Red Alert 1895

Chapter 875

Chapter 878 – Industrial Booster (Below)

d “Your Majesty, this is the recent development statistics of various industries and industries in various places!” Quan Zhixian said. .しw0.

Wang Guorui looked at the statistics, and then all smiled. The large-scale construction work this time was indeed not in vain, especially the development of this industry has been strongly stimulated. All kinds of industrial development are growing gratifyingly, especially the development of various basic industries, which has developed incomparably huge. A large number of farmers without land were absorbed into the city again, and then factories in various cities began to recruit manpower violently. Many people who had no land but no labor skills were also absorbed in the process of building large-scale construction.

Although the income of this kind of civil construction project is relatively low in this era, it is a labor-intensive industry that can absorb a large number of people for employment. Just like many industries in later generations in China are mostly labor-intensive industries, people often criticize China’s labor-intensive industries for their low technical content, as if they are useless. However, these labor-intensive industries have guaranteed the employment of a large number of Chinese people. China’s large population is an advantage but also a burden. This is the two sides of everything.

Nothing is absolutely good or bad, and the ancestors also said that it is a blessing in disguise! In the past, after China’s land annexation, a large number of farmers who lost their land were forced to reap the right to rent and plant land at a very high price, so that most of their income went into the pockets of the landlords. On the contrary, because of the surplus of labor, this also allows landlords to exchange labor at the lowest price. And the farmers who lost the right to rent and plant may eventually be unable to bear it and rise up.

Therefore, industry absorbs surplus labor force. At present, these industries with low technical content and relatively stable income absorb rural labor force, which is conducive to snatching surplus rural labor force. Coupled with the oppression of landlords by tax policies, the cost of rural labor is getting higher and higher. In this way, the landlords were forced under economic pressure. In this way, they either take a gamble to transform desperately, or choose to die slowly by themselves. However, there are not many landlords who can transform, because what they have learned in the past is not suitable for the current form. Moreover, their horizons are also low, which makes it very difficult for them to transform.

“The major technical worker schools are full again. The education department and the industrial department plan to jointly open a technical school?” Wang Guorui saw the proposal.

Quan Zhixian immediately explained: “Your Majesty, I have read the recent data, and many workers have also realized that the jobs that do not have ordinary jobs and do not have much technology will not last long on their own. This time, all skilled workers Workers also get the most salary increases, often more than 50%, or even doubled or tripled. And those unskilled workers get little or no salary increases. Because those bosses know these common Workers can be found wherever they go, and they don’t have to worry about finding them.”

Wang Guorui understood these bosses, after all, Wang Guorui knew that manpower was actually a kind of resource. Talents can also be regarded as resources, and kings since ancient times have understood this truth. Although they can’t say such a profound theory, everyone understands this truth.

Therefore, no matter where talents are, they are scarce resources and the most sought-after. Only with talents can we have everything. Without talents, your career cannot be maintained at all. For those who cherish talents, it is natural to work hard to maintain his loyalty. As for those ordinary workers, workers without much skill. That is casual. Capitalists are always looking for ways to save costs. Once the economic crisis comes, the first unlucky workers are those unskilled workers. They were the first to be laid off. But those with skills, instead kept their jobs during the economic crisis.

So some relatively far-sighted people know to go to major technical schools to learn technology at this time, and strive to graduate as soon as possible to get a better job. This is also the benefit brought by the current large-scale construction, so it is beneficial to his development.

The large-scale construction this time can be said to have injected a booster into this industry, and then it can develop further in the future.

“Is there anyone in the major media who wants to comment?” Wang Guorui asked.

Quan Zhixian replied: “Some people are flattering, and many people expressed concern. And even some people from the Conservative Party simply opened their mouths and yelled at the emperor that you are a fool. Those people from the Conservative Party cited many examples. Said The first emperor of Qin built the Great Wall and the construction of the palace, which resulted in the demise of the Qin Dynasty. And the construction of the Grand Canal by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty also caused the demise of the Sui Dynasty. They also said that such a large-scale construction was harming the interests of the people of the whole country. And countless people would As a result, the family was ruined, and they even cited many historical examples as examples, saying that the harm we did…”

“Hey, these guys, they think of things in their brains, and then measure these times with the ideas of the past feudal era. Did they really go to the people to see, and they just made up the so-called hardships of the people here, and then thought that They started swearing. They didn’t get the point when they swearing, and then they said it out of touch here.”

