Red Alert 1895

Chapter 879

Chapter 882 – There Is More Than Enough Failure (Part 2)

Wang Guorui’s special envoy left the Colombian presidential palace, and then he thought about it, and he took it quietly in the Colombian capital. Then he continued to release some signals, and he deliberately leaked some follow-up support about him carrying a large amount of weapons and equipment. And he also said that he wanted to obtain the right to develop the Panama Canal in Colombia, which was opposed by the President of Colombia. And then, his efforts were not in vain, he didn’t know what happened, he was bumped by someone suddenly, and then someone stuffed it with a note.

Wang Guorui’s special envoy came to a small bar in the capital of Colombia directly according to the address on the note.

“Mr. China, please come with me!” said a man dressed as a waiter.

Special Envoy Wang Guorui soon came to a basement, and then the waiter-like person said: “Sir, this is a contact point of our Liberal Party in the capital. Mr. China, if my prediction is correct, you will release the news these days , Did you want to contact us on purpose?”

“That’s right!” Wang Guorui’s special envoy didn’t deny it. Obviously, he deliberately released the news in order to get their active contact. Those people are not fools, so they will naturally understand this truth.

“Mr. China, you want the right to dig the Panama Canal, but we are just an opposition party, and we are not qualified to manage these things at all.” The Liberal Party agent said.

He is the spy of the Liberal Party here. As an uprising party, it would be impossible if there were not some people left in the heart of the enemy to spy on intelligence. Any organized party will almost certainly have its own intelligence organization, only of varying sizes. And especially the news about the enemy’s capital, there must be some. Regardless of whether it is the case on both sides, intelligence personnel must be stationed in the city where the enemy’s headquarters is stationed, so the Liberal Party is probably no exception.

This time they also received news that the Chinese intend to discuss with Colombia the right to dig the Panama Canal, and are willing to give Colombia support with various weapons. This is not good news for the Liberal Party. Because the current war between the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party has gradually reached a stalemate, and the current strengths of both parties are similar. At present, everyone has a common idea in their hearts to use peaceful negotiations to resolve political disputes. But at this time, the Chinese variable suddenly appeared. It may cause many problems. At present, the two sides are already evenly matched, and both sides are almost unable to fight, and even almost unable to support. Originally, everyone planned to negotiate peace, but once the Chinese support the Conservative Party at this time, the support of the Chinese with funds and various weapons may become the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. It might be very bad for them.

But fortunately, now they all know that the president of the Conservative Party has rejected their request, which makes them relieved. However, the next special envoy of Wang Guorui was obviously releasing news to them, intending to make contact with them. This made people in the Liberal Party quite moved, because the two sides are currently in a stalemate, and neither side can do anything to the other. If a group of support can be obtained, then their Liberal Party may be able to persist, and even defeat those in the Conservative Party.

Of course, people in the Liberal Party also know it, and they are not political idiots. They naturally knew that if they agreed to Wang Guorui’s conditions, they would definitely offend the United States in the end. But they have no choice, because they all want to defeat the Conservative Party, and they don’t have much ability at present, so their hope is to get external support. This is the most important difference between the ruling party and the opposition party. The goal of the opposition party is to seize power, and in order to seize power, they can use many methods that ordinary people cannot use and dare not use.

Once the ruling party begins to govern, their primary purpose has changed from seizing power to preparing to manage the country according to their own methods. So not only do they have to maintain their own image, but if they use some inappropriate means, I am afraid that the voters will be disappointed with them in the end. Just like an official. After reaching a certain status, it is not suitable to do those dirty things. Almost every top politician has an extra person or organization around him to deal with those shady things for him.

The ruling party definitely wants its own image, so they dare not mess with many things, and they have more scruples than the opposition party. But the opposition party need not have such scruples. They just want to seize power by all means, and as long as they can seize power, there is nothing wrong with it. It’s not impossible for them to sell the Panama Canal. After all, they have no ruling power now, and they hope to obtain the support of external forces. If there is no external support, it will definitely suffer heavy losses in the end.

