Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 52

Chapter 50: Raiders

“Silver Dragon?”

Deep in the jungle, Master Kazarin’s burly body like a mountain frowned deeply at the scene in the distance. He also didn’t know the silver dragon that appeared out of nowhere, and her true dragon family. Where did it come out.

If he simply said that he was passing by, he himself would not believe this explanation.

As soon as Griffin and Horned Eagle arrived on the battlefield, Yinlong appeared with her family to start slaughtering, which was clearly prepared, waiting for his sky tribe to appear. Use the word self-injection to describe it very vividly.

No wonder since yesterday, all the giant eagle scouts sent out have lost contact, and now it seems that they are all hunted by flying dragons and chimeras.

So, is the backing of those wild dogs this silver dragon?

“Although I don’t know how you escaped the detection of the giant eagle scouts, but there is only a silver dragon who is still underage. Do you really think you can stop the giant’s anger?”

Kazarin’s master let out a low roar. He didn’t want to think about how the lawful and kind silver dragon could appear in such a chaotic area. The hatred between the giant and the real dragon went deep into his soul, and he just wanted to kill the real dragon as soon as possible. .

He opened his mouth wide, his throat muscles wriggled, and his vocal cords uttered a string of obscure syllables, the oldest of Giant’s languages.

The whispers spread into the jungle along the wind, and soon, a violent tremor suddenly occurred in the depths of Kazarin, the trees fell, the mountain collapsed, and a group of mountain giants with a height of seven or eight meters and more than 100 gathered from the jungle. Come.

“My king, the mountain giant was recruited by you, and is willing to charge for you and overcome all obstacles.”

“The demon dragon has set foot in the wilderness.”

Kazarin’s master let out a shocking whisper, and just one sentence made all the giants change color.

“It’s just a young dragon, but there are about 100 flying dragons and 50 chimeras as dependents.”

“My king, as you know, the flying dragon is the old enemy of the mountain giants, please let me fight for you and clean up the demon dragon and her race. Your majesty cannot be provoked, and you are the only true king in the wilderness. !”

“Landslide, take that cub and let the demon dragon see the fate of being an enemy of the giant!”

“Yes, my king.”

This giant was more than ten meters tall and huge, moving like a landslide. He stepped into the depths of the dense forest, and after a few seconds, a dragon roar came from that direction.

“Reptile! If you don’t want to die, be honest with me!”

Shanbeng roared angrily, his fists slammed down, and the dragon’s roar gradually became weaker.

He walked out of the jungle, with an exaggerated chain wrapped around his arm, he seemed to be dragging something—

A black dragon was forcibly pulled out of the jungle by the landslide. It was seven or eight meters long. Judging from its size, it should be a black dragon in the juvenile stage.

It has a thick chain around its neck, one of the dragon horns on its head is broken, the scales on its body are broken in many places, its eyes are dim, and it cannot see the agility. The true dragon of the Dragon Heritage.

“My king, I will let the demon dragon know the fate of being an enemy of giants!”

“Submit or die!”

At the same time, the Red Dragon Collar fell into a multi-line battle situation. Although the sky Chimera and the flying dragon completely suppressed the offensive of the Griffin and the Horned Eagle, the opponent was outnumbered, and it was impossible to support others until they were completely defeated. battlefield.

The two-headed ogre Agron led all the tribes to appear in the eastern part of the territory. More than 2,000 gnoll warriors and 400 wolf riders have long been waiting. As the so-called enemy met, he was very jealous. He must wash away all the humiliation from himself with the blood of the gnoll.

“Gnolls, there are no traps, ogres will let you know what to fear!” Agron roared angrily.

“It’s just a defeated army!” Warwick rode the Steppenwolf and sneered contemptuously, “For Your Majesty! Now, the Wolffang clan, crush them with me!”

There were hardly too many words, and the two ferocious monster legions collided heavily from the moment they saw each other.

The ogre has the advantage of height and strength, but the gnoll responds calmly with quantity and agility.

These powerful monsters are all holding bone sticks in their hands. As long as they hit, they can smash the gnoll’s chest to collapse and completely lose its combat effectiveness. Then more gnolls found the opportunity, took out the bone knife and left several scars on his body with deep visible bone. .

On the other side, Steppen Wolf let out a low growl, and with a leap, the ogre fell to the ground, and the sharp claws pierced deeply into the flesh and blood of the ogre. Before the ogre could react, a sharp bone knife was sharpened. It took advantage of the situation and cut off the head of the ogre.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield. The two armies are facing each other, shouting and piercing the clouds and cracking stones. This **** scene of facing death looks far more intense than the aerial battlefield, and life is dying almost every second.

Blood and bones are always the theme of the battlefield. This is like a large-scale meat grinder scene, dyeing the wilderness under your feet scarlet. Presumably, this place will definitely grow extremely lush weeds in the coming year.

The war gradually entered a state of anxiety, and a huge hole suddenly appeared not far from the back of the battlefield. The strong tauren came out of the underground city one by one, and a hundred tauren seemed to appear behind the battlefield out of thin ~ Completely cut off the ogre’s back path.

As the saying goes, know the enemy and know yourself and win a hundred battles. Through the internal response of Hua Luo, Izai knows all the military deployments of Master Kazarin. He didn’t fully reveal all his cards.

This group of monsters more fierce than the ogres roared and rushed towards their targets. They had the sharpest collision weapons, and they didn’t care whether the ogre’s bone stick was painful or not, like a handle A sharp knife was inserted into the ogre from behind, disrupting the formation of the ogre in the most violent way.

If it was originally a close contest, then with the official entry of a hundred tauren into the battlefield, the balance of victory has been completely tilted towards the Red Dragon clan.

Agron watched his tribes fall under the horns of the tauren one by one, just like the Griffin leader who didn’t understand why the dragon and the chimera suddenly appeared, he also didn’t understand, how could there be a sudden massacre on the battlefield. A violent tauren clan.

“Cunning gnolls, you are cheating!”

Agron immediately realized that this clan he had always looked down on had been showing weakness from the beginning to the end, just to give them a fatal blow on the most critical battlefield!

“Hey, is it too late to understand now?” Warwick let out a contemptuous sneer, “Write victory poems with the blood and bones of the enemy to praise my king, Kazarin is just a stepping stone for my lord, One day, he will become the true overlord of the entire southern border!”

ps: I fell asleep at 3 o’clock after finishing writing. Sorry, this chapter is a supplement, and there are two more chapters today.

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