Red Alert 1895

Chapter 939

Chapter 942 – Legislative Hearing (Part 1)

Wang Guorui opened the imperial palace again, but this time he received everyone in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Because this is a legislative hearing, discussions will be held in this Hall of Supreme Harmony to show grandeur. However, Wang Guorui is not sitting on the tall altar like those large-scale ceremonies, but is on a round table with everyone. discuss. As for this discussion, this is what everyone has to do. This legislative discussion not only invited many “bricks” of law, but also invited some news media, representatives of some folks, and even athletes who were the main party. This represents all relevant classes and can represent the interests of many people, so naturally there will be no problems. So this discussion can basically represent the interests of all parties involved.

“Okay, everyone can speak freely today. This is a legislative hearing. Everyone can express their ideas, and every time we create, abolish, and amend laws, we will invite relevant legal experts, as well as people from related industries or identities. People, and some people with third-party professional status came to discuss together. This is a legislative idea that is as people-oriented as possible. So I hope everyone can have a good discussion in the future, and then this will help make our country more perfect. This country belongs not only to me, but also to all the people, so I hope everyone will show their sense of ownership, and everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country!” Wang Guorui said.

And soon, one of the athletes couldn’t sit still, and immediately said: “Your Majesty, we think we just took some supplements. How can it be considered a crime? I think many of the people present took the exam when they were young. During the time, the people in the family did not let everyone eat some good food, right? I think everyone did the same, so why can’t we athletes take some supplements? Some supplements are not a crime, right? ? If so, who would dare to talk about supplements?”

But someone quit immediately, and this person was on the legal side, saying: “What’s wrong with taking supplements? Others take supplements because they are sick, so they take supplements. There is nothing wrong with taking supplements when you are sick, it is human nature! But you Taking this so-called stimulant is to get good grades in the competition, and this is obviously intentional. If you take these “supplements” so intentionally to get good grades, isn’t it a deliberate violation of fairness, isn’t it? Relying on your own ability to participate in the competition, what is this not cheating?”

However, on the side of the athletes, many of them are actually high-quality talents, including civil servants from various units, and some college students with high cultural quality. Naturally, they immediately knew how to refute.

“If this is the case, then I am afraid that many people also eat some good food before the exam? I think, as you ordinary people, you also hope that your children will do better in the exam, right? At that time, if you take supplements, don’t you also have to eat them? Cancel test scores?”

Representatives of ordinary third-party occupations are also quite a headache, because it is very common to give children supplements before exams. If it is because of taking supplements, it is considered cheating, and this is the attack surface of the map gun.

“But the effects of your supplements are too good, right? Your stimulants are completely beyond the results of your physical fitness, and you are completely overdrawing your physical potential. This is not only bad for your health, but also destroys your health. Fair. As for other ordinary parents, what they eat is not too much to improve their grades. When they take the exam, they still have to rely on what they have learned every day, so this is completely non-existent. How can you put these Supplements and your stimulants are so obvious to talk about together? Yours is completely beyond the ability of ordinary people. Ordinary supplements are still within the normal range. What’s wrong?” said the legal side.

However, there are actually quite a few legal professionals on the side of the athletes, and even they have consulted specifically, so naturally they would not accept this.

“It’s legal to raise a little bit, and it’s illegal to raise a lot. Does that mean that stealing one yuan is legal, but stealing ten thousand yuan is illegal?”

The legal side immediately retorted: “You are a false proposition. No matter if you steal one yuan or 10,000 yuan, it will not change the fact that he has committed a crime. There is no such thing as stealing less is legal. In short, no matter how much you steal. They are all illegal, even if he is exempted from punishment for some reasons, it will not change the fact that he has committed a crime!”

“Then we are at most taking supplements and eating too much. Is it a crime? Ordinary people like them eat less supplements, so is it legal? In short, I think that since the nature cannot be changed, it is either It’s legal, or it’s all illegal!” said the athlete.

This time, he is completely general. According to the nature of law, stealing one yuan and stealing ten thousand yuan cannot change the fact that they are both illegal and criminal. Even if it is just stealing a piece of “garbage”, even if the value of this garbage is very cheap, it is illegal in terms of the nature of law. Even if the stolen things are very cheap, or they are exempted from punishment for some special reasons, that still cannot change the fact that it is a crime. This is a matter of principle. Just because the consequences of a crime are not serious, it is absolutely impossible to think that he did not commit a crime and is legal.

No matter how minor the crime is, even if the punishment is waived, it is still a crime. This is a matter of principle, and no retreat is allowed. Once retreated, the consequences would be disastrous. But on the side of the athletes, there are obviously two brushes, and they know very well that they need to tie this together.

He defined his stimulant as a tonic, so that it would be listed at the same level as the roast duck or fish soup that ordinary parents give their children, so that they are all tied together. In short, either they are all legal, and this supplement is completely legalized. Either it is also illegal, and the roast duck, roast meat and fish soup eaten before the exam should also be “illegalized”.

But this attack is too broad, there are too many Chinese ingredients, and there are too many things that claim to be nourishing. If supplements are banned before exams, what else is there in this world? Even ordinary rice has a certain “nourishing”. So if all the supplements are included in the list of forbidden things to eat before the test, isn’t that not giving people food? Even the starch in ordinary rice has a certain nourishing effect, so is it true that even the rice is not eaten by people?

So this either makes all “supplements” legal, or it makes all supplements “illegal”. So how to choose this is also a problem. This group of legal experts was completely generalized, because this obviously fell into a logical loophole.

“It seems that these guys are inexperienced!” Wang Guorui sighed beside him and thought.

Wang Guorui finally knew that the definition of doping in this era is still very vague. In this era, sports competition has just begun, and competitive sports have just developed, and there is not enough historical development. Even these people think that taking stimulants is similar to taking supplements, so even those who study the law cannot give an accurate definition of this “stimulant”. Even they think that the stimulant is actually just a tonic, and they can’t distinguish the stimulant from the so-called tonic at all.

But in fact, coffee and tea are also a kind of beverage, and it may be found that it has the ability to refresh and excite, so it is not appropriate to define it as a stimulant. Therefore, it is easy to cause misunderstanding and irreconcilability between the two parties. In fact, this is just the development of competitive sports, and everyone has not yet had a sufficient explanation for this aspect.

So even those who study law have fallen into that trap, subconsciously treating stimulants as supplements. If stimulants are not removed from the scope of supplements, I am afraid that it will not be too easy in this legislative process.

Obviously, the legal experts are also unable to give an accurate definition of because this is problematic no matter how it is said. Under such a problematic situation, it is naturally difficult to give them a legally reasonable explanation.

If it cannot be explained in terms of law, then this legislation cannot be carried forward. If the legislation cannot go on, then such legislative hearings will definitely come to a deadlock. Although Wang Guorui was able to force it through, it would certainly not be conducive to his future rule, and would not be conducive to the promotion of the concept of the so-called rule of law in the future.

Therefore, Wang Guorui knew that he had to speak in support, so that the hearing could continue.

“Everyone, I think the first thing we need to do is not whether to write this into the law. It is to really define what is a doping. If we can’t define what is a doping, then our discussion is not going the opposite direction? So we still need to first determine what doping is, so that we can really carry out the legislation on doping. If we can’t define what is doping, how can we really determine the legislation on doping?” Kingdom Ray said.

Suddenly, a “brick expert” in law said: “That’s right! If there is no definition of what is a stimulant and what a stimulant is, how can we continue to discuss it? Of course a stimulant cannot be directly defined as a tonic. This is unreasonable. Stimulation The agent should be taken out and defined separately!” (To be continued.)

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