Red Alert 1895

Chapter 964

Chapter 967 – Weakness And Compromise (Part 2)

Wang Guorui knew that the British would inevitably compromise, because the British social system and his political system were systems that could only be possessed by a powerful country. ≯Net Because the British Parliament pays attention to the separation of powers and the restriction of power. This is the idea that the British have always been taboo about letting a certain person hold absolute power since the Glorious Revolution in the UK, so they must be very dangerous. And this idea has also affected Americans. The United States is also very worried about the power held by the president, and even very limited the power of the president.

However, the development process of these two countries is obviously different. After the Glorious Revolution, the British began to open up to the outside world under the temptation of the interests of the bourgeoisie. The motivation to support their country’s development is to expand abroad. As long as there are enough interests overseas, as long as there are enough colonies, they don’t mind uniting and cooperating to expand abroad. Because as long as there are enough interests in foreign development, in the face of absolute interests, it is possible to make people who have conflicts become partners.

As there are no absolute enemies and friends in politics, when facing a common foreign enemy, no matter how severe the internal conflicts are, they are likely to unite to fight against the foreign enemy. Of course, there is another situation, that is, when the interests are huge enough, even the party that is originally an enemy can cooperate and become a friend. This can range from a region, to a country, or even to the entire human race. The reason why human beings have wars is actually to a large extent because the resources of the Earth Mountain are not sufficient to allow everyone to live well. That’s why they broke out conflicts and wars, and the ultimate goal of every war since ancient times is nothing more than to compete for resources. Some are land, some are mineral resources, or various survival resources.

But if one day they find that there are more inexhaustible resources in their wider world, many of them will choose to temporarily abandon the conflict, and then go to open up together. This was the case with the British bourgeoisie back then. Now that they have enough resources to explore and colonize the outside world, they will also temporarily abandon the contradictions of the bourgeoisie and explore the outside world together. And this situation will hardly change, because even in the 21st century, as long as the mining of resources in outer space can be realized in the 21st century, if future generations of human beings can easily mine resources outside the earth, then I am afraid that the so-called contradictions on the earth will not be solved. It is no longer a contradiction. Several big countries may choose to abandon the so-called conflict and go to foreign countries to develop resources together. Because the resources in space are inexhaustible, no matter how much human beings count in the future, they will never be able to calculate the day when they will run out.

“The British will inevitably compromise. Back then, they relied on various foreign developments to obtain sufficient resources. What they implemented was a system of decentralization. Their system of decentralization allows them to choose to unite when they have enough resources for foreign development. , to develop together. This kind of democratic system has one of the biggest problems, that is, their power is too dispersed. If the power is too dispersed, they cannot effectively form a joint force, and it is easy to cause the power to be dispersed. In this case, It is difficult for them to have someone make a decision, and it is easy to cause a situation of wrangling. If a strong country plays this way, and it is played against those weak countries, then it is natural. Concentrate human and material resources, so that they can exert greater strength. If a weak country delays the so-called democracy, it is committing suicide!” Wang Guorui said.

After hearing this, many officials also thought about these things carefully in their hearts, even some officials who had joined the alliance in the past thought about it even more. They used to think that a democratic republic was necessary, but they ignored that China is still a weak country and must concentrate its efforts to accomplish major tasks. Otherwise, if a weak country plays democracy, it will make the country a mess, make everyone messed up, and then become civil strife. China currently does not have this condition, because China has no basis for foreign development.

If China has enough territory and resources outside China, it may be able to open up to the outside world and ease domestic conflicts. But at present, the colonies in the world have basically been divided up, and there is no “common interest” that can make the various forces in the country peaceful. On the contrary, those foreign countries always want to turn China into a colony, so that they can completely lose the hope of China’s rise, so they will not give China this time. If China seeks death to play democracy, isn’t that allowing foreign countries to take the opportunity to split, isn’t it deliberately courting death?

In the face of a crisis, only by concentrating power can we fight against foreign enemies. Even if many “democrats” in later generations don’t understand this truth at all, everyone in the world who plays decoy is extremely turbulent, so this kind of decoy can only be played by a strong country, and it is not for a weak country to be late. Does anyone have a chance? If a weak country is late, what is it if it is not committing suicide?

