living. Their land is becoming less and less valuable, and the surplus labor force in the countryside has also begun to join the major factories in the cities, and their labor force in the countryside is getting less and less.

And human resources are actually a kind of resource. There are fewer labor forces in the countryside, and those landlords have to spend more to retain people. However, as those so-called famous people cannot enjoy the privilege of tax exemption, on the one hand, the cost of employing people has increased. On the one hand, the taxation of the imperial court has been reduced again. What’s more, people who own more land need to pay more and more taxes, which makes them even more stressed. The income of those landlords who had fame and reputation dropped sharply one by one. Even Guang’a can no longer maintain the luxurious life of the past relying on these land rents.

Those who could have hired servants and maids had to dismiss servants and maids in large numbers. Their income can no longer sustain so many non-working people to serve him. Because they used to exploit the tenants by relying on the land, but now that the tenants are asking for higher and higher prices, they dare not mess around anymore. If they dare to be violent, then the imperial police and army are not bragging. Especially with the current changes in the new police system, those low-level police officers who had too many bad deeds in the past have been dismissed from public office. Some even have to be held legally accountable. Those who had no bad deeds also chose to keep them. And they all cherish their current positions very much now, because at present, New China adopts a system of unity of officials and local officials. Only when they reach the highest level will elections be held. Even clerks may have a future. Those catchers in the past had no prospects for promotion, and they would naturally become the landlord’s thugs for money. But now, for their own future, they naturally cherish it very much and will not mess around.

And those landlords don’t say whether they can afford to support those nursing homes, even if they can afford to support them, so what? Do they still dare to beat the people? At that time, the army can completely suppress it. They are not worth the candle. So the nursing homes have also lost their value, because they can’t afford the nursing homes anymore.

The quality of life has dropped significantly, making them very dissatisfied with Wang Guorui. These guys don’t even have the ability to speak, they just imitate those idlers who lash out in teahouses or restaurants all day long, but in fact they all rely on selling the land left by their ancestors to maintain their current lives. After all, the economic model of relying on local landlords has become narrower and narrower, and it is impossible to maintain it for a long time. This kind of landlord has two choices. One is to transform quickly, and then seize the opportunity to make the final transformation before he collapses immediately, and then change his class to survive again.

pity. These landlords originally studied the Four Books and Five Classics in order to take the imperial examination, and they had no other skills at all. Let them go into business, this is really a joke, they looked down on businessmen very much. How are they going to learn? So now they are completely finished. They used to spend their lives studying these useless Four Books and Five Classics, and their personal livelihood skills are almost zero. They are completely hoping that after passing the imperial examination, a large number of people will make so-called “contributions” and give their land to some famous people, and then they can openly exploit the people to survive.

But now this way is dead. They suddenly realized that they didn’t seem to have any livelihood skills at all! Although their land has not been confiscated, the tenants are asking for higher and higher prices, and the industry has begun to absorb a large number of agricultural surplus population. In this way, they cannot obtain human resources at the cheapest price. Instead, they will face the dual pressure of labor costs and national taxes. Life is getting harder for them.

Because many landlords have lived in the countryside for a long time, their vision is not high, and they can’t see the overall situation clearly. Moreover, none of them have specially studied business or other livelihood skills, which is why they are completely unlucky. If they can’t grasp the only transformation opportunity this time, then their class can only completely sink into the dust of history.

But these guys have little ability to transform themselves, and their life is getting more and more difficult. In the end, I can only sit and eat, and then watch the land handed down from my ancestors in my family be sold like this, and the funds in exchange for this are getting less and less. Many people now have begun to sell their land, especially those landlords. The high tax burden and rising labor costs are also forced to sell land to maintain their luxurious life. The so-called easy transition from frugality to luxury, it is difficult for them to give up this luxury life.

So now they are yelling that every day should not be done, and that the land is not working, so now they are scolding Wang Guorui vigorously. If it wasn’t for Wang Guorui not engaging in literary inquisition now, their crimes would have been enough to be beaten at least in any feudal dynasties in the past, and at worst, they would lose their heads and kill the nine clans!

They scolded directly, and Wang Guorui would not arrest them anyway. It didn’t matter if they scolded Wang Guorui in the street, anyway, Wang Guorui couldn’t hear it, and no one would tell Wang Guorui about these **** things. After all, many people had told Wang Guorui about scolding him before, anyway, Wang Guorui also had the consciousness of resigning himself to it. If you don’t even have the awareness to be scolded, what kind of politician are you? If everyone who scolds you wants to pursue responsibility, then you really don’t have to worry about anything else. So as long as he didn’t point at Wang Guorui and scold him in front of everyone, then Wang Guorui wouldn’t bother to pursue it.

However, they scolded people here, but some people were not happy.

“What are you scolding? The emperor’s celebration is a good thing! I’m making all kinds of wooden furniture. We couldn’t make too much, but since I heard that there will be a celebration, our government here has purchased a lot. It is several times more than in the past! The money I earned this time is enough to make me earn more than in the past Chinese New Year!”

“That’s right! My girls didn’t work in a textile factory. Now the textile factory has received a large number of orders from the imperial court, and the busy feet don’t touch the ground every day. But now it’s very good. In the past, it was not dead or alive every day~www.mtlnovel. com~ That’s it. There is no profit. Now that there are a lot of orders, the money earned in a day is five or six times more than in the past! What’s more, the boss wants to work overtime this time, and work overtime as soon as possible. And if If we can complete the order before the Chinese New Year, the boss is willing to pay us twice the overtime pay again. Isn’t it good to earn the wages of the past five or six months? If I wanted to get so much savings in the past, I’m afraid it would have taken at least a year! But now I have done it a year in advance, which is also a good thing. !”

Many workers also praised the government’s order as a good thing, because this celebration purchased a lot of things, which stimulated a lot of industrial production. Let the industrial production achieve a preliminary blowout, and then although the common people will have to work overtime in a short period of time, they have no objections. Because they are just at the beginning stage of their careers and have almost no savings at home, in order to get some savings, they will also choose to work hard to earn money. They are eager to work overtime now, and there is no situation in which the so-called white-collar workers in later generations object to overtime work.

After all, the more you work, the more you get. Their income is based on piecework wages, and the basic salary is actually not high. Whoever wants them not to work overtime now, they will fight him desperately. Now everyone is also starting to prepare for the process of accumulating savings, so they all start working hard to make money, so of course they will not let go of the opportunity to make money, and instead work hard. (to be continued.) c

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