Red Alert 1895

Chapter 878

Chapter 881 – More Than A Failure (Middle)

d The Americans heard that the Chinese wanted to take away the right to dig the Panama Canal, so they were also very surprised. They did not expect that Wang Guorui would actually want to take away the right to dig the Panama Canal. You must know that they had planned to dig this canal not long ago, but because they died too many soldiers in China, they had to take They have misappropriated this budget, so the construction plan for the Panama Canal has also been delayed.

They should have been preparing to excavate according to the contract, but the chance of successful excavation is almost zero. Originally, according to the contract, this is a breach of contract, but what if it is breached? The Americans are the overlord of the Americas. The United States is the only big and powerful country in the Americas. Other countries have not even completed industrialization. How can they compete with him? So even if they failed to excavate smoothly, that Columbia can’t say anything.

But now the problem came, Wang Guorui actually sent people to participate in the excavation power to seize the Panama Canal, so the Americans were furious. Especially Wang Guorui actually stretched out his hand here, and of course they couldn’t accept it.

“We absolutely do not allow the Chinese to interfere in our America. Don’t the Chinese know? We have declared to the world that we will not interfere in foreign affairs, but foreign countries should not interfere in our affairs. Our President Monroe was It was proposed that the Americas belong to the United States, and no one can colonize the Americas. Didn’t the Europeans also agree?” Someone immediately said.

But they forgot that the Chinese have never acknowledged their American Monroe Doctrine, and Wang Guoruike has never promised them that America is America’s America! As long as they are strong enough, won’t the Monroe Doctrine of the Americans still deal with them?

But this American has always been proud. Even if they were dealt with by Wang Guorui in China, they did not give up their so-called pride. Obviously, they still look down on China in their bones, because it is not so easy to get rid of the inertial thinking that has been formed. Even if China has become stronger and stronger in later generations, it is still the same in the eyes of these white people. The British still stubbornly believe that China is an upstart, and they still look down on China. Even in the later Internet age. There are also some idiots who say that only 3,000 people can conquer China.

And even if they are defeated once, they will not easily admit that China has been able to sit on an equal footing with them. It’s like even if someone became a slave back then, in the eyes of the former master, they still look down on them and always find reasons to beat him.

“If I let the Chinese intervene in our American affairs, then how can we continue to rule the Americas? We can’t go on like this, otherwise we are afraid that we will really lose face. At that time, once the Chinese intervene in our America , what will the European countries think? Will they let them think that since the Chinese can come to our America, can their Europeans come? We must maintain our Monroe Doctrine. Otherwise, we will definitely face being attacked .So, we have to drive the Chinese out!”

These are actually to maintain their so-called Monroe Doctrine. They want to maintain the absolute dominance of the Americans in the Americas, and then they can maintain their future interests. The Americas have actually been regarded by the United States as their territory, even their sphere of influence and their colonies. They rely on the resources of the Americas for development. Relying on various resources in the Americas to achieve industrialization is also related to their national security. If a powerful country sends strength to intervene in America, it will pose a huge threat to the stable development of the United States.

The main reason why the U.S. Army is so weak is that they have not experienced too many wars, and they have no war pressure without experience. Naturally, it is weak. The Americans have neither strong enemies nor enemies in the Americas. They can develop steadily without thinking too much about games, struggles, or even wars between major powers. Plus they don’t have many civil wars, nor are they subject to foreign interference. So they are developing rapidly, although their army is weak, but that is also the reason why they have no enemies.

They can cut military expenditures to develop technology industries, which will help them develop rapidly. Their defense pressure is not great, and naturally they can relax a lot. If their military defense is under great pressure, they will not be able to develop effectively.

The United States can develop rapidly. It is based on the absence of powerful foreign enemies. But once you have a strong foreign enemy, you naturally have to consider national defense issues. The issue of national defense must consider a large number of recruits. Once a large number of recruits are recruited, many people will inevitably be released from work to serve as soldiers. Once the population goes to serve as a soldier. On the contrary, it will reduce the labor force, and then the relatively insufficient labor force will again be under great pressure.

