Red Alert 1895

Chapter 99

Chapter 98 – Encircled

“Commander, we are incompetent. We failed to seize Keelung in time. The Keelung port has already been occupied by the Chinese people. When we retreated just now, we saw the Chinese people supporting Keelung. We cannot occupy Keelung anymore!” said the captain.

And Chuan Shang **** Liuyi and sat on the chair. Of course, he knew what it would mean once Wang Guorui occupied Keelung. Now the battlefield between Wang Guorui and the Japanese army has been maintained in Taipei, and the area around Taipei seems to have become the core of the battle between the two armies. Both sides formed a long snake formation along a straight line, forming a group of trenches. The Japanese originally thought that their firepower was sufficient, and Wang Guorui could not break through at all. But now Wang Guorui broke through from the sixth division on the flank, opened a gap with advanced tactics, and wiped out the sixth division. The destruction of the Sixth Division meant that a huge gap had appeared in the flank of the Japanese army above a line, and a large number of Taiwanese troops began to pour in towards this gap, and then plunged into the rear of Taipei.

Of course Kawakami Caoliu knew what it meant. There was no big plain behind Taipei, just one. This road leads to Keelung, and Keelung Port is the only channel for Taiwan to transport supplies by sea and for the Japanese army to retreat by sea. But now that Keelung Port is occupied, their retreat is also full of Wang Guorui’s army, then Wang Guorui’s army has already surrounded them halfway, so it can be tantamount to a full encirclement. Because the other direction is sea water, as long as it can be half surrounded, it can also guarantee that the Japanese army will not be able to escape. The Japanese army is an army, so naturally they cannot go to sea.

The reason why Kawakami Caoliu wanted to ensure the safety of Keelung Port just now was that he hoped that even if the real thing couldn’t be done, he could make the retreat of more than 100,000 troops. But now Wang Guorui is superior, and at the same time he is in the Sixth Division, he also sent special forces to **** Keelung Port. In this way, the supply of the Japanese army and the retreat line were completely cut off. And this is obviously very dangerous for the Japanese army.

“Master Wang, now Zhao Xi’s 1st Division and Zhu Yuan’s 4th Division have begun to enter the rear of Taipei and have begun to dig trenches. They are ready to stay and defend the Japanese army at any time. The Japanese army wants to break through. This is impossible. We have put The rear of the Japanese army was cut off, and a large encirclement had already been formed, and they had taken the absolute initiative strategically. The Japanese army never thought that our general attack would come so fast. This made it impossible for them to make timely adjustments. And Our next step is to defend this encirclement in time, and then the Japanese army will starve to death sooner or later. They only have one Taipei city, and our surname has been evacuated, so they can’t take out any useful hostages. Threat!” Hu Wei said.

Wang Guorui smiled because he had exchanged 10,000 Japanese captives for 50,000 Taipei surnames. The Japanese army no longer had any threat to Wang Guorui. Anyway, Taipei is already an empty city, Wang Guorui can bomb it at will, and he is not afraid of something that accidentally hurts his surname. As for the real estate with those surnames, let’s talk about it separately. Anyway, if the Japanese army is not wiped out, it is impossible for Wang Guorui to occupy Taiwan, so some real estate matters will be discussed separately. After all, Wang Guorui’s resistance to Japan was also for the good of Taiwan, not some reactionary who wanted to prevent Taiwan from living a good life.

The Japanese army has no place to threaten themselves, and they have no hostages. Then Wang Guorui can fight freely. However, the situation of the Japanese army is now very unfavorable. The supply of ammunition transported by ships from the rear has been interrupted. And Wang Guorui has an advantage, that is, the Red Police can be produced at any time, and it is also in Taiwan, and does not need to be transported from overseas. Such a long-distance transportation in Japan, once the supply line is cut off, it will be fatal. As for the next step, the Japanese army will live on their fingers. Obviously, ammunition and ammunition are scarce.

And Wang Guorui didn’t need to do anything else, he just needed to intercept the Japanese army’s breakthrough. Then slowly consume the ammunition, food and energy of the Japanese army. Even, if they don’t come out, they will either be forced to break out, or they will all starve to death. certainly. Another option is to surrender to Wang Guorui. However, once the more than 100,000 Japanese troops surrendered, I am afraid that Japan’s plan to invade Taiwan this time will be completely aborted.

