Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 51

Chapter 49: 1 One-Sided Air Battle

“Brother, why don’t you let me take the flying dragon clan and Chimera to the battlefield?”

Irelia the silver dragon was lying on her treasure pile in distress. I don’t know if it was because she had dealt with too many chaotic and evil creatures, she was also infected with an urge called “belligerent”. .

Irelia now just wants to go to the battlefield and rush to kill, so that the giants know how powerful the real dragon is!

“Irelia, the flying dragon and Chimera are the soldiers I use to deal with the griffins, not the toys you use to vent, revealing your cards too early will only make the enemy vigilant, and temporarily show the enemy’s weakness to lure all the enemies out. , what I want is not the victory of this war, but how to wipe out the enemy and hold the entire Kazarin firmly in my hands.”

Within a kilometer of the Red Dragon Camp, there were mage eyes hanging in the air, and Yize could observe the situation on the entire battlefield.

In the wilderness, ferocious animals galloped in groups like ten thousand horses galloping towards the Red Dragon Leader, with smoke and dust rolling up behind them.

Under the enslavement of giants, this group of beasts with low intelligence and only primitive instincts attacked the wolf tooth tribe as cannon fodder. The failure of the two-headed ogre taught Master Kazarin enough lessons. He realized that the enemy’s traps were not decorations. If necessary, he must use cannon fodder to pass through the minefield. And ferocious animals are undoubtedly the best choice.

The ground was shaking, and Warwick stood on the high wall and saw the ferocious fauna located a kilometer away, which had entered the trap area set up by the goblins.

A row of repelling thorns suddenly rose from the dust, and the ferocious animals never imagined that there would be an attack from the earth in front of them.

The sharply polished wooden cone effortlessly penetrated the body of the ferocious animal, the scarlet blood splashed, and accompanied by a painful whimper, the indomitable ferocious animals were blocked for the first time in front of the trap developed by the goblin.

On average, the corpses of at least two ferocious animals were hung on each thorn, and the device was stained with blood.

However, the repelling thorn was dead after all, and the violent animals who reacted later jumped by the conditioned reflex, but fell directly into the second ambush of the underground creatures—

A deep pit full of thorns!

That’s right, the trap that overcame the ogre last time came in handy again.

The violent animals had just landed on their front feet, and their own weight, coupled with the power they exploded when running wildly, only used a simple camouflage to collapse the ground. These beasts with only biological instincts descended one by one like dumplings. Jump.

Until the bottom of the pit is filled with the corpses of violent animals, the monsters behind can step on the corpses of the same kind to jump out and continue to attack the target. More violent animals are trapped in it, and they will not climb the wall. Can only let out a helpless cry.

With the rush of violent animals, more and more war traps were triggered, and finally the number of violent animals that could successfully rush out of the trap zone was less than 20% of the original.

Warwick patted the head of the goblin leader excitedly. The brains of these guys are really not covered. The traps are intertwined, and the violent animals are almost all the way. Violent animals, this efficiency is much faster than head-to-head killing.

The goblin leader was a little flattered and laughed: “Lord Wolf Fang, this is nothing, the real killer is still behind. If you see it later, you will definitely feel that kind of terrifying power. This is given by the master. We have a general idea.”

“Master’s wisdom is indeed far beyond your imagination.”

Warwick nodded in agreement. As the number one licking dog under the Red Dragon, in his opinion, no matter what surprising things His Majesty did, it was a matter of course.

The number of ferocious animals that had arrived under the high wall was already less than a hundred. With this level of charge, even without the main force of the Wolf Fang clan going out of the city to fight, they could be eliminated by arrows.

Suddenly there were several loud eagle calls in the air, Warwick looked up, and a dark cloud flew from the direction of Kazarin—

This is a sky force composed of horned eagles and griffins. It has air superiority unmatched by other clans. It is an ace in the hands of the master of Kazarin.

Countless griffins and horned eagles swooped down, their task is to clear the archers standing on the city walls and sentry towers, so that the enemy could not deal effective long-range strikes, giving the enemy heavy air pressure.

The sharp claws of the gryphon and the horned eagle are like hooks suspended in mid-air. They swept past the heads of the Red Dragon clan, and randomly swept a gnoll warrior, tearing their claws, only to hear a clatter, Even the intestines and spine were pulled out from the back waist, the **** half of the body flew to the sky, and more griffins grabbed each other and divided the corpse, the corpse was mixed with visceral fragments and smelly blood. .

However, it has not waited for the griffins to slaughter recklessly. In the sky to the west, there were countless loud dragon roars.

A silver dragon suddenly tore through the clouds and plunged into the griffin. When she opened her mouth, she breathed out a blazing flame. The cone of fire more than ten meters long swept away from the dark cloud formed by the griffin, as if being The white cloth stained with black ink was splashed with another white slurry, and countless griffins and horned eagles burned into a ball of fire and fell from the air. UU Reading

The Griffin leader’s eyes were splitting, where did this silver dragon come from? Why haven’t I heard of it for half a year?

Before it could figure out the origin of the silver dragon, it saw a hundred fierce flying dragons and more than fifty bloodthirsty chimeras behind it. This group of creatures with an average length of seven meters away. An extremely exaggerated gesture slammed into the dark clouds arrogantly.

Flying dragons and chimeras have always been the natural enemies of griffins and eagles, not to mention that these are a group of monsters that have been hungry for four or five days, their eyes are green from starvation, and looking at the griffins fleeing is like watching. Have a delicious meal!

The absolute crushing of strength and speed gave Flying Dragon and Chimera an almost overwhelming advantage. The claws easily ripped apart the body of the griffin, and the griffin was bitten and pulled by a mouth full of teeth before it died completely. The next piece of flesh and blood, after chewing a few random times, rolled his throat and swallowed it into his stomach.

The smell of flesh stimulated the stomachs of the dragon and the chimera to keep secreting acid, and they roared and roared, chasing a griffin or horned eagle that they thought was a good meal.

The pitiful cry of the griffin resounded high in the sky. Since the dragon and the Chimera joined the battlefield, the griffins and horned eagles, who were originally hunters, seem to have suddenly reversed their hunting roles now—they have become the hunted prey!

The battle has been one-sided from the start, and that’s not even counting the wyvern’s poisonous tail spine and the Chimera’s breath-spitting head. Either way, it can bring almost devastating trauma to the griffin population.

ps: I didn’t get home until 11 o’clock, the second update.

It is estimated that there will be another watch around 3 o’clock. After the third watch, I will sleep after writing.

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