Red Alert 1895

Chapter 98

Chapter 97 – Keelung Harbor

“What? The entire Sixth Division was wiped out? How come so fast? Did Heimu Weizhen grow up eating shit? How could the Chinese army overcome their defenses so quickly, and their trenches so easily breached? Could it be? , you want to tell me that the Sixth Division is the same as the Fourth Division?” Kawakami said angrily.

And the only surviving staff officer of the Sixth Division didn’t dare to fart, because he was really ashamed, and he was defeated all at once.

“Your Excellency, Commander, this time, according to the explanation of the division commander before his death, the Chinese army used new tactics and new weapons this time, so we are so passive.”

The staff officer analyzed Wang Guorui’s tactics, which is also the theory of infiltration tactics. First bombard a point indiscriminately with fierce artillery, then let the elite small troops break through from this “point”, and finally use submachine guns and shotguns and other light and powerful weapons to **** the trenches, and finally tear apart a huge Let your own troops pour in from this gap, and finally attack from all directions to wipe out this army.

“Baga, the tactics and weapon thinking of the Chinese people have gone ahead of us again!” Kawakami said angrily.

Kawakami Caoliu knew that the Japanese army’s tactical thinking and weapon update strategy had once again lagged behind Taiwan’s Wang Guorui’s army, and the backward tactical thinking this time meant that Taiwan was in danger this time. Originally they thought that the trenches were insurmountable, because the firepower was already strong enough for any enemy of flesh and blood to conquer. But now Wang Guorui taught them a lesson again, letting them know what is beyond human beings, and beyond the sky. Now, the price they paid was a division.

“Where are they going to attack next?” Kawakami Misuoroku thought while looking at the map.

“No, they are going to attack Keelung Port! Our Sixth Division was defeated, and our flanks are no longer safe. They can send troops to drive straight in, and once they occupy Keelung Port, our hundreds of thousands of troops will become alone Yes! At that time, domestic supplies will not be able to be delivered, so it will be…”

“Immediately ask Gui Taro to send a brigade to support Keelung Port. We must let the Chinese army occupy Keelung Port before it enters and defends Keelung Port. Next, we will immediately send a large force to support Keelung Port.”

However, Kawakami Caoliu guessed Wang Guorui’s plan. But he didn’t expect Wang Guorui’s breakthrough speed.

“Special Forces, follow my mother to occupy Keelung Port under the control of the Japanese army. As long as we occupy Keelung Port, we will be able to cut off the Japanese army from sending supplies from their country. At that time, we will starve the Japanese army to death.”

It was Tanya who said this. This time they must quickly lead the special forces to occupy Keelung Port. But now the special operations team has the size of a brigade, and its status is equivalent to the regiment level. And now the special forces team of more than 1,000 people is led by Tan Ya, and they are rushing to Keelung quickly. And the enemies they encountered along the way, as long as they didn’t stop them, they wouldn’t take the initiative to attack. And these troops are handed over to the large troops behind to deal with, and their goal is to occupy Keelung Port.

Now the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army has been completely wiped out, and that is to say, the left wing of the Japanese army has been completely lost. Wang Guorui’s army has poured in from the left wing of the Japanese army, so that the Japanese army can be encircled at any time. However, the most important thing at present is to occupy Keelung Port first, so that the continuous supply of the Japanese army can be cut off after the occupation of Keelung Port. The Japanese army transported a large amount of supplies from the mainland. This is what the Japanese army can rely on to continue fighting. And if it fails to occupy Keelung Port, then Japan’s strength is still very sufficient, and it can fight a protracted war with Wang Guorui, which is very unfavorable to Wang Guorui. Therefore, cutting off the supply of the Japanese army and then forcing the Japanese army to cease fighting is also a way to end the war as soon as possible.

Keelung Harbor at night is extraordinarily quiet. The Japanese army in Keelung has not yet known that the Sixth Division has been conquered, and they are still enjoying comfort. The headquarters of the Japanese army was established in Taipei, and Keelung Port is half a day away from Taipei Kuaima, so they have not received the news from Taipei yet. And Wang Guorui played with this time difference. It is necessary to quickly send troops to attack Keelung Port. And only Tanya and the Special Operations Team are capable of this task.

The special forces team is the elite of Wang Guorui’s army, with the most rigorous training and the best physical fitness. This kind of long-distance raid is left to them. And with Tan Ya’s help, there would be no problem in conquering Keelung Port.

