Red Alert 1895

Chapter 975

Chapter 978 – 2 The End Of The Devil (Part 2)

“Master Governor, you must help us! If you don’t help us, those lowly Chinese will eat us all!” said the leader of the second devil.

“Huh? Who are you mean?” A Chinese asked immediately.

The leader of the second devil was taken aback when he saw this. And he immediately realized that this was the early-stage special mission sent by the Chinese government to prepare for the handover with the British. You must know that although the official handover and evacuation took place after 30 days, in fact, after signing the draft agreement a month later, even Even before the official treaty was signed, preparations for the handover were already underway. Therefore, it is not surprising that some personnel were sent from the southern government to carry out preliminary preparations.

But the leader of the Second Devil is still some kind of “low-spirited” Chinese here. He obviously followed suit, but this time he really asked for trouble. They are also lowly in front of the British on weekdays, so they naturally want to find someone to “back up”. And they are in China, relying on the power of the British to bully others, they often use the excuse of calling the Chinese inferior. In fact, it is precisely because they are regarded as lowly by the British that they are tried to find a more “lowly” person as a backup. However, now that the Chinese are rising again, they have no intention of letting them go.

“Your Excellency, we have worked so hard for so many years! You can’t ignore it! These Chinese people are going to kill me!” The second ghost smiled wryly.

The two devils were also very scared. They never thought that the day when the Chinese would rise again, let alone that the British would return Hong Kong. And these Indians are embarrassing this time, they are going to be held accountable now, which one of them doesn’t have a **** on their bodies, so if they are really investigated, I don’t know how many Indian second devils will be beheaded, how many The second Indian devil is going to jail and so on. I’m afraid they know this in their own hearts. Didn’t they benefit from helping the British search all these years? The British want a penny, and they dare to search for ten cents. If these accounts are really clear, they may shoot them all, and they may not be guilty of death, but they will shoot one every other. fish.

Under such circumstances, who is not afraid of them? At present, they can only ask the British ▽▽▽▽, m.■□m to come forward, so that only the British can keep them. But now they don’t even know that the British themselves are probably in danger. How can they spare the energy to protect these two devils?

“Mr. Governor, we in China will never let go of those who killed and were injured and stained with the blood of our Chinese. And these Indians, they hunted us Chinese, that is very vicious. And they usually oppress the people the most vicious , we will not let them go. I think, you British people should think carefully, for these two Indian devils, are you going to destroy the newly established or very fragile friendship between our two countries?” asked.

This time, the second Indian devil really felt the opposite. You must know that in the past, foreign devils threatened China and threatened China to destroy their “friendship.” But there is no friendship here, it’s just nonsense, as a threat of war and blackmail. But now it is China’s turn to threaten them in turn, and threaten them in turn to destroy the friendship between China and Britain. This is actually a threat. And this, in turn, shows that China’s status and strength have improved, and it has become slightly stronger between China and the UK. It is not the situation of being bullied in the past.

These two devils are also secretly bitter, and now it’s the turn of the Thirty Years of Hedong and the Thirty Years of Hexi. They used to bully the Chinese, but now their masters themselves are in danger, so what else can they do? Each of their masters will face investigation and trial by the Chinese, and even their wealth cannot be guaranteed. But at present, these two devils are also in panic all day long, and now they are just like those traitors after the end of the Anti-Japanese War. They have nowhere to go, the people in the country are going to kill them, and their masters can’t protect themselves, they can’t survive.

Those who have improved are not allowed to retreat, so they don’t know what to do now.

“Your Excellency, can you help us? We have been with you for many years, and we have worked hard without credit!” The Indian thirds immediately knelt down and said.

However, the British Governor of Hong Kong did not answer, because the British are currently thinking about how to get out! These British people also have a lot of **** on their buttocks. Although these two Indian devils went to search for the people, but there was no British backing behind them, no British people giving orders behind them, would they do this? So these British people are also having a headache now, let’s see how to solve it.

“Mr. Governor, I think these two devils are actually making their own They oppress the people and exploit the people without authorization. They rely on the power of your Governor’s Mansion to exploit the people, and even rely on the power of the British The identity of the boss bullies us Chinese. Therefore, they are the main responsibility, and these two devils are the most hateful. I think we still have to punish them severely, they are the real heinous crimes.”

The governor of Hong Kong immediately asked, “What do you mean?”

“It’s very simple. The crimes of various British citizens are actually those who are good at making claims. British citizens have little criminal responsibility. Most of them are good at making claims. They only need to bear civil responsibility. That’s enough, I think these guys can bear the main criminal responsibility!”

The British Governor of Hong Kong heard the implication. In fact, it was to let the British push all the crimes to these second devils, and let these second devils bear criminal responsibility. In this way, those British people can get away as soon as possible and avoid those criminal responsibilities. In fact, this is a certain degree of favor from China to them, which means that the British will not be overly held criminally responsible. Just spit out most of that money so they can still settle. As for these criminal responsibilities, let these two devils bear them.

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