Red Alert 1895

Chapter 873

Chapter 876 – Make A Big Deal, Make A Big Deal Of Construction (Part 2)

d All the workers have also begun to estimate how much income they can increase during this period, as if they are preparing for how much wage income will increase these days. Even with this big celebration, the amount of various processing is even larger, and the amount is constantly increasing and it is still in time. Even the boss is willing to settle with roughly twice the salary. So although it is a bit tiring, everyone can achieve the savings that they could only get in the past year one year in advance. So everyone worked hard, and now it was getting late, and everyone was making money during this time, and they also had a certain income. Everyone came to the teahouse and restaurant to order food through the so-called AA system.

This kind of AA system became more popular after Wang Guorui came to this world, because Wang Guorui advocated the so-called “pay for yourself” for things like banquets for civil servants under him. After all, if one person invites a group of people, it is really inappropriate, and it will cost too much. Moreover, paying each account in this way is conducive to avoiding corruption. After all, the Chinese wine table has been an important place for **** since ancient times, so each pays his own bill, although it makes everyone feel less emotional at the wine table, but it curbs that unhealthy practice to a certain extent.

The so-called poor learn from the rich, and the rich learn from officials. When officials do this, the rich also start to learn. Then the poor also started to learn. And then everyone also found that it is beneficial to do so. After all, if you follow the traditional Chinese practice, if you invite me, I will also invite everyone. After the last lap, everyone will treat guests. After the last lap, the entire circle of friends was spent for no reason, and everyone wasted a lot of time. Just like Wang Guorui in later generations has also heard that everyone is afraid of the so-called wedding banquet, and the so-called various banquets, because these various banquets are no longer treats, they are extortion. Because of the sympathy of everyone, it is not good not to go. But this makes traditional morals unhealthy, so we must keep pace with the times! In this way, everyone pays their own bills, but it is conducive to everyone’s normal and equal communication, and it will not make everyone feel very hostile for the so-called human face.

“You are just calculating your own little families. Your income has increased. But what about the imperial court? The imperial court has spent so much money, what will happen to the imperial court then? What will happen to the country then, and all the country’s money will flow into your hands , Then the national treasury will run out of money. If you use the country’s money to be cool, then are you the people of the country?” The scholar still sprayed vigorously.

But those ordinary people don’t care about this at all. They just notice that their income has increased, and they have reached their budget savings a year ahead of schedule. Of course, they feel satisfied. Especially now they feel very good. When you have money in hand, you will naturally dare to spend it more. They don’t care what country they are from. The most important thing for them now is to save money, not to do anything to consider national affairs. Only those who have nothing to do at leisure go back to consider any major national affairs.

The scholar saw that these workers were very indifferent to what he said, and immediately said: “Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The emperor has made a big deal, and even has to build a lot of construction. How can this be tolerated? I have heard that many local governments They said they wanted to do a lot of construction work. To celebrate this new year, we decided to start building large-scale construction projects after the official Chinese New Year, building roads and various houses everywhere. Is this a good thing? How much wealth will be spent on such a large-scale construction project? If you don’t know how to be frugal, then how can you govern the country? The way? The way to govern the country is to be frugal, if you can’t even be frugal, the country will perish sooner or later.”

“Hehe, you said that the large-scale construction is perishing? But have you seen it? This large-scale construction is to build roads in various places. After the roads are built, it will be more convenient for us to do business. All kinds of merchants can be circulated quickly, so that if The road is good, maybe it can save a third of the journey time! Maybe even more, do you know what this means? Save time. That means you can do more with less time transactions, allowing more wealth to be generated.”

“Even after the various roads are connected, it can promote the exchange of materials. It saves time, and the ability to keep many things fresh has improved a lot. The coastal fish and shrimp can also be sold to the deeper inland. And the deeper After that. Do you know how much demand can be expanded? After expanding demand, do you know that coastal fishermen can get more income? Even all kinds of people can benefit from it, so you haven’t considered it at all, have you?”

“If such a group of people come down, then everyone can benefit to some extent and increase their income. Isn’t that great? Everyone has increased their income. Isn’t this a country that is safe for the people? So you think this is a large-scale construction by the imperial court. Then this It’s also good to have a lot of construction.”