“Your Excellency, there is a burst of fire in the distance, it looks like an army is coming towards us!” someone said.

And this Japanese navy commander is the commander of this transport team. He has some old-fashioned warships from many years ago, and they still look good. And now he was sent here to support Taiwan’s operations. This is obviously a very easy job.

“It seems that people from the army have come to collect supplies. Let’s make sure!” said the navy captain.

“Your Excellency, could it be an enemy?” someone asked.

“No, let’s not talk about whether the Chinese army can conquer the front-line positions, but even if they do, we will have received the news. So, we don’t have to worry. If there is no news from the front, that is It shows that our army’s defense line is impenetrable!” Said the navy captain.

“Whoosh whoosh…”

There was a series of sounds of friction against the air, and for a while, the naval officer didn’t know what this sparkling thing was. After all, the navy is not the army, the navy has never used grenades, and the Japanese army has not been equipped with grenades for many years, so although his navy knows about grenades, he doesn’t know what they are at this moment.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

With a series of explosions, the Japanese navy was blown upside down.

“Nani, what’s going on? Why is the army throwing grenades at us?” the navy captain said angrily.

“Boss, these are not our army, they are Chinese people!” Said the navy immediately.

“Baga, hurry up and fight!” the navy captain said angrily.

“Da da da da…”

There was another burst of violent gunfire, and the Japanese army immediately swept halfway through. These marines were not people who used rifles in the first place, and now almost everyone in the special operations team had a submachine gun, and the firepower was astonishingly fierce, and these marines were immediately strafed. More than a thousand submachine guns of the Special Forces immediately killed half of the hundreds of Japanese navies, and the remaining half ran away with their heads in their arms, apparently looking for cover everywhere.

But this group of marines is too inexperienced in land warfare, they can’t find bunkers at all, or those bunkers can’t block bullets at all. Many people found wooden boards as shelters, but under the violent submachine gun fire, the wooden boards were also shot through. The main reason is that these navies don’t have much experience in land warfare, and they are not the legendary marines. They haven’t even fired a few shots with rifles, so they, in front of this kind of troops who are proficient in land warfare, It can be said that it was a big loss.

“Rush over and take over the ship!” Tan Ya yelled angrily.

“Counterattack, counterattack!” The naval officer shouted.


Tanya killed the naval officer with a single shot, and the naval officer was unable to continue shouting any counterattacks. The Japanese army was quickly wiped out by the special forces. In the end, Tanya smiled when she looked at the dozen or so warships in front of her.

“Although these warships are old-fashioned warships, they are not a little bit worse than the current Japanese combined fleet. But if they are used for training, it is not impossible. In the future, we will also have warships for training!” Tan Ya Said.

“Get on board, and we will be ready to meet the Japanese attack at any time! With the warship as a cover, we should not have to be afraid.” Tan Ya said.

Soon, these special forces began to prepare to use the cabin of the warship as a shelter, and then prepare to fight against the infantry who came to support the Japanese army. And no matter how old the style of this warship is, the steel is definitely first-class and excellent high-quality steel. The reason why those navies were so easily annihilated just now is that they are not good at land warfare, and the main reason is that they are slack, so they disembarked to play. So they didn’t have the steel in the cabin as a cover, and they couldn’t resist the fierce firepower of those submachine guns, which made them gradually wiped out.

“Captain, it’s not good, there are traces of fighting here!” said the Japanese investigators.

The battle just now was too sudden and did not give Tanya and the others much chance to tidy up the battlefield, so it was easy for these Japanese soldiers to see traces of fighting. UU reading

The captain of the Japanese army immediately asked the soldiers to stop, and then asked the Japanese army to walk carefully and slowly into the pier. And these Japanese soldiers were very careful, their bullets were loaded, and they were ready to fight at any time. And they entered slowly in a posture leaning against each other, just to avoid sneak attacks. Of course, this formation is still okay for ordinary enemies in this era. But they couldn’t have expected that their enemies had submachine guns, and their formation was looking for death.

“Hit!” Tanya yelled.

“Da da da da…”

The submachine guns began to fire, and the Japanese army fell to the ground a lot. They didn’t expect that the special forces were all armed with submachine guns, which caused them heavy losses, so they all began to prepare to retreat.

“Retreat, we are not opponents!” The Japanese army captain shouted.

The captain of the Japanese army knew very well that he was no match for this army. If he continued to persist, the entire army might be wiped out. Therefore, it is the most correct choice to apply oil on the soles of the feet in time. (To be continued.) xh118

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