When a country is weak, it can only develop by concentrating power. The rapid development of China in the later generations depends on several kinds of resources to handle major events, isn’t that all right? If we don’t concentrate our efforts, how can we develop nuclear weapons and ensure China’s stability for decades? Even if the research on nuclear weapons in later generations of countries is not all relying on the concentration of resources? The fact that the United States can develop nuclear weapons and spend such a huge price on research is based on the fact that the power of the US president was greatly expanded during World War II, so that they have enough power to mobilize resources for research. Otherwise, if you want to spend so much resources on researching nuclear weapons in peacetime, the parliament alone is enough to drive you crazy.

“The ruling class behind the British is the capitalists, and the capitalists are actually very weak. They are very weak and compromising. As businessmen, you should know the characteristics of businessmen. In fact, businessmen are very afraid of war. Don’t look at those arms dealers who are keen to fight. But while they are keen to fight, they don’t want to fight in their own country. War, for most businessmen, means a reshuffle of order, and it also means business gains. Any businessman should know that it is difficult to do business during a war, unless it is an arms dealer. However, arms dealers are only a very small number of businessmen, and the vast majority of businessmen do not like wars. Great powers go to war, if they don’t push them into a hurry, they won’t choose to go to war.”

“The so-called Glorious Revolution in Britain was actually the result of a compromise between the capitalist class and the landlord class. The strengths of both sides were similar. Why did the capitalist class choose to keep the British royal family? It was because they had no control over what they had. There is no absolute confidence in their strength. They dare not work hard, they have a lot of ideas of accepting what is good, and they want to protect their vested interests. Since they have forced the monarch to hand over most of the power, they think there is no It is necessary to completely overthrow the British royal family, which is much more risky. Perhaps as businessmen, they dare to take risks in the entrepreneurial stage. But once they reach the stage of defending the city and stabilizing their development, they are very afraid of taking risks. They all hope to maintain the status quo. If you go They don’t hesitate to bully those who are weak. But if they face those powerful enemies, they are naturally very weak and full of compromise. They don’t want to fight, and they don’t want to delay themselves for something that seems unimportant A war of commercial interests.”

“The same is true of our Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong took control of the Strait of Malacca, Hong Kong has actually become a scumbag and is not very useful. Hong Kong is already surrounded by us, and it makes them of little use, almost It’s useless. The geographical location of Hong Kong is very embarrassing. In addition, we have gradually opened up the country and are not as closed as in the past. Of course, we are also concerned about the legitimate interests of those foreign businessmen, as long as they are not deliberately cheating and abducting, they are willing to abide by the law We will also protect their legitimate interests when doing business under fair conditions. In this way, they have no scruples. In fact, their claim for Hong Kong was not strictly a so-called territorial We want Hong Kong more because of the closure of China during the Qing Dynasty and the ignorance of those bureaucrats. They hoped to have a transit point and some relatively stable places as a transition. But the officials in power like us are not those corrupt bureaucrats back then, and It also legally protects their legal property, so they have much less scruples, which is naturally a tasteless thing for Hong Kong.”

“Since Hong Kong has become tasteless, they are not of much use, they are just to protect the face of the so-called British Empire. Maybe for politicians, face is very important. But for businessmen, for a so-called small Hong Kong Of course those capitalists would not dare if China fell out. How can Hong Kong compare with China’s huge market? Since Hong Kong has become a chicken rib, they naturally want to use this chicken rib in exchange for some commercial benefits. Hong Kong has no resources. They have lost the advantage of geographical location, and they naturally want to give up.”

“Of course, this also has something to do with our China becoming stronger and stronger. If we were still the weak country of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties in the past, then their capitalists would not agree. Therefore, in the face of a powerful enemy, those capitalists are weak. Sexuality and compromise have been exposed again. Capitalists are actually bullying the weak and fearing the hard in their bones. When they encounter soft people, they will rob them, so that the cost is the lowest. But once they meet someone who is quite powerful, they will find a way to compromise and then fight for it. In exchange for some benefits, so that they are also beneficial.” (To be continued.) 8

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