Red Alert 1895

Chapter 977

Chapter 980 – India Raiders (Medium)

According to the practice of various countries, in various government departments, it is based on the importance that this business department attaches to a certain country, region or project, which will promote the level of that department. For example, before China occupied Hawaii, the United States temporarily raised the legal status of Hawaii to the “state” level. Although they knew that they could not prevent the Chinese from occupying Hawaii, they chose this method to attract domestic attention. Because Hawaii used to be an overseas territory of the United States, its status was similar to that of a colony, and it was far less important than a state. But if a state is lost and a Haiwa colony is lost, the feelings for the domestic people and citizens are completely different. This gap in thinking will set off a more miserable feeling of pain among the people in the country.

It’s like the Manchu Qing also knew the reason why Taiwan was promoted to a provincial level when other countries were eyeing Taiwan. The more important it is, the higher the level, this is a common practice. The same is true for other government departments. When they pay attention to a certain aspect, they will also specifically upgrade the level of that business department. Just like the foreign affairs department, a department will be set up specifically for an important country or important business. This represents that the country or business is very important and must be listed separately. And for countries with great influence in their own countries, they will also set up a special bureau to manage them. Just like the Japanese later on, they paid attention to invading China and guarding against old men, so they set up a Chinese class and a Russian class in the intelligence system, and their status was almost at the level of the subordinate department of the intelligence system. But for other countries such as the United States, France, etc., that is, a “class”, this class is nothing more than a department-level or even department-level status.

And China’s General Intelligence Administration is not exempt. In this General Intelligence Administration, the British are a “bureau”. And the Russians are also a bureau, that is because the Russians are almost the most harmful to China, they have a lot of territorial demands, not the British and Germany just want some markets. The Japanese were originally a “bureau”, but now they have been downgraded to a “department”, which means that Japan’s threat to China has almost been reduced a lot. Of course, for opposition forces such as the Tongmenghui, a special office has been set up in the General Intelligence Agency to be responsible for supervision. This office is supervised by a deputy director. people’s attention.

As for other business departments, for example, Germany’s intelligence is a deputy bureau level department, while other countries are usually only a “section” at most, and the Netherlands is special, so it can be regarded as a “department”. It’s a shame for the Netherlands. Even if Wang Guorui and Queen Wilhelmina have a special relationship, it is impossible to set up a bureau for no reason to support the Netherlands.

As for the United States, it was originally just one office, but later because of the war against the United States, some elite personnel were temporarily transferred to form a temporary establishment. establishment, and then returned to their respective departments. The US threat to China is still controllable at present, and there is no need for a special “bureau”.

But now, Wang Guorui wants to set up a special “India Bureau”, which means that China will attach great importance to India in the future, almost no less than Britain and Russia. Even if it is worse than Britain and Germany, it may not be that bad, which shows that Wang Guorui attaches great importance to this India, very much.

“Your Majesty, what is the plan of India? India can’t be a threat to us! It’s just a British colony, what should we pay attention to? What threat can they pose to us? According to India’s strength, we are stationed in Tibet Even an infantry regiment of ours can deal with them easily, and they don’t need much strength at all.” Liu Feng said.

“Haha, Lao Liu, if you want to look far away. We are not defending India, but in the future we will set fire to the peaks of India to get them out of the control of the British. We can specifically support India and let them start to resist the British. In this way, we In order to profit from it. For example, intelligence personnel go to buy, and then all kinds of means are also available. As long as India gradually develops its own strength in the future, and then has the idea of resisting the British, then they will definitely have ideas. “Kingdom Ray said.

“But your majesty, these Indians are too slavish. They are much more slavish than our Chinese people. Their servility is deep in their bones. Even most of them have no intention of changing their own destiny, and even let you change it.” Their own fate is unreasonable. In this case, it is hopeless. So will they take up guns to resist the British? Even if they resist, can they really succeed in their resistance? The British Strength, you can’t blow it off!” Liu Feng said.