“Even those buildings are not for the selfish desires of the emperor or others, but for the good of the people! Roads are built to promote exchanges and commodity transactions, and there are many primary schools built. Isn’t that for the popularization of reading? Now the imperial court is building a large number of schools. Isn’t this a good thing? There are still various basic things, although they are useless now, but they will definitely enable our country to develop rapidly in the future. In fact, the construction is going on now, which is for future development!”

Obviously, there are still people who understand, and they know the importance of these infrastructures. Don’t look at investing in infrastructure, which is “big construction” in ancient terms, but in fact, people who really realize the important role in it will never underestimate it. American Roosevelt’s New Deal relied on a lot of cheap labor during the economic crisis to build a lot of infrastructure, but Europe fought a few years later, a lot of infrastructure was destroyed, and a lot of money was invested in rebuilding after the war. However, the Americans succeeded in obtaining the most and most comprehensive infrastructure at the cheapest price, and then gave them a solid foundation for their post-war development. Without these infrastructures, Americans may not have been able to develop much after World War II. After all, the development potential of a country still depends on the infrastructure with a large foundation. In the short term, the infrastructure seems to be a large-scale construction, which is not understood by ordinary people, but it is necessary for the long-term development of the country.

But those who lived in the feudal period, many of them did not know the benefits of building large-scale construction. Their thinking is still the same way of thinking about governing the country in the past, and they still think that they must save. In their eyes, the standard for a country’s prosperity is that the ropes of those copper coins in the treasury are all rotten, and the copper coins are rusted before the country is rich. However, these idiots don’t know at all that this so-called enrichment of the national treasury does not necessarily mean that the people are truly rich and the country is strong. In ancient times, many people did not understand economic knowledge and did not understand economic laws at all.

Immediately, some workers said: “Many people from my hometown have not learned too much ability, so they didn’t find a job at all. And now our court is doing a lot of construction, and I heard that there will be a lot of construction in the future. They have all found jobs. They have no skills, they go directly to the construction site to work, so they have obtained a long-term way of making a living. And even if they work as a construction worker in the city, it is better than farming in their hometown. Higher income.”

When the scholar heard this, his face turned green, and he immediately asked, “Doesn’t that mean that more people are going to work in the city?”

“Yes, many construction companies have also told us that if someone is willing to introduce fellow villagers to work, then they are basically willing to accept. Now many construction companies are also recruiting a lot of people!” “Yes! Our cement factory also Started to recruit a lot of workers, and then there will be a lot of cement in the big construction!” “The same is true for our steel, everyone has also started to prepare, a lot of recruits!”…

That scholar’s face turned so dark that they were already facing a shortage of human resources, but a large number of people were sucked from the countryside to the cities again, so that the labor force in the countryside was even more Life for those landlords is getting worse and worse. Landlords like them exploited the people by relying on the so-called land ownership. Not only did they not support the people to work in the city, because once the labor force was absorbed by the city, it would naturally cost them more to retain the tenants. Even they do not have the privilege of tax exemption, but continue to pay taxes. Moreover, the land is not allowed to be abandoned. If it is abandoned, not only will the tax be reduced, but various surcharges will be imposed. This is simply killing them, and the cost of hiring a tenant is getting higher and higher. And they probably won’t be able to make any money in a year, and they won’t be able to maintain a luxurious life. Even the standard of living plummeted next, so they must face more difficult days.

“Does this allow us to live? What use are we scholars in this imperial court? Treating us scholars so harshly is to make the country miserable! Ceremony is broken, and music is broken, it is really broken!” The old scholar was still furious.

But obviously, what he said here is that the rituals are broken and the music is bad, but he didn’t pay attention to him. Because no matter how fiercely they quarrel, these scholars are also in the past tense. Now no one is obliged to support these hard-to-pick scholars, even if everyone has to work in person, it is impossible to get something for nothing. Nima, even Wang Guorui, the emperor’s concubine, has to go out to work to earn money in person. Why do you, a scholar, enjoy free offerings from the people? Although maybe the work of the concubines is just to earn some pocket money, but that is also setting an example! (to be continued.) c

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