So this is a chain of links. The American army is small and weak, but in exchange for a huge economic and industrial development. Of course they know that once they face huge national defense pressure, they will definitely face being severely slowed down in development, which will inevitably cause huge pressure in the end. So they will never allow the Chinese to intervene in their America now. So of course they were very repulsive.

“Immediately order the front, must force that Colombia, tell them absolutely can not let the Chinese take away the right to develop the Panama Canal!” President McKinley said.

In Colombia, the U.S. envoy had a tough time with the Colombian president, using various methods of coercion and lure. Then the president of the Conservative Party of Colombia had to compromise, because the Americans were closer to them, and the Chinese were far away. Under the thinking that the county magistrate was not as good as the current management, they had to choose to agree with the Americans.

“Sorry, Mr. Special Envoy, we can’t agree to your conditions. We, um, the Americans have signed the treaty, so we must abide by the spirit of the contract. The spirit of the contract says that we in the West must abide by it, so we cannot violate the treaty, you understand Already?” said the Colombian president.

Wang Guorui’s special envoy complained in his heart: “You are talking about the spirit of the contract now, but how many of the treaties you signed with the Manchu Qing back then were completely abided by the contract? Isn’t the contract between countries just to be torn up? The reason why it cannot be torn up is nothing more than lack of strength.”

The Colombian president knows that the Americans are closer to Colombia, so he is naturally very aware that the Americans have greater influence on the Americas, while the Chinese are separated by the Pacific Ocean and cannot effectively threaten Colombia. So now they choose to reject the conditions of the Chinese, but continue to give the Americans the right to dig the Panama Canal.

Anyway, the Colombian president didn’t think that Wang Guorui could send troops to Colombia. After all, they were separated by the Pacific Ocean. If Wang Guorui wanted to go to Colombia, it would be impossible. On the one hand, the Chinese cannot attack Colombia, and on the other hand, the Americans can influence Colombia at any time. Naturally, they all chose to support the American.

So they also chose to support the Americans.

“Very well, Mr. President, I hope you will not regret it. You should know that we Chinese are no longer the China we used to be. Since our emperor expelled the Manchu Manchus in China, I have stood up again. What about me We Chinese will definitely stand among the top powers in the world again in the future, so I hope you will not make mistakes!” Special Envoy Wang Guorui said.

The President of Colombia is not afraid to say: “Okay, let’s wait. I don’t believe that you Chinese can reach America.”

Obviously, the Colombian president doesn’t think that China can reach out to the Americas and then affect Colombia. As for whether China will become stronger, he actually doesn’t care. As the saying goes, when the sky falls, the tall ones will stand up. The British, the French, the Germans, the Russians, the Americans, etc., let them stand up. These small countries of their own are just for nothing, so how can they have any qualifications to interfere in the struggle between big countries. If these small countries intervene casually in the struggles between big countries, isn’t that courting death?

Due to **** factors ~ ~ this Colombia can not give up the Americans, but to help the Chinese at the risk of offending the Americans. If he doesn’t even have this bit of **** consciousness, then he really doesn’t need to be president.

“Okay, I’m leaving first, I hope you can deal with those rebels well!” Wang Guorui’s special envoy said.

After Wang Guorui’s special envoy left, the Colombian president became worried. If Wang Guorui’s special envoy threatened him vigorously and threatened him that he would do whatever he wanted if he disagreed, he would not be afraid. But Wang Guorui’s special envoy was very plain, not too threatening, but made him very scared. As the saying goes, the more you feel guilty, the more you threaten the enemy in many diplomatic situations. It’s like foreigners often threaten China to launch a war to make the Manchu rulers compromise. But in fact, it is not so easy for them to start a war. Most of the wars are actually nothing more than blackmail, and it is not that simple to start a war.

As a politician, he understands this kind of harsh situation. However, if Wang Guorui’s special envoy neither yelled nor threatened, but was very flat, he was worried. As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark. This kind of enemy does not threaten you, but does not know how to deal with you behind the scenes. In fact, that is the most terrible enemy! (to be continued.) c

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