Red Alert 1895

Chapter 956

Chapter 959 – Good People Get Good Rewards (Part 2)

“My lord, let me just talk about my thoughts. Although Macau has always been a territory of China, we cannot ignore the fact that Europeans have ruled Macau for many years. Although this is not recognized by the court, although in name We can ignore it, but we have to pay attention to the specifics. After all, the Portuguese have been in Macau for hundreds of years. Although we have recovered this Macau, it is easy to recover, but it is not so easy to establish a suitable rule. Especially Although the status of the Chinese here is relatively low, they have to be influenced by the Portuguese, and their lives have been inclined to the Western way. Therefore, for more than two hundred years, they have lived in accordance with Western habits. Moreover, the judiciary and various This habit has also been westernized a lot, so we can’t ignore it. Especially in the future when we plan to establish a rule, we have to pay attention to this. If we don’t handle it well, maybe we will definitely have problems internally. Problem. At that time, it is definitely not appropriate to use violence to treat your own people, so this is a problem!”

Li Yuanhong was suddenly surprised and said: “It’s amazing, it’s really amazing, the emperor said so.”

“Your Majesty, what did your Majesty say?” Tian Yang asked.

Li Yuanhong said: “The emperor told us that Macau has been ruled by the Portuguese for many years and has not received Wanghua for many years, so the life is probably close to that of Westerners. Therefore, when we take over Macau, we must consider the local people. It is already close to the Western way of life, and maybe they will even resist our traditional Chinese habits. If we rashly ask them to give up the way of life for more than 200 years, it may cause great turmoil. At that time, we may really It is a situation where people are not human inside and out. You can’t treat them and kill them in the same way as you treat foreign enemies, but you can also completely ignore their demands, which is the most troublesome.”

“Oh? That’s what the emperor said too? It’s amazing, it’s really amazing, with such insight into the details, no wonder it was able to conquer such a big world in just a few years!” Tian Yang said.

In fact, Wang Guorui only judged it based on the experience of later generations, and he actually did this based on the experience of later generations. Because when Hong Kong and Macau were taken back in later generations, the so-called one country, two systems strategy was adopted. Such a strategy can actually be in the interests of all parties, and it can also be in line with the interests of the local people. Although they don’t recognize those treaties, they have to take seriously that the local people have lived in the Westernized world for so many years, and it will definitely be a lot of trouble if they return hastily.

So this is to be contemptuous in strategy, but it must also be taken seriously in tactics. Because they are also the people of their own country, when the time comes, the conflict between two thinking, two culture and two values may cause a lot of trouble. Even if it is not handled properly, large-scale bloodshed is very likely, so they all have to pay attention to these. The implementation of one country, two systems back then was actually to allow them to integrate better, avoid their problems, and ease the contradictions between the two sides.

So this is not something ordinary people can understand, and ordinary people may not be able to understand it. Even people in this era may not necessarily understand this period, so only some people who are very strategic can understand it. If Wang Guorui didn’t have the experience before time travel, or even the experience of developing information back then, he probably wouldn’t be able to see these points effectively. Therefore, Wang Guorui thinks that he can make use of some, especially pay attention to some experiences. This will definitely be of great benefit to them, and then it will be very convenient in the future.

“The emperor said that we are in Macau, and this is not a one-day cold. If we want to reverse it, we have to take it slowly. The emperor said that special things can be treated specially, and we cannot absolutely do it across the board. We plan to set up a special state in Macau. In principle, the governor of this special state is not directly appointed by our imperial court. It is elected by the local people themselves, but it must be approved by the central court. And our central court will not completely let it go It doesn’t matter, but in the future here will be temporarily excessive. We will gradually ease and gradually over the next 20 years. In this Macau, except for a few important crimes in the criminal law, other crimes can be carried out according to the local law. It must be disposed of according to customary customs, but it must not violate our Constitution.”

“Also, we will gradually transition within 20 years. From the transformation of those important criminal laws, we will gradually revise them, and then let the local people adapt. After the transformation of the criminal law, we will gradually realize the transition of the civil law in the future. It took 20 years to transition, and I think this will allow the local people to return to our big Chinese family, without causing conflicts due to different lifestyles.”

