Red Alert 1895

Chapter 976

Chapter 979 – India Raiders (Part 1)

“Your Majesty, those second Indian devils have also been sent to trial. And the faces of the British are all black. Those second Indian devils have all received their due punishment. These second devils will never end well. But this time the British lost their wives and lost their soldiers. They can’t even keep their own dogs, so they will lose face. Even, if those Indian devils find out that they were sold by their masters , so they will have any other ideas?” Liu Feng from the General Intelligence Agency said.

Wang Guorui went on to say: “Very well, the behavior of the British will definitely make many Indians dissatisfied. When they are needed in daily life, they will try their best to bribe those Indians.” The ruling class. But now they sell their people immediately, so I think many Indians will feel chilled and even dissatisfied. They can separate them so that we can clean them up and let them Really feel the feeling of being betrayed by your master. In this way, maybe the Indians will be chilled by the British in the future, which will be good for us to interfere in India in the future.”

“But Your Majesty, are the Indians the opponents of the British? The British are the most powerful country in the world. India has no industry if it wants industry, and no talents if it needs it. How can it be the opponent of the British?” Liu Feng dared not asked confidently.

Liu Feng really has nothing to say about the Indian nation. The Indian nation, in fact, has almost no hope. Because Liu Feng has also added a lot of historical knowledge about foreign countries these days. After all, as an intelligence leader, it is impossible to only pay attention to the domestic affairs of the country, and also pay attention to foreign affairs. As for intelligence analysis, it is even more important to have a wide range of knowledge. Although I dare not say that everyone is proficient in many things, it is necessary to understand something and analyze it when necessary.

Liu Feng’s understanding of India, if this nation does not carry out a thorough revolution of ideological baptism, it is impossible to make progress. If India does not carry out a comprehensive change from the economy to the system, from society to politics, from politics to ideology, and then it will go through decades of consolidation, and there will be a leader who is wise enough and not greedy for power. There is a glimmer of hope for rebirth.

However, this condition is too difficult. First of all, from the perspective of economic, social, political and ideological, the industries involved are extremely huge. Not only must there be sufficient theoretical knowledge base, but also sufficient cultural productivity and so on. And the last one, a leader who is not greedy for power, is even more difficult. ,

In fact, India has been ruled by foreigners for most of its history. From the beginning of the slave dynasty to various later dynasties, in fact, after the real Tang Dynasty, foreign rulers basically ruled India. Few of the native Indian princes and nobles could completely unify this India.

And the religion of India, Hinduism, is actually a very perverted religion. They divide human beings into several grades, such as Brahmin Kshatriya, etc., they think that they are born, and human beings are born with grades. Of course, this level cannot be changed yet, and changing one’s destiny through one’s own efforts is not allowed in Hinduism and is against the teachings. Such a result would be tragic. A low-level commoner does not think about how to work hard to change his own destiny, and does not think about how to make himself a master. Where does such a national spirit come from?

A nation where the people at the bottom do not want to make progress is a nation that cannot be saved at all. The people at the top are corrupt, but the people at the bottom naturally think that it is natural for them to suffer, that they “crime” in the previous life, and they want to “redeem” in this life. This kind of thinking does not have any self-motivated, how can there be progress in this way?

China is different. In China, there is a saying in China that you are a farmer in the morning, and you go to the Tianzitang in the evening. Even Chen Sheng, a farmer in those days, could yell out the rhetoric that princes and generals were kind, and even literati had the idea of becoming famous in one fell swoop and then becoming a general.

Regardless of whether their ability is qualified to be a general, even if they don’t have this ability, at least they have the heart to fight. Maybe hard work may not necessarily succeed, but not hard work will definitely not succeed. Although many people may criticize the stereotyped essays in the ancient imperial examinations, although their assessments are all stereotyped essays, they study hard and study hard, but they actually have a “struggle” spirit, not the kind of “fate” that recognizes themselves That’s it. Stereotyped essays are a channel for them to change their destiny, and they never think that their natural “fate” is like this.