So now they have heard that the Chinese want to use all kinds of support in exchange for the right to dig the Panama Canal, so they are quite moved. Anyway, whoever sells the Panama Canal is not for sale. And they don’t have power now, what they promised is nothing more than a empty promise. This kind of empty check has no meaning at all, and you can make some at will. Anyway, since he wanted to sell his country, the more he sold, the more support he could get from others. Especially in order to protect their own interests, those foreign powers will support you instead, especially in order to protect their own interests, they may even support him to the point of ruling the country.

Why did foreigners choose to support the Qing Dynasty? Isn’t it because they betrayed the country and sold their realm, and then made foreigners reluctant to let him fall? Once they fall, it is also a question of whether these benefits can be obtained in the end. As for whether the subsequent government will admit it, no one knows. So if the power to dig the Panama Canal can be given to China, will China support their Liberal Party to fight the Conservative Party?

Now the Liberal Party has the idea of going to the doctor in a hurry, because the strength of the Liberal Party is much weaker than that of the Conservative Party. Although there is a tie in the military, if the real peace talks are actually not good for them. The Conservative Party has deep roots. If there is no war in the real peace talks, then their roots are far less deep than those of the big landowners. It is not so easy for them to seize power, so they actually do not want to negotiate through peaceful means. They would rather use war to completely defeat the Conservative Party, which is conducive to their subsequent integration.

“Actually, if you want this, don’t hesitate to try guerrilla warfare!” Special Envoy Wang Guorui said.

“Guerrilla warfare?” asked the Liberal agent.

“That’s right, it’s guerrilla warfare. Those Conservative Party members are big landowners, and they focus on agriculture. You don’t want to let go of guerrilla warfare, and then use harassment, attacks, etc. to prevent those big landowners from being able to produce safely. Agricultural production It is a long-term activity with a long production cycle, and the risk is much greater than that of the industry. If you can harass them when they are in agricultural production, and then make them unable to produce, this will also destroy their production, and then They can no longer maintain an army.”

“And you can use guerrilla warfare to destroy their economic foundation, which is beneficial to your development. And this is a real draw from the bottom. Once their big landowners and manor owners cannot have enough crop income, their economy will inevitably collapse, so they It is impossible to support this class. At that time, you can gradually develop the army, and then step by step to seize power. You should not easily try to fight them directly in the city, let alone try to fight them head-on.”

“You currently don’t have enough strength to fight them head-on, especially if you fight head-on, you will definitely suffer a lot. It is said that if you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. If you fight you At present, they must be at a disadvantage. So you might as well fight a long-term war of attrition with them, which will help destroy their economic foundation. And if you directly defeat the Conservative Party, even if you form a government similar to your own, so what? If they If your economic foundation has not been destroyed, then you must also face tremendous pressure. At that time, when you are in power, they will take advantage of their deep roots and make your policies unable to be implemented?”

“Also, the economic base determines the superstructure. What the old German horse said is very reasonable. If you destroy their economic base, then their party is like water without a source, and it can be overthrown at will. Su So, I don’t think you guys are so stupid, you’re going to go the wrong way? So, as long as you use guerrilla warfare to destroy their economic base as much as possible, then you can gain a greater advantage.”

After the agent of the Liberal Party heard this, he felt quite reasonable, especially now that they were under enormous pressure. If this method can be adopted, the threat to those big landlords is enormous. Especially for those land agricultural production, the cycle is very long, and the long cycle means that the risks are also greater. Often, if one is not careful, one year’s harvest will be in vain. So by attacking their economic base, that is also a way to attack the Conservative Party, especially in this way, they can avoid direct military conflicts and cause too many losses to their own armed forces. Use your own strengths to attack the enemy’s weaknesses, as long as anyone with a little military knowledge understands this truth. (to be continued.) c

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