Red Alert 1895

Chapter 959

Chapter 962 – There Is No Extra Inch In The Territory

“Mr. Zhu Erdian, I have never wanted to have a conflict with the British Empire. Although we are dissatisfied with the treaties you signed with the Manchu Qing. But I think we can still be friends. After all, you are also victims. Qing, the robber took away our Chinese things and sold them without authorization, so in a sense, you are also victims. Those thieves and robbers sold things that did not belong to them, so this must be the case It’s unreasonable. I think the things should be returned to the original owners, so that even if there are some misunderstandings, we can still be friends.”

“However, the British Empire has disappointed me. I have always hoped that the British Empire can take the initiative to talk to me about further negotiations on the territories leased and ceded by the Man Qing treaties, and then strive for a solution. But your British Empire But it seems that there is no sincerity, and you have never come to discuss this matter with me. You continue to do your own thing, continue to occupy this Hong Kong, and you have no sincerity to solve the problem. So I have to tell you now, I hope you will be more British. The empire can voluntarily give up Hong Kong, and then return Hong Kong to its original owner.”

Wang Guorui directly summoned Zhu Erdian, the British representative in China. Since the Manchu Qing Dynasty had actually perished and there was only one name left, these former ministers stationed in the Manchu Qing Dynasty also changed their identities. Of course, at present, China has not actually established the so-called “diplomatic relations” with them, but the methods are all thought up by people. The Beijing office then uses the so-called non-government organizations as a reason to be permanently stationed in Beijing.

Although this is suspected of deception, but as both parties, they don’t care about so much. In fact, everyone will also recognize each other’s relationship. The ministers sent by Wang Guorui also communicate with foreign countries as representatives, but in fact, both sides also recognize each other as ministers. But they didn’t fulfill the so-called contract relationship. In fact, everyone maintained each other’s status quo.

But now that Zhu Erdian was summoned by Wang Guorui, he obviously mentioned this Hong Kong matter. This made Zhu Erdian’s face even more bitter. In fact, even Zhu Erdian didn’t want to see such a thing. Although Zhu Erdian had guessed for a long time, after the Chinese resolved the matter in Macau by force, they would inevitably point the finger at Hong Kong. Hong Kong is an important thing across China. Hong Kong can be said to be China’s first leased territory, and the United Kingdom is also the world’s most powerful country. If Hong Kong can be taken back from the United Kingdom, the benefits will not only be Hong Kong So simple.

To be honest, Hong Kong in this era is far from the Pearl of the Orient in later generations, let alone the Four Asian Tigers. If you want to say that its economic value is actually not much. However, the status of the countries represented here is different. If Hong Kong can be recovered, it means that China can be qualified to sit on an equal footing with the United Kingdom. In this way, China has taken back the last ceded colony, and it can even boost the morale of the people in China and increase national cohesion. In any case, taking back territory can enhance national cohesion. No matter how bad the domestic situation is, if the morale can be boosted by taking back the territory, it will definitely increase the public support rate.

Although Zhu Erdian knew that Wang Guorui would not let this Hong Kong go, he didn’t expect it to come so soon. Originally, Zhu Erdian thought that China would wait for some days, at least until the European war started in the future, so that they could take advantage of the opportunity to enter. But now Wang Guorui took the initiative to ask for it, so Zhu Erdian didn’t know how to solve it.

“Your Majesty, after all, the Great Qing Empire is recognized by the whole world as legal in China…” Zhu Erdian wanted to use this to make an argument, but Wang Guorui refused.

“Mr. Zhu Erdian, do you want to say that all countries in the world recognize the Manchu Qing government as the legal and orthodox government of China?” Wang Guorui asked.

Zhu Erdian nodded and said, “Yes, so we think you should be regarded as inheriting the legal system of the Qing Empire!”

“Haha, Mr. Zhu Erdian, you said that all countries in the world recognize it, but I don’t!” Wang Guorui replied.

That’s what Wang Guorui said. Anyway, he doesn’t care whether countries around the world recognize the Manchu Qing as the legal government of China, but he just doesn’t recognize it! Anyway, so what if all countries in the world recognize it, as long as Wang Guorui and his subordinates don’t recognize it, so what? What about those foreigners?