These ancient literati were all ungrounded. Most of them didn’t know what the people needed, so they thought they were talented and thought they could know everything about the world without going out. Even in the Internet age of later generations, no one dares to say that they know everything about the world without going out. These guys really think they know everything. Many of their things are made up in the brain, and they use the historical records of the past to measure the behavior of this era. Although it is advocated to use history as a mirror, in fact it is still possible to use history as a mirror for personal onlookers, but if it is used for the development of the entire human society, it is obviously beyond the reach.

“The ruling thinking of these guys is still the same as in the past feudal period. They think that the country should save more money, and that the more wealth the treasury has, the better. But they don’t know that once the treasury has so much money, If it is not released for circulation, it will inevitably cause deflation, which is not conducive to the development of the people. Excessive inflation and deflation are not good things. Excessive inflation is dangerous as you know. But deflation, it seems It’s because prices are cheap, but it’s a terrible blow to market demand. Once deflation occurs, the common people are unwilling to spend money. They hope to wait for prices to drop again before spending money. This is the reason for buying up and not buying down. The guys think that the lower the price, the better, regardless of the reason for the low price. Their thinking is completely behind the times.”

Wang Guorui was very speechless to these guys who didn’t understand economics. In ancient times, people thought that low prices were a good thing, which meant that supplies were abundant and people’s lives were good. However, low prices may not be an absolute good thing. If prices are low for a long time due to deflation, it means that although the prices of ordinary people seem to be cheaper, the blow to manufacturers will be very huge.

Cheap grain hurts farmers, which is a kind of deflation in ancient times. The amount of food is far more than the amount of gold, silver and copper coins, which causes deflation, and the low grain prices hurt farmers. These feudal bureaucrats all set their sights on agriculture, because they also represent the landlord class, and the landlord class mainly focuses on agriculture. Only when the society is an agricultural-dominated state can they obtain the greatest benefits. On the one hand, they do not understand the current development of industry, and it may even harm their interests, so they naturally oppose it.

“These guys are just dying. As for ordinary people, the reason why they think so much construction is actually because they are scared by the original situation. They don’t know that agricultural society and industrial society are not the same thing at all. In the small-scale peasant economy in an agricultural society, large-scale construction is destroying normal production, and huge losses are inevitable. But industrialized societies are different. Industrialization has already begun to develop, and even large-scale construction has not damaged those agricultural production. , That’s expropriation and corvée, and then the people not only can’t get wages, but also have to bring their own food, and delay production. Such losses must be huge, but we are hiring farmers who don’t have land~www.mtlnovel. com~ And even those who work overtime are workers, basically have nothing to do with ordinary farmers, let alone reducing food production. Even if workers are tired from working overtime, it is impossible to eat the meals of the past two days in one day. In the end, it’s not just three meals?”

“So these guys from the Conservative Party don’t consider the actual situation at all. They didn’t investigate any situation at all, so they copied it from historical materials. What he said Qin Shihuang’s large-scale construction caused the country’s subjugation depends on what he built. The construction of the Great Wall is a military facility and cannot bring benefits to the people. The construction of the Efang Palace is just for the enjoyment of the emperor and the royal family. Ordinary people do not get any benefits, but have to pay a huge amount. This will not bring any economy. Development, projects that cannot bring benefits to the people will naturally lead to the subjugation of the country. What we build is mainly infrastructure, and they don’t even understand the difference between infrastructure and those palaces and military facilities that are used for enjoyment. Come spray.”

“It seems that what the great man said is right. Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Since ancient times, China has been ruined by this group of guys who have made up a lot of things without investigation. These guys all claim to be for the people. Plead for life, but the most terrifying thing is that these guys claim to beg for the people’s life without even knowing the needs of the people. If you expect this group of ‘pleading for the people’ to do things, it will only make things worse in the end.” (To be continued.)

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