In fact, Wang Guorui intends to set up a special state in this Macao according to the thinking of the Macao Special Administrative Region in later generations, but this special state does not have the high status of Macao in later generations. This special state is not the special administrative region of later generations. The special administrative regions of later generations are highly autonomous and have great autonomy, even compared to the local federal states of some federal countries. And this special state of Macau is actually far less powerful than the so-called Macau Special Administrative Region. This special state of Macau not only does not have much autonomy, but also needs to be gradually changed, from criminal laws to various methods.

Of course, the reason for such a change is actually because the international situation is different. In later generations, China’s national strength did not have much capital. Although these Hong Kong and Macau can be taken back, they cannot have much strength to transform those Hong Kong and Macau, so some compromises must be made. Moreover, the influence of the local Chinese in Hong Kong and Macau has also increased a lot, because since the Second World War, countries have much less control over the colonies, and the local “natives” have also begun to rise. The colonial suzerain has to Let some local “natives” join the management in a real sense. Even in the later period, the status of the people in the so-called colonies was almost the same as that of the citizens of the suzerain country, and the suzerain country did not dare to bully those colonies casually.

And under such an international situation, the local “indigenous” began to rise one after another, and with enough strength and foundation, they joined in the management. So at that time, the Chinese government had to compromise with the local power factions to a certain extent in order to maintain stability. However, in this time and space, the Second World War has not yet broken out, and the strength of the overlord of the colonies has not declined too much. They will not allow the Chinese to participate in management in a true sense. So their legislators are all empty, and they don’t make much sense at all.

But also because of this, the local Chinese power faction does not have much strength to resist the central government. As long as the power of those foreign colonists is destroyed, those local Chinese can only choose to obey. Without too many powerful Chinese factions leaping, it is impossible for them to have the strength to fight against the central government. Once those local indigenous power factions rise up, then this will be the biggest headache for the central government. Violent means cannot be used against such people, and they cannot be treated with violent means like foreign enemies, so a compromise has to be made. This later so-called special administrative region and the commitment to remain unchanged for 50 years were in fact nothing more than compromises sent by the local forces.

However, this time and space are different, and the international situation does not allow those local powerful factions to grow. Naturally, they cannot develop, so they are powerless to fight against the central government. So it’s easy to deal with them. Wang Guorui doesn’t plan to implement the so-called “one country, two systems” at the time. He plans to gradually transform the local area. For them, they do not have such a lofty status in later generations, they are only at the state level, and their political status is compared with those of the so-called special administrative regions. Because this Macau and this era of Hong Kong are not enough for Wang Guorui to pay so much attention to, and their economic level and various political factors are not too big.

This is not the case in later generations, as mainland China’s economic strength and strength in all aspects have also Hong Kong’s status has been replaced by cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen. Their status gap has also gradually narrowed, and the strategic center will not “spoil” them so much. Only when the gap between the two sides is greater, will there be more benefits. Now that Hong Kong and Macau are not so powerful, it is naturally impossible for them to attach so much importance.

Tian Yang took the initiative to say: “But if you want to do this, you must choose a suitable person. Only in this way can it be regarded as not delaying the general trend of the court, and allowing Macau to return them in the simplest way. And this person must be enough to be right. Loyal to the imperial court, you will not be the lackeys of those local Portuguese. Only in this way, you can guarantee your loyalty to the imperial court, the recognition of us Chinese, and have a lot of prestige in the hearts of the local people. Only in this way can you be qualified for such a duty. However, such a person is hard to find! It is not easy for someone to be the first magistrate of the special state of Macau.”

Li Yuanhong took the initiative to smile and said, “Isn’t that far away in the sky and close in front of us?”

“You mean me?” Tian Yang asked in surprise.

Li Yuanhong patted him on the shoulder and said: “That’s right, it’s you. You have done a lot of good deeds over the years, so who else can there be besides you? You are a good person and you should be rewarded. Do it.” If you kill a good person, then of course there will be good rewards, if there is no good reward for a good person, then what hope is there in this world?” (To be continued.)

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