Red Alert 1895

Chapter 955

Chapter 958 – Good People Get Good Rewards (Part 1)

He Dingwu and his family were all sentenced. He Dingwu was sentenced to death for betrayal, and his family members were also sentenced. ☆Tomato ○△Novel Network-Those who used to serve as fake posts were almost all executed, because traitors are often given more severe sentences than those foreigners. Those who committed minor crimes will spend most of their lives in prison, because the maximum and minimum penalty for the crime of traitor is 15 years. As long as you become a traitor, you will be sentenced to more than 15 years. of. If there are some crimes, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death. So in addition to being executed, the members of He Dingwu’s family were also sentenced to life imprisonment. Moreover, the crime of treason is the biggest crime. Even if they encounter **** in the future, they will not belong to the category of being pardoned, so it is almost impossible for them to commit suicide or reduce their sentence. Spent in prison.

And that Tian Yang was also taken to the original Macau Puppet Governor’s Mansion, and then met Li Yuanhong, the commander of the Southeast War Zone.

“Criminals have met your lord!” Tian Yang immediately knelt down and said.

Li Yuanhong took the initiative to say: “Get up, we don’t need to kneel when we meet anyone now. Even if we meet the emperor, we don’t need to kneel. So you don’t need to kneel, and you won’t need to kneel in the future.”

“Thank you, sir!” Tian Yang said. Tomato Novel Network`-

Li Yuanhong took the initiative to ask: “Although you once served as an interpreter in the pseudo-Governor’s Office of Portugal. Originally, according to the rules, you are likely to be convicted of a traitor. However, maybe you were forced. It’s just to get you a reduced sentence, not enough to get you innocent.”

“Well, if my lord wants me to go to jail, then I will go right away. Anyway, my old bones are enough. If I can see this Macau return to the motherland in this life, then I will count as a prison sentence So what?” Tian Yang said.

“Hahahaha, good, good, good! Sure enough, it is because of you compatriots who have never forgotten the motherland, who have always regarded themselves as Chinese, and who have always been devoted to the motherland. This is the foundation of our China’s rise. We The law is to punish evil and promote good. We will not let a bad person go, but we can’t wrong a good person. Although you have served as a false post, you were forced by the Portuguese. And you are being forced to serve as a false post At that time, not only did you not help the Portuguese to harm the Chinese, but you helped the Chinese to reduce their losses overtly and secretly. Even the bounty wages that the Portuguese gave you were used to those family members who were harmed by the Portuguese. You almost always You don’t have all the money. Even if you have a decent-looking job, but you don’t choose to live with the wages given by the Portuguese, you choose to live with some leftovers. Sigh!” Li Yuanhong exclaimed. Tomato☆Novel Network `-`

Tian Yang said: “The money given by the Portuguese is too dirty! I don’t bother to take it. It’s better to use the money to make up for it.”

“Hey, I’m afraid saints are nothing more than that. Very well, you were kicked out by the Portuguese for helping the Chinese, and then you worked as a coolie for 20 years with your talent! But you have no complaints or complaints.” Regret, I have never regretted my choice. A person like you, even if he is not a saint, is almost the same. You are a good person, a really good person. Our Chinese laws must punish bad people, but we cannot wrong a good person. Although you betrayed and acted as a hypocrite, not only did you not do any crime, but you helped the Chinese overtly and secretly. A good person goes to jail. You see, this is the **** order I signed, from now on you will not take responsibility for the so-called crimes of the past!” Li Yuanhong said.

Li Yuanhong gave Tian Yang this criminal order, which means that Tian Yang’s so-called “false positions” in the past will also be canceled and he will not be held accountable. Tomato□`-According to China’s current punishment and various amnesty laws, in Wang Guorui’s current punishment, there are “****” and “amnesty” regarding amnesty. **** means that there are designated targets, and it is a pardon for designated targets or people with designated identities and designated crimes. The scale is often relatively small, and not too many people can enjoy it. And **** is an unpardonable crime, that is, pardoning his punishment, so that he can not be punished, but it does not mean that he has not committed a crime. If he commits the same crime again after being pardoned, the punishment will be increased according to the repeat offender. The original crimes must also be recorded in the criminal record. If you have no special requirements, the relevant additional punishments will continue to be valid.

