Red Alert 1895

Chapter 960

Chapter 963 – Psychological Warfare

Following the orders of Wang Guorui and the Military Commission, an order was issued, that is, the entire ** team implements a second-level combat readiness. The second-level combat readiness is already a very high level, which means that war may break out at any time, and even every soldier must be ready to fight against the enemy at any time, and those infantrymen must put their weapons next to their pillows, and then be ready for emergency assembly at any time, and then Always ready to go out and fight. The second level of combat readiness is already very high, if it is higher, it will affect domestic stability. The second level of combat readiness is already a very high level, so it is enough to scare these British people silly.

As for whether this should be returned to Hong Kong, Zhu Erdian has no right to make the decision. He can only send a telegram back to ask the British government. However, the domestic cabinet of the United Kingdom also had a sudden headache. The economic value of Hong Kong is actually not great, and it has nothing to do with the economic value of the United Kingdom at present. But the reason why Britain is unwilling to give up is because this Hong Kong is the face of the British. This Hong Kong was captured by the British, if it was returned like this, how bad would it be? In fact, many of the huge British colonies cannot bring much value, but the British have to occupy these colonies and maintain these colonies. They even spend a lot of wealth to do useless work, isn’t it just to maintain these colonies? The so-called face?

So they are naturally unwilling to return Hong Kong. If they return it like this, the British will lose all their international face. Therefore, the British Prime Minister Cecil will immediately discuss with the cabinet again, and then whether to deal with how Hong Kong is.

“We absolutely cannot sell Hong Kong, otherwise our British Empire will lose all face. If we just exchanged Hong Kong to them, how will our British Empire survive internationally in the future? At that time, our British Empire What will happen? At that time, a series of colonies of our British Empire will bring about a great crisis. If we do this, it will make our empire unstable!” said the Minister of War.

And everyone also expressed their disapproval, and some people chose to remain silent. Because of returning Hong Kong to China, it will definitely make people very angry, and even make the army dissatisfied. If Hong Kong is returned to China, then they will inevitably be in more danger, and it may also set a bad example for the future handling of the colony. So it is naturally impossible for them to choose to just give it back to China. They must be very dissatisfied with this, so now they want to find a solution.

“Guys, do you think China will go to war with us?” Cecil asked.

Someone immediately replied: “From a rational point of view, it is impossible for us to go to war with China at present. The Chinese need time to develop and accumulate strength. After all, they are many years behind us. Even if they have enough military strength, what can they do?” How? After all, they are too far behind us, and they are far from our opponents in terms of industrial background and various national backgrounds in a short period of time. So as long as they are smart people, they will not choose to fight us at this time, let alone Won’t fight us hard.”

“Of course, we are not suitable to take the initiative to fight against them. Otherwise, we will definitely be involved in this quagmire of war with China, especially when we were in the Boer War, it has been proved that our army is actually not very powerful. Even a Boer has cost us so much, but has not obtained the corresponding benefits. How much will it cost us to win a big country with a population of 400 million? Moreover, Their China is no longer the Manchu Qing government in the past, so we can’t scare them. In the past, we were able to bully the Manchu Qing government so much, not because they were weak, but because their ruling class did not regard themselves as Chinese. That’s why they keep betraying their country. In China now, we can’t scare them!”

“We don’t even know what these Chinese people think. Anyone with a little bit of political talent will know that China is going to war with us at this time, which is not good for both of us. If they go to war with us, then They have lost a lot and lost the most suitable development opportunity. And we will all lose a chance to deal with the Germans. If we start a fight with the Chinese at this time, especially a big fight, it will not only do us no good, but will Let the Germans take the opportunity to fan the flames there, and then hope that we will fight the Chinese! So as long as the Chinese are not stupid, they will definitely not choose to fight us!”

Obviously, as a mature politician, this person subconsciously believed that Wang Guorui would not go to war with them, so he would definitely not lose Hong Kong. However, they obviously didn’t know what would happen to Wang Guorui.