Wang Guorui replied with a smile: “This time, the British handed over those Indian devils to us for execution. Those Indian Brahmins and Kshatriyas didn’t have the idea of killing rabbits and foxes? I don’t believe it, I don’t believe they will.” Chilling thoughts. They will definitely be chilling, so that we will have a chance to develop. Especially in the face of their situation, we can incite them to oppose the British, which is beneficial to us. Although the bottom The common people will not resist, but what about their Kshatriyas and Brahmins?”

“The British retained Hinduism, of course, to help them rule, so those Brahmins and Kshatriyas would naturally choose to cooperate. But, are the Brahmins and Kshatriyas so honest? Nonsense, if the British are not powerful, then they Where will they submit to the British? If the British are weak, they will not hesitate to clean up and resist the British rule. This is beyond doubt. Of course, if we support them again, then we can make him bolder Fat, let them have more courage to resist the British.”

“As for the strength of the British, we won’t worry about it. At present, the British still look bullish, but in the future, they just can’t laugh. Because they are already in a difficult situation with the Germans. , there will be a war sooner or later. When we arrive, we will just wait to harvest the corn. Don’t look at the fact that the Germans and British are looking for us and selling things here. It seems very happy. But, it won’t be long before they If they eat our food and drink our food, they will spit out their capital and profits. Once they go to war, it will definitely be very difficult for them.”

“Once they go to war, they will buy resources from us if they want to buy resources. What kind of weapons and ammunition are used, etc., which is a booster for our newly formed domestic industry! And this order, If it is for the Americans, it is for us. But do you know why I want to go to war against the Americans? That is to disturb the Americans and prevent them from producing with peace of mind. The American industrial strength is good, but we just want Destroy them, destroy them so that they cannot produce with peace of mind. Our agents will carry out vigorous sabotage in the United States, so they will definitely suffer heavy losses. At that time, the industry in the United States will be lost, then we can have a balance between Britain and Germany, After eating the plaintiff and the defendant, we had a good meal. At that time, the world war between Britain and Germany, we ate this piece of fat!”

Wang Guorui sent special agents to disrupt American industrial production. Those who could bomb the factories would bomb the factories. Even if they couldn’t bomb the factories, they would disrupt their normal production order. Of course, it is easy for Wang Guorui to destroy them, but it is very difficult for the Americans to destroy China. The United States is a country of immigrants, and the various ethnic groups are too complicated. Coupled with the open and secret struggles among the various ethnic groups in the country, their internal conflicts are much more complicated than those in China. Therefore, it is very easy for Wang Guorui to find collaborators in the United States.

However, it is difficult for Americans to find suitable partners in China. Although China seems to have many ethnic, in fact, these ethnic groups are mainly a very small number, and all ethnic minorities add up. Maybe all It accounts for less than ten percent of the population! Taking a step back, many of those ethnic minorities have actually been sinicized, and many of them can’t even speak their own national language. In fact, most of those banner people can’t even speak the so-called Manchu, and Wang Guorui didn’t use any method of massacre against them, who would want to restore the country! Fuguo is also the country of the Fuaixinjueluo family, not their country. Could it be that since the Aixinjueluo family became the emperor, would they have rights and benefits? Although Wang Guorui classifies them as second-class citizens, they still have half the voting rights, and their status in medical education and justice is still the same, and the most basic fairness is guaranteed. What’s more, Wang Guorui didn’t block their way to progress, and there were no channels to improve their citizen status, and it didn’t even seem too difficult. So why should they fight for the Aixinjueluo family?

In fact, the Chinese have long been almost a single nation, even if it is not in name, but the culture has basically been unified. Taking a step back, even if the Americans find some suitable partners in China, their ethnic minorities have limited influence and cannot effectively shelter those American agents. But the ethnicity in the United States is too complicated, and no ethnicity in a country can occupy absolute strength, which also gives the Communist Party a lot of room for survival and utilization.

“Once the war starts, the British are too busy to take care of themselves. How can they have time to manage India? At this time, I am also a good opportunity for us to help!” (To be continued.)

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