“Yeah! The situation in India, Asan, they are simply weird. Poor people think that being poor is what they deserve, and it should be taken for granted. They even think that it is unreasonable for them to work hard to become nobles. So how can they have What progress? Maybe they can master knowledge, maybe they can become strong in the world, but they don’t have a strong heart in their bones. I really understand what Lu Xun said, a person who has a strong body but has a strong body How sad it is for the people without the heart of the strong. No wonder many dynasties supported Buddhism, but not Taoism. Buddhism came from India, and in fact, it has a deep ideological connection with Hinduism. They have a thought of the six realms of reincarnation , think that doing good in this life, and then seek refuge with rich and noble people in the next life. And those rich and noble people are all obtained by doing good in the previous life. But those poor people are the result of doing evil in the previous life.”

“Thinking of this, it is completely absurd. No matter what happens in this world, there are many poor people, and there are many people with little wealth. If you say that, then they did evil in their previous lives. Then in this world, isn’t everyone Are they evil people? But in fact, the opposite is true. Rich people do more evil because they have the ability to do evil. Buddhism pays attention to doing good deeds, and then puts them on the illusory afterlife, which kills the fighting spirit of the people.”

“Taoism is different. Taoism actually pays attention to practicing with one’s own efforts, and then strives to rise in the daylight while alive. But Taoism obviously relies more on one’s own efforts to change destiny. This is why I am more inclined to Taoism. The reason. Those feudal emperors advocated Buddhism, in fact, it was nothing more than to prevent the people from having too much “self-motivation”, so this is the case. The decline of Taoism is not without the imperial court’s support, because this Taoism stimulates the people’s hard work , so that they can rule safely?”

“Fortunately, our Chinese Confucianism also rose before the arrival of Buddhism. Although Confucianism was scolded, Confucianism is also a cultural thought that supports struggle. Although Confucianism is scolded, they support struggle and support reading and struggle. Fortunately, It is considered that Buddhism has not become the mainstream. Once Buddhism becomes the mainstream, then our China is also an India.”

“Why didn’t those foreigners directly abolish those Hinduism, why didn’t they spread their Christianity into it? In fact, it wasn’t because this Hinduism happened to be beneficial to their rule, so they would support it, instead they didn’t support Christianity and went in casually. These gangs Hinduism has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in India, and even ordinary people at the bottom think that it is right and inevitable for them to be poor, and it is unreasonable to even struggle to change their destiny. In such a situation, what hope can they have?”

After the British arrived in India, instead of banning Hinduism, they used Hinduism instead. Use the Hindu Brahmins, and then you can make them serve you. Since Indians believe that they are destined to be enslaved and killed, this is even better. Because of this, the British enslaved them, and they were also destined, so the British supported them very much. Such a “good” religion, British Christianity is not as good as Hinduism in enslaving the people! Those Hindu Brahmins don’t care, because as long as they maintain their wealth, they are willing to help the British rule. Anyway, isn’t that the same for the Mughal Empire in Anyway, as long as foreign rulers are willing to cooperate with them, they are also willing to help. Just like some Confucianists, the Jurchens of the Jin Kingdom came, and they won the title of “Yan Shenggong” from the people of the Jin Kingdom. When the Mongols came, they took refuge in the Mongols. In the Qing Dynasty, they also took refuge in the Qing Dynasty. During the period of the Republic of China, they first followed the Democratic Party, and later the Japanese came, and they all flirted with the Japanese. In the end, under the iron fist of the Communist Party, he was unable to make waves.

As for which family this is talking about, everyone just needs to understand it in their hearts. In short, these guys don’t have any national righteousness in their eyes. For the benefit of their own family, they don’t even know where to throw away the distinction between Hua and Barbarians advocated by their ancestors up. So these Indian Brahmins don’t have any good morals. The more privileged the family, the more they can’t give up, and the less moral they are in order to maintain their privileges. This group of Brahmins has been like this since ancient times, but they are the most unscrupulous group, so it is only natural for them to support the British.

“Liu Feng, you are going to set up an India bureau in the General Intelligence Agency to work on India. In this way, we and India must have a very long-term plan in the future. We will deal with India in the future. We have been of great help.”

“Why do you want to set up an Indian bureau?” Liu Feng was very surprised. There was even talk of an Indian bureau. Could it be that China is going to attack India in the future? (To be continued.)

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