As for the amnesty, those who have almost no special status and special list are almost unconditionally released without any conditions. Moreover, the amnesty is larger than the law enforcement, and it not only pardons sentences, but also pardons crimes. That is to say, the amnesty is higher than the crime. After the amnesty, not only the punishment is exempted, but also the criminal record is exempted, which means that this person will be a person with no criminal record and an “innocent” person. Crimes will not be punished as repeat offenders.

However, the law and amnesty are not easy. In the past, the emperor and some courtiers only needed to discuss the amnesty of the world. Even if the emperor was more powerful, he would directly issue an imperial decree to amnesty the world. ○–`-“-`–The emperor’s birthday, the new emperor’s enthronement, the empress dowager’s birthday, any important festival may also be able to amnesty the world. But now according to the law, it is very difficult to issue an amnesty. Amnesty is not something that Wang Guorui or even ordinary courtiers can decide on their own, it must be agreed by more than 85% of the members of the parliament. Even in principle, there cannot be two amnesties within 20 years. This is a rule.

As for the ****, this is not easy. The emperor Wang Guorui has three **** quotas every year, and it is normal for an emperor to have **** quotas. However, Wang Guorui will not use this quota easily, because this penalty is the ultimate embodiment of ruling the country according to law. * Not capable of abuse.

Of course, in some of these cases, some local officials also have political power. For example, in the state of military control during the war, the commander of the local frontline combat corps has the right to kill some special personnel according to the needs of the battle, and then let them serve him. However, this law can only pardon those criminals whose sentence is expected to be less than 15 years, and some crimes cannot be committed casually, and must be ratified by the central government.

“I took advantage of the current situation to sign this **** order, and I can apply for ratification by the imperial court. Therefore, during this period of military control, my power is still relatively large, so I can carry out the crime against traitors.” **, but you need to get additional recognition from the central court. Of course, your own benevolence and righteousness cannot be ignored, because your benevolence and righteousness allow you to be sentenced to 15 years, plus various crimes of degrading merit , can reduce your expected sentence a lot, so that I can apply for **** against you. Otherwise, based on your crime of traitor, I am afraid that if it is not for this situation and your own efforts, then we can be together I have this opportunity to **** you. I think the emperor and the imperial court will not refuse to **** you. I think that in a few hours, the imperial court will send the telegram approving **** to you, so that you can It’s freedom back.”

Tian Yang also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, he could avoid going to jail. I am already in my sixties, if I still want to go to jail, it means that I may also be in prison for the rest of my life. However, many Chinese also know that this translator was forced by the Portuguese, not voluntarily. Later, they also tried their best to help the Chinese, so it can be regarded as the most typical example of “in Cao Ying and in Han”. It would definitely not be appropriate for such a person to be sentenced for the crime of traitor.

So both Li Yuanhong and Wang Guorui raped him, and Wang Guorui was not worried about the bad influence, thinking that there were not many people like her, so he **** even one of them. You can~ and the people of the whole country will understand that you can not be confused by fame and fortune in this kind of adversity, but try to do your best to help the Chinese reduce their losses. Of course, there are some crimes, but they are all forced. And he also took the initiative to help the people reduce the count, and it was counted as offsetting each other’s merits and demerits. Then he fucks, it’s all okay, it’s not unforgivable.

Of course, the crime of traitor cannot be absolutely one-size-fits-all. Although some people are forced to work in fake jobs, but they have a heart for China, and there are no major crimes, they can also have their sentences reduced. Of course, if not only there is no crime, but if you can help the Chinese to do things as much as possible and reduce the losses of ordinary Chinese, then you can further reduce the sentence, and if you have enough credit, you can also select a small number of people to commit suicide. Then as an example. After all, it is not appropriate to treat everyone one size fits all, by learning from past mistakes and avoiding past mistakes to save lives. Because he was really forced to do this, not because he really cooperated with the invaders for the sake of prosperity and wealth, and he has done a lot of good deeds, so it is okay to set some examples and pardon him.

“Tian Yang, how do you think we will manage this Macau in the future? As a local, do you have anything to say about the management of this Macau?” Li Yuanhong asked.

Tian Yang heard this, and then took the initiative to say: “Since you asked, my lord, I will talk about what I think, and give you a reference.” (To be continued.)

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