Red Alert 1895

Chapter 876

Chapter 879 – Meddling In Panama

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When construction was underway in China, Wang Guorui’s special envoys also went to Colombia, and after a long time, they finally felt Colombia. But at this time, Colombia happened to be in a state of civil war, and their internal war had been going on for a long time. And the civil war broke out between the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. At present, both parties are also fighting the shit, and there is absolutely nothing that can be done. However, both sides are exhausted at present, unable to effectively defeat each other at all. The Conservative Party cannot eliminate the Liberal Party, but it is also impossible for the Liberal Party to seize power. If nothing else happened, neither of them could beat the other, and both sides were tired from fighting, so naturally they wanted to prepare for peace talks. Anyway, war is the continuation of politics, and when political means cannot solve the problem, then war will inevitably occur. But when they find that even the means of war can’t beat each other, they will all return to the negotiating table again. In fact, war is no different from gangsters fighting in the final analysis. If you can’t talk about it, then you will fight with knives. If they can’t win, the two sides will discuss again how to divide the territory.

“Respect the President, I think you can’t beat the Liberal Party now, right? You are going to be tired now, and the funds are not enough? I think it is impossible for you to have enough capital to suppress the Liberal Party people, so I think we can help you. Our emperor is interested and can support you with some weapons, so that you have enough weapons, so I think you can suppress those people from the Liberal Party? Those big people in your country The landlord will not let go of this opportunity!” Wang Guorui’s special envoy said.

The Colombian president thought about it, and the special envoy of Wang Guorui came here on behalf of Wang Guorui, and claimed to support some weapons and equipment, so that they could have enough weapons to continue to suppress those Liberal Party members. And this so-called Conservative Party actually represents the interests of those big landlords. In fact, the interests of those big landlords are actually nothing more than a replica of the American Civil War. Because conflicts in industry and plantation are unavoidable, especially because industry requires a large number of cheap workers. And those planting industries also need cheap labor. In this way, the conflict between them is inevitable.

In fact, in the process of industrialization in China, most of them were affected by this kind of resistance. Landlords wanted to obtain labor at the lowest price, so they tried their best to suppress the development of the industrial and commercial industries. Because they can vaguely know that once industry and commerce develop, a large amount of labor will be absorbed in the past. In this way, their interests will definitely be damaged.

Of course, there are differences between China and foreign countries. China is mainly a landlord economy, while those foreigners are mainly a plantation economy. But both of these require a lot of labor resources from comrades-in-arms, so there must be conflicts between them. The conflict between economic development is irreconcilable. Military is the continuation of politics. But politics is often the continuation of economy, so the economic base affects politics, and politics once again causes wars, so their civil wars are inevitable. Even in China, wasn’t it after a war that the landlord class was almost forcibly wiped out, so that the whole country was concentrated to achieve industrialization? Otherwise, if these landlords are allowed to carry out industrialization, they will not be able to produce anything in a hundred years.

However, sometimes that is the case, the **** often determines your head. What class were you born in. Then you will be bound by this class. This is not something you can change if you want to change it. It is very difficult to successfully betray the class since ancient times!

As for Wang Guorui, although he is attacking landlords in the country, he will not exclude outside landlords from ruling. Because landlords will never be able to achieve industrialization when they are in power, and history has proved that a country without industrialization will inevitably be a weak country, and it will inevitably be a country at the mercy of others. Therefore, Wang Guorui attacked the landlords internally, but he did not exclude the landlords from governing externally, so that he was not afraid of any problems! Anyway, it’s not me who loses, just like countries with different countries, can’t they come together because of national interests? More typical. Isn’t it the future generations of China and the United States, in the final analysis, national interests are the most important thing!

“Sir, I want to ask you, we have never had any contact with China. Then why do you insist on us? I think that there is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason, so I first know why you Want to help us? If you don’t explain clearly to me, then we refuse!”

