Red Alert 1895

Chapter 957

Chapter 960 – Gracious And Powerful

“Everyone in Macau, now that Macau has resumed as our Chinese territory, everyone must accept the rule of the Chinese court unconditionally. If you disobey, we will severely punish you. If you dare to defy the court, then don’t blame our court for disobedience.” You’re welcome.” Li Yuanhong said.

Some Chinese public opinion representatives in Macao below also had worried faces. Not only were they not too happy, but they were very nervous. Because many of them have lived in Macau for many generations and have integrated into Macau. Their lifestyles are also westernized. If they return to China hastily and accept China’s ideology, customs and even the legal system, they may not be able to adapt to it in a short period of time. So this made them all worried.

Of course, although they can be considered to have a certain strength here, they are much worse than Chao him. The current situation is not that of future generations. If anyone dares to confront the central government in this era, Wang Guorui doesn’t mind labeling them a traitor and killing them immediately. But the social form of the later generations was different at that time, so naturally this cannot be the case. But the early age also has the advantage of being early. Not only were the Chinese aborigines in Macau suppressed by those colonists, they were unable to form a huge strength and were unable to bargain with the central government. Moreover, on the other hand, the society of this era is relatively tolerant of “killing people”. In this era, the awareness of human rights has not yet begun to improve. Even if later generations often use human rights to criticize foreign countries and invade foreign Americans, there is no such thing as human rights. Human rights are not popular in this era, so even if Wang Guorui massacres those opponents in Macau, neither the international nor the domestic will condemn it. If later generations massacred Macao compatriots, let alone the international community, the locals would condemn it vigorously. But this era also has certain advantages, that is, if it is really cruel to kill and clean up opponents, the people will not object, but will take it for granted.

However, Wang Guorui didn’t want to really start killing, because he hadn’t reached this point yet. The local forces are not strong, so there is no need to kill. Killing people in one’s own country has a bad reputation, so this kind of thing can’t be done indiscriminately. Even if they were massacred, although the people in the country would not say anything now, what about the future? In a few decades, with the popularization of compulsory education, what will the common people think of those things back then? Even, this will become an important basis for discrediting Wang Guorui. People are doing it, history is watching, nothing can be completely covered up, and it will bring disaster to future generations.

A famous and upright ancestor full of positive energy is the most important bond that unites a family. If an ancestor is notorious, then your descendants will only be ashamed of being your descendants, and no one even wants to admit that they are your descendants. How can this family unite? Even the royal family is the same, if an ancestor with a notorious reputation, even the children of the royal family will be ashamed of it, so how can they have cohesion?

If it was the feudal era in the past, various punishments could be used to prevent the people from talking about the scandal of the founding emperor, and if they dare to talk about it, they would kill them directly. But in the future, it is impossible for Wang Guorui to issue such an order, and it is impossible for those who talk about the founding emperor to be punished. It is the most basic thing not to be convicted for speaking. As long as it is not intentional to slander, then he cannot be banned from speaking. Therefore, Wang Guorui must also maintain his reputation and leave a positive impression, otherwise future generations will be ashamed of his ancestors, so how can the royal family improve their cohesion? The royal family without cohesion will also fall apart. This is true of any family. If a family does not have cohesion and sufficient centripetal force, no matter how much power it holds for a while, it will fall apart.

It’s not worth doing such a stupid thing for this Macau!

“My lord, I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to adapt in a short time! After all, it has been ruled by the Portuguese for more than two hundred years, and many of our people here have also adapted to the life of Westerners. And the laws are all I’m afraid we won’t be able to adapt to the laws of Westerners in a short time!” Someone pretended to be pitiful and said.

However, Li Yuanhong still had a “dead face”, expressionless.

However, Tian Yang next to him came out on his own initiative and said, “My lord, I think we should give Macau some time to adapt, why don’t we make a transition first? Twenty years, and then use the twenty years to slowly transition. If twenty years Inside, we can gradually amend the law so that the people here can adapt to the imperial court! Otherwise, the people here will find it difficult to adapt, what do you think? My lord, please go and ask the imperial court so that we can adapt well Take your time! After all, we are also the emperor’s subjects, so let us get used to it gradually, otherwise it will be really difficult for us to live!”