Anyway, Wang Guorui said in a vulgar way, that is, if I don’t admit it, can you bite me? If Wang Guorui does not recognize the Manchu Qing, it is useless for countries all over the world to recognize it. Wang Guorui believes that the gap between China and the West is far from as big as imagined. If the original Republic of China overthrew the Qing Dynasty, their strength is still far behind that of the West. Naturally, he dare not deny the abolition of the treaty. However, the gap between Wang Guorui’s China and the West is not that big. How can the West do anything to Wang Guorui? They just don’t admit it, so is he still afraid of foreigners?

As for what those foreigners could do to him, Wang Guorui didn’t believe it. So he does not need foreign recognition, as long as he does not recognize it.

“Your Majesty, since this is the case, then I have nothing to say! Our British Empire acquired Hong Kong, which we have paid a lot to obtain, and we cannot just lose it like this. This British Empire depends on our soldiers of the British Empire In exchange for the blood that was shed, if you let us give it back to you just by saying that with your two lips, then it is impossible for us to explain to those soldiers who died. Therefore, this matter is not discussed.” Zhu Erdian said.

Wang Guorui’s face turned cold suddenly, and he said, “Since this is the case, then there is nothing to talk about?”

“This…” Zhu Erdian was also a little nervous, he didn’t know what Wang Guorui wanted to do.

Wang Guorui took the initiative to say: “You said that this Hong Kong was bought with the blood of the soldiers of the British Empire. Then I also want to tell you that there are definitely not a few soldiers in China who are willing to protect the interests of the motherland. So I think they will not hesitate to take back the territory for the motherland when I give an order.”

“You, do you want to start a war against our British Empire?” Zhu Erdian asked.

Zhu Erdian never thought that Wang Guorui would go to war against Britain? Zhu Erdian knew that it would be unwise for Britain to go to war with China at present, even though Britain has a lot of wealth, it also has a lot of cannon fodder. But in the face of this result, it is obviously impossible to start a war against China. If they want to start a war against China, the logistics alone are enough to oppress them. Although they have population cannon fodder, Indian Asan has a lot of cannon fodder, and colonies all over the world also have a lot of cannon fodder. But is it useful? Each of these cannon fodder is also unarmed.

According to Britain’s industrial division of labor around the world, those colonies can only provide raw materials and labor, and those industrial bases are all local. As a result, this has caused the UK to want to use weapons and ammunition, which must be transported from the mainland before they can be given to front-line soldiers. They hardly have any industry in India. This is to fear that those Indians will rebel, and then use industrial weapons to arm themselves against Britain.

Therefore, this also caused the British to mobilize weapons and ammunition very slowly, with poor transportation capacity and a lot of loss. If they were facing a country like India’s Asan, then they would naturally have nothing to fear. But what we are currently facing is China. If there is a war between China and China, even the millions of troops may not be able to win. Especially the logistics supplies are enough to make Britain urinate blood, so the British will not want to fight an all-out war with China.

But China doesn’t seem to care, it seems to be desperate for this Hong Kong and the British. So they obviously told Zhu Erdian again that if the British did not agree to their conditions, the Chinese would fight them desperately.

“Your Majesty, is it worth it for Hong Kong?” Zhu Erdian asked.

Zhu Erdian’s meaning is obvious. He thinks that for Hong Kong, a place with little economic could they attach so much importance to it? For the sake of this small Hong Kong, it is necessary to prepare for war with the United Kingdom, so Zhu Erdian doesn’t know what to do. In fact, this Hong Kong has no important meaning to the United Kingdom. The only meaning is the “face” of the British Empire. If you want to say how much economic benefit there is, it’s completely bullshit. Back then, the UK wanted Hong Kong because it wanted a transit point.

Back then, Britain’s policy towards China was still mainly based on commercial exchanges. Later, it discovered China’s weakness, so it chose to continue to colonize. When I first wanted Hong Kong, I just wanted a transit point, not a real territorial claim. But now Wang Guorui has changed the Qing Dynasty’s closed-door policy, so Hong Kong’s status is actually very embarrassing. As long as foreign businessmen abide by the law in China, the problem is actually not that big. Wang Guorui will also ask the court to protect the interests of foreign businessmen in the case of law-abiding. The current China is not as ignorant as the Manchu Qing Dynasty, so this Hong Kong can be dispensable.

But in order to protect Britain’s face, they naturally cannot hand it back casually, otherwise how will Britain’s face be released? So Zhu Erdian thinks that Wang Guorui will not fail to see this, why is he desperately trying to take back this Hong Kong, isn’t this Hong Kong also a tasteless to China? Since it’s all tasteless, why should we care so much about it?

“Although our Chinese territory is large, there is no spare inch!” Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.)

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