Wang Guorui’s special envoy said: “We have a thing for you! As long as you give us this thing, we can support you with a lot of rifles and various weapons for free. It is not wrong for you to defeat the so-called Liberal Party.” Possibly. I think you will need these weapons very much. Your economic strength has already declined and you cannot support such a huge war. So, I think we can use these things to carry out wars. For you But a new force!”

The President of Colombia began to think about it. At present, their war with the Liberal Party has reached the final stage. Their current situation is very obvious. It is just a test of who can persist more. In fact, this is often the case. At the end of the war, the perseverance and resilience of both sides are often tested, rather than the real combat effectiveness. The war of this era is completely a war of attrition. Whoever can endure it can win. In the First World War, both the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers were already very miserable, and then the Americans came at this time and became the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Americans are too good at finding opportunities. Their military combat effectiveness was not strong in that era, but they gained the most.

“What do you want?” said the Colombian president.

The President of Colombia has already planned that if China’s conditions are not high, they will also choose to agree, so that in exchange for their own weapons, they can attack those enemies of the Liberal Party.

“We want the right to develop the Panama Canal,” Wang Guorui’s special envoy said.

“The right to develop the Panama Canal?” The Colombian President wondered.

The president of Colombia did not expect Wang Guorui to propose this thing. In fact, Colombia also planned to build the Panama Canal, but with their economic strength, it was not enough to dig the Panama Canal. In fact, as early as more than a hundred years ago, the Spaniards also tried to carry out surveying and mapping, and then planned to dig a canal to communicate the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, thus separating North America and South America. In this way, the voyage between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean does not need to detour the entire South America, and the economic and various benefits that can be brought are absolutely huge. Although the current economic benefits are not as many as imagined, once the trade between Europe and Asia is opened again in the future, and once the United States wants to export goods to China, it will definitely face a very important means. Running less means saving money, and saving money means greater profits.

As for war, sometimes saving a minute can affect the outcome of a battle, the outcome of a battle is enough to affect the direction of a war, and the success or failure of a war is enough to affect the fate of a nation. Therefore, any military strategist attaches great importance to time and speed, and it has been a truth since ancient times that soldiers are expensive and fast. And even in the theory of war, it is mentioned that speed is one of the most important factors in determining combat effectiveness, so once the Panama Canal is completed, there will be many benefits.

And once the Panama Canal is completed, troops from various European countries will not have to bypass complicated terrain to reach China from the Strait of Malacca. At that time, the role of China’s Nanyang station area will obviously be greatly affected, and the strategic deployment of the Nanyang theater may also disappear. Therefore, the development power of Panama’s transportation industry must be in the hands of China. If foreigners are allowed to control the Panama Canal, it will be very disadvantageous for themselves in the future. Therefore, Wang Guorui is bound to win the right to develop the Panama Canal.

When Special Envoy Wang Guorui said that he wanted the right to develop the Panama Canal, the President of Colombia also fell into contemplation, because the development right of the Panama Canal has actually been handed over, and Colombia has already transferred the right to the development of the Panama Canal It was given to the If it is given to the Chinese again this time, it may really be “one daughter marrying two husbands”.

What’s more, he also knows that Chinese people are not easy to mess with. Although Western whites may generally discriminate against Chinese people, as politicians, they naturally cannot think about it so simple. They have to be calm, they have to think more.

If China is offended for this Panama Canal, will China retaliate next? Of course, they are also afraid of offending the United States, especially the Americans are right in front of them. Although the Americans are not as powerful as the Chinese, but the so-called county magistrates are not as good as the current ones, and distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. The Americans are different. The Americans are very powerful, at least stronger than other countries in the Americas.

The Americans were able to propose the Monroe Doctrine first, which also shows that they have this strength and have absolute control over the Americas. Therefore, both sides are not weak in strength. Although Wang Guorui’s China is stronger than the United States, it is farther away after all. But the Americans are closer, which makes them very hesitant.

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