“Can you guarantee that the Chinese will not go to war against us?” Cecil asked.

“I can assure you that as long as the Chinese emperors are not stupid and their cabinet ministers are not seeking their own death, they will not go to war against our British Empire, so I don’t think they dare to do so. It is not worth the loss for them China, for a Hong Kong Isn’t it a fool to fall out with our British Empire? So I think that as long as the Chinese have some mature politicians, they will not do such stupid things. So, I think the Chinese are just blackmail, we don’t care them.”

Cecil thought for a while and said: “Since you judge like this, then we don’t have to pay attention to them. Since they are like this, then we don’t have to pay attention to them so much. We just need to do our own thing well, Chinese people Shouldn’t you be so risky and start a war with our British Empire? I don’t think anyone in their country would agree to go to war.”

“Our British Empire will not allow our territory to be lost for no reason, so we should guard our colonies well, and we must not just lose them like this!” Cecil said.

The British cabinet adjourned, and then informed Zhu Erdian of the cabinet’s resolutions by telegram.

“Your Majesty, we believe that Hong Kong is a place where our British Empire has invested a lot. We have invested a lot, and we cannot just return it to you China. Therefore, we, the United Kingdom, refuse to return Hong Kong, which our British Empire has already ruled. For decades, there is a lot of wealth invested by our British Empire, and various facilities are built by our British Empire. It is our British Empire that has brought civilization and wealth to Hong Kong, so I think the locals in Hong Kong will also be willing to live in civilization life. Therefore, we have invested a lot in Hong Kong, and we will naturally not agree to return it.” Zhu Erdian said righteously.

Zhu Erdian, the gangster logic, seems to be really saying that, and he has no sense of guilt. What he means is that he snatched Hong Kong and put these things into construction. It’s like he illegally took away the ownership of other people’s real estate, and then renovated it in this way, so the ownership of this house belongs to him as a matter of course. This is nothing more than gangster logic, thinking that he has put something into this thing, and that is his. But in one sentence, the British will not return Hong Kong so easily. If they return Hong Kong, it will be a slap in the face to them.

But this British man is actually a group of pirates in his bones. Didn’t they come from pirates at the beginning? When they finally got rich, they all seemed to be gentlemen. But pirates are still pirates at heart, they will not be pirates just because they changed their clothes and pretended to be a gentleman. They are gentlemen, in order to be better pirates, so that people think they are gentlemen, not pirates. When they really want to gain benefits, they will show their pirate side without hesitation, and then kill you to eat meat.

“Your Majesty, this time the British probably think that we want to develop, so they won’t go to war with So, they seem to have no fear, and they directly threatened us. They think we won’t fight for this Hong Kong Go to an all-out war with the UK. What they bully is that we want to keep development opportunities, so they are naturally not afraid that we will go to war with them.” Prime Minister Xiao Hongsheng said.

“The British really don’t cry when they see the coffin! They think we dare not go to war with them? Do they think that China dare not threaten them? They think that we want to leave development opportunities, so they dare not fight them Go to war? But they don’t know, we have an old saying, just go barefoot and don’t be afraid of wearing shoes, what do we have to be afraid of? So, we threaten them in turn. I think we can force them in the future Give in. Although we don’t want to start a war this time, we must have a psychological battle to see who can hold his breath better and who has more cards.”

“Although we don’t want to go to war with the British, it doesn’t mean we are afraid of the British. Our determination to return to the territory is extremely strong, and we will not compromise because of the strength of the British. Territorial issues, I absolutely There is no room for compromise. Therefore, immediately convey an order to Li Yuanhong, ordering his destroyers in the southeast theater to bombard Hong Kong for me to deter the British. And, order to raise the national combat readiness level to a first-level combat readiness.”

“Yes, I’ll deliver orders to Li Yuanhong right away!” said Li Zhanfeng, the head of the attendant room. (To be continued.)

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