Red Alert 1895

Chapter 938

Chapter 941 – Big Discussion

Regarding Wang Guorui’s proposal to include cheating in sports games as a criminal offense, there was a heated discussion in the media immediately. Although Wang Guorui had planned for a long time, he even planned to manipulate the parliament to pass this law. Although Wang Guorui can directly get the parliament to pass it, the process still needs to go through. If you don’t even go with this program, what’s the point of doing this? Although many people would say that going through the procedure is superfluous, the legality of the procedure is also an important reason for legality and an important basis for upholding the law.

Many Chinese people pay attention to the legality of other laws, but often ignore the legality of procedures. Many people only pay attention to the result and not to the process, but often the process is also an important means. If it is to maintain justice, it can do whatever it takes. This is not to maintain justice, but to destroy justice. If the procedures are not legal anymore, how much legal the final investigation results are is also very worrying. For example, some regulations require a deadline to solve the case, or some illegally obtained evidence, these are also illegal procedures. For example, phishing law enforcement is a serious procedurally illegal behavior.

So even if Wang Guorui wanted to manipulate the parliament to pass the vote, he still had to create momentum in the news media, so that everyone would know about it and get everyone’s consent. It can be regarded as a solicitation of opinions. Although the process of soliciting opinions is relatively fake, it is also an important process of respecting the ideas of the people. If you don’t even go through this process, then you can imagine how much status the common people have in the eyes of those officials. The so-called democracy does not come out of each process. Even if it is the so-called democracy of foreigners, who would really take it seriously at the beginning? But they have to go through this process. Only by going through the process again and again can the people’s spirit of ownership be cultivated, and this spirit can really be cultivated in them. Only in this way can we develop further.

If this procedure is not followed, the common people will never know that they still have this power. First of all, let the people know that they have the right to discuss these things, so that they can protect their own interests. So this program still has to go. If Wang Guorui directly asked the parliament to pass it, it would not be possible to communicate with the people at all. The consequences of this are unimaginable. Even if the process is followed, it should be done. If the process is not followed, then the thinking of the people will not make any progress at all.

However, everyone has their own opinions on whether cheating in sports competitions should be included as a criminal offense, and some people who claim to be studying law have also started to discuss.

“I think this is just a moral issue, so it doesn’t need to be so serious, right? Suspension is enough. If he is still punished as a criminal, isn’t that too serious?” someone said.

However, some people also refuted: “Isn’t this sports competition an exam? Now that the court has canceled martial arts, isn’t this sports competition another form of martial arts exam? Since it is a martial arts exam, shouldn’t it be Is cheating severely punished? You know, in the past, if you cheated in the imperial examinations, you would not lose your head! In the past, if you cheated in the imperial examinations, then the candidates would not be able to take reference again for 20 years. There are quite a few heads lost. And the court has included punishments, and it doesn’t make people’s heads roll, which is already very good. Can you have any other ideas?”

“I don’t agree. The imperial examination is for the purpose of becoming an official. Regardless of whether it is a civil servant or a military officer, if some incompetent people are rashly allowed to enter the imperial examination. Entering the court, then the civil servants have harmed the people. If it is a military officer, cheating to go up People who are incompetent will exhaust the army to death, and they will be defeated and the country will be defeated at every turn. So this imperial examination is related to the fate of the country. How can this sports competition be compared with him? This sports competition is just a competition, even if you win If you win the championship, you will not be awarded an official by the imperial court, and you will only receive honors and some bonuses, which is completely different from serving in the imperial court. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?” Some people also replied.

However, some people immediately objected and said: “I think it is a good thing to be sentenced. This cheating is cheating. Is there any reason for cheating? If they cheat, then they have taken these drugs that can improve performance, and others have not. This drug. Isn’t it a disadvantage for others to exercise?”

“Taking medicine is just taking some supplements. What’s the point? Why not take some supplements? Is this a supplement? If everyone relies on medicine, what’s the point of this sports competition? But, even if you take medicine , that is nothing more than a moral issue, do you need to make a fuss to get it into the punishment?”…

Many folks have also started discussions, but perhaps because everyone has different occupations, disciplines, backgrounds and growth experiences, they all have their own opinions. Some people mainly focus on whether taking the performance-enhancing drug is a tonic. If this stimulant is positioned as some tonic, it is not impossible to take some tonic before the game. Just like the parents of many schools, they will give their sons some good food before the exam. Poor parents all over the world, children’s exams often determine their future, and this exam often determines the future of their next generation. So before the exam, you can eat whatever you want, almost no matter how poor you are to borrow money, you have to try to satisfy your children.

Even all kinds of supplements and nutritional products are not polite. If this stimulant is defined as the same as the nutritional supplements and calcium supplements that children eat before the exam, then this is not a crime at all. Because if taking supplements will also cancel the grades or even be sentenced to prison, then it means that all parents in the world will not be able to feed their children good food and drink before the exam? Even if I take this supplement, will my grades be cancelled?

This is a complicated issue, related to the definition of doping. So everyone started to care about these things one after another. And the parents of many children also began to worry because of this, and I didn’t give those children less food before the exam. Those with good conditions, even bird’s nest abalone, and those with poor conditions will eat a few pieces of fish and some ingredients that can supplement the body. Almost every family is like this, whether they are in good conditions or in poor conditions. This is what parents expect from their children!

If taking supplements before the exam will cancel the result, I am afraid that the whole world will be panicked because of this.

Of course, there are also some people who look at the problem from another angle. Some people think that this sports competition cannot be regarded as an examination rank, and that sports competition is not a formal national examination, let alone a civil service examination or entrance examination, but an ordinary sports economics examination. Even if you succeed, you won’t be able to become an official in the government, let alone get into a better school. At most, you will get some so-called champion titles and some bonuses.

They think that this cannot be regarded as an exam, so naturally this sports competition cannot be included in the crime of cheating in the exam, which is unreasonable. So they thought that the crime was wrongly used. This sports competition is not an exam, so naturally it cannot be used as a crime for cheating on the exam. However, what they objected to was the criminalization of this sports competition as a crime of cheating on the exam. They believed that it should be listed as a separate crime.

However, there are even some people who think that this sports fraud is just a moral issue and should not enter the criminal procedure. This is just a moral issue, and it is too serious for a moral issue to be included in a criminal charge. So they think that the punishment within the industry is enough, and there is no need to punish them for criminal charges.

Of course, some of these three kinds of thinking people really think so, while others don’t know what’s going on. And some so-called athletes who had their results canceled They also stubbornly think that they just took some supplements. They just took some supplements. How can they be included in criminal punishment? Of course, it is not ruled out that some people are afraid that they will be included in criminal punishment and deliberately muddy the water. They ate this stimulant themselves, such as strong tea and some coffee, and they all got their grades after eating these things. And of course they were not reconciled to having their grades cancelled, and they were even accused of cheating.

You must know that cheating is a very serious crime, even if the reputation of cheating is very bad, of course they are not willing to put a cheating hat on their backs. They bite to death that this is a supplement and should not be treated specially. Of course, there are also some courageous ones who just hope that they will not be punished criminally, and only a moral punishment is fine, and don’t let themselves go to jail. Once in prison, it will have a great impact on the future. Once imprisoned, they will even be deprived of political rights, and even the examinations for civil servants and other examinations are basically insulated from them. This is a very serious blow to many people who plan to enter official careers in the future, and it will also affect their careers. They will naturally object to social welfare and crowd perception.

So now they each have their own ideas, and everyone has started a discussion.

“The emperor will hold a hearing in the palace, and I hope everyone will send representatives to attend!” An order came from the palace quickly. (To be continued.)

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