As long as Wang Guorui tightly surrounds the Japanese army and prevents the Japanese army from moving to break through, then the next situation is what Wang Guorui said. At that time, Wang Guorui can completely rely on the more than 100,000 “hostages” to threaten Japan. Will Japan choose to take the lives of these more than 100,000 Japanese soldiers, or continue to let Wang Guorui annihilate them?

Wang Guorui believes that Japan will soon admit defeat. The war will soon be over. After all, there is no qualified army in Japan anymore. Japan’s militarism at the beginning was nothing more than training seven divisions, that is, the six divisions numbered from the first to the sixth, plus the guard division. Now the Guards Division has been almost completely wiped out, the Fourth Division has been wiped out by 10,000 people, and more than 10,000 people have surrendered as a whole. Except for the cavalry regiment, all the other regiments of the sixth division were wiped out. In this way, Japan has lost 70,000 troops, and 60,000 were killed in battle. In this way, the Japanese army has lost 60,000 troops in Taiwan, which is almost one-third of the total Japanese army. This is very dangerous.

Once the remaining more than 100,000 troops are lost in Taiwan again, Japan will fall into a situation of “a big country without soldiers”. Japan has sent all the domestically trained troops to Taiwan, and the newly formed domestic troops are all recruits without any combat effectiveness. Once more than 100,000 troops are destroyed in Taiwan, various opposition forces in Japan, and even foreign forces in various countries will once again crazily destroy Japan. At that time, the results of decades of Meiji Restoration will be destroyed. These more than 100,000 Japanese troops are now the backbone of Japan. Once they lose Japan, they will be in danger.

Therefore, Japan will inevitably choose to end the war instead of continuing to fight. Although a Taiwan is important and an important means to contain China, it is insignificant compared to the entire national security of itself. You can’t even keep your own country, are you still thinking about how to expand? So once Japan finds out that these more than 100,000 soldiers are surrounded, or even in danger of being destroyed, it will probably choose to end the war.

“This war may end soon! As long as we and Japan are willing to take a step back, it may not be difficult to end.” Wang Guorui said.

And Hu Wei immediately asked: “Will Japan admit defeat?”

“Hu Wei, you can’t just look at our Taiwan, but also look at what Japan is facing now. We must treat the world as a whole, and don’t just look at our own one-acre land. Now that time has come to this era, Then we can’t just focus on ourselves. We must have an international perspective, so that we can truly see some things. Although we don’t want to admit it, Japan has done better than us. They seized the opportunity to have the opportunity Wealthy country and strong army, even defeated our mainland. If it wasn’t for me, if it wasn’t for me with some special means, then we would all lose. If everyone doesn’t work hard, then we will probably always lag behind Japan. Then we will be If we say we look down upon it, that would be really embarrassing.” Wang Guorui said.

“Next, I will give you some information on Japan’s current economic situation, as well as Japan’s fiscal revenue. How Japan has accumulated strength in the past few decades, and then developed to be able to defeat us. You may be able to analyze it from it , In this way, we can draw the reason why we can end the war quickly. We may not be strong enough now, so we can only compromise with Japan, and then each take a step back and choose a temporary peaceful ending.”

And Hu Wei immediately asked: “Are we just letting Japan go?”

“Of course not~ It’s not too late for you to take revenge for ten years, we still have a chance! Even if we wiped out more than 100,000 Japanese troops now, so what? We Taiwan is still Taiwan, but let Japan Totally hate us. Instead, we have been unable to lift the state of war.”

“Our Taiwan is an isolated island, and we can never leave the support of the mainland. If we are always in a state of war with Japan, the Japanese warships can block us at any time, and we will not have any development capabilities in an isolated island. This is The reason why we have to compromise with the Japanese is that we have to end the state of war so that we can communicate with the outside world and then develop. Our disadvantage is that without the navy, we cannot guarantee the safety of our own sea area, so we must It’s time to compromise.”

“So, we must stop the state of war next, and then work hard to develop our own navy, so that we can truly survive independently in this world and truly develop steadily!”

Why did Wang Guorui want to compromise, but if the navy’s problem is not resolved for a day, it will be equivalent to being blocked by Japan and unable to go out. Maybe he has an absolute advantage in the army, but he is not a fart in the navy. So once Japan blocks itself, then I really can’t get out, and it will be troublesome instead. The best way is to use the more than 100,000 Japanese troops as a threat to let Japan end the war, so that each other can take a step back to obtain peace for a period of time. And Wang Guorui can develop and prepare to build his own navy, so that when the next war starts, he won’t be afraid of the Japanese. (To be continued.) xh118

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