“Hmph, are you still Chinese, can’t you get used to it?” Li Yuanhong said pretending to be “angry”.

Tian Yang quickly added, saying: “My lord, the reality is the same. After all, it has been ruled by the Portuguese for more than two hundred years, and there is nothing we can do about it!”

Soon, after repeated “tug-of-war” between Li Yuanhong and Tian Yang, Li Yuanhong finally said: “Okay, I can ask the imperial court to see if it agrees!”

Li Yuanhong took Tian Yang away, and those representatives of public opinion in Macau were very nervous, as if they were very scared. If it is true that the same laws and living habits as those in the Mainland are directly implemented across the board, I am afraid that the people of Macau will go crazy, and they will definitely not accept it. So they are very much looking forward to the approval of the Chinese central cabinet. Now they are man-made and I are fish and meat. They have no choice. So of course they hope to be more stable and transition slowly, which is the best.

However, they didn’t know that after Li Yuanhong and Tian Yang left, they were drinking tea slowly.

“Old Tian, your idea is really good, they are really scared!” Li Yuanhong laughed.

In fact, those guys don’t know it at all. In fact, Wang Guorui has already agreed to the disposal plan for Macau, which is to gradually change the laws of Macau in the next 20 years. Macau will gradually change, and it will not be achieved overnight. Macau can be temporarily established The special administrative region has slowly allowed them to integrate into China for 20 years.

Although Wang Guorui had approved it a long time ago, Tian Yang told Li Yuanhong to perform a routine of red and white faces. Li Yuanhong made things difficult for them on purpose, and Tian Yang also came to “beg for mercy” on purpose. In fact, Wang Guorui agreed a long time ago, but that Tian Yang offered to delay and suppress the situation.

In fact, Tian Yang also knew that if Wang Guorui agreed straightforwardly, then the local natives might also feel that they were “superior”. In fact, many problems come from habit. Wang Guorui knows that many times when people from a certain special administrative region look at mainlanders, it seems that they are superior to others, as if they are more noble than mainlanders. In fact, these are not out of habit, they have enjoyed too many benefits, and then even gave them a lot of so-called “privileges”. Not only can they gain autonomy, but they can also enjoy a lot of so-called power, making them seem to be superior to the mainlanders.

For this kind of people, in fact, they are completely used to them. In many cases, Mi En is hated by Mi En. The central government treats them too well and gives them so many privileges. They don’t even have to pay taxes to the central government, and they don’t even have to pay any garrison expenses. The central government protects them for free. And so on, it seems that the power is not small, but a large group of abnormal minds have been used to it. If it was decades earlier, they would have known the power of the **** iron fist, so they wouldn’t dare to fart.

So although Wang Guorui had already planned to allow those Macau residents a certain special time limit, but this Tian Yang offered to delay it. If you directly agree to them, it will make those Macau natives take it for granted that this is a policy given to them by the central seems that it should be. At that time, they might put forward more unreasonable conditions. After all, it is generally more to choose the top, get the middle, take the middle, and get the bottom. It is impossible for every negotiator to take the initiative to reveal all his bottom lines. Anyway, lions often open their mouths before negotiations, and it is impossible to say their bottom line at the beginning.

The same is true for these aboriginals. If they were given this “transition period” from the beginning, they might put forward more conditions. Only by deterring them with majesty first can we get more benefits and make them “grateful”. If they are directly benefited, and then they put forward more excessive conditions, at that time it will really be “promoting kindness against mihou”.

“The combination of kindness and might is the kingly way. Otherwise, if it is delayed, they will put forward more excessive conditions, which is definitely not good. Therefore, we must use prestige to deter them, so that they will be ‘grateful’. If there is only ‘gratitude’, They will think that they are weak, and they will take it for granted, as if they are superior to others. But first give them ‘wei’, so that they will be grateful for ‘en’.” Tian Yang said.

Li Yuanhong also nodded. This Tian Yang is a mature and prudent person. After all, he is over 60 years old and has a lot of life experience. What’s more, he also worked as an interpreter in the Portuguese Governor’s Palace back then. He is not familiar with some political matters. He was a stranger, so it would definitely be of great benefit to have him, someone who is familiar with the local conditions, help. (To be continued.)

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