Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 76

Chapter 71: T-500 Decides It’S You!

T-500 looked at the red dragon in front of him motionless. From the moment it was created as a flesh and blood golem, the great will imprinted on it made it unconditionally obey its creator. This is an iron Laws, constructs cannot resist.

Yize stretched his waist, and it took three days to finally get the first figure, and it didn’t make him feel too tired.

On the contrary, this guy is very excited, and now he just wants to see how the actual combat capability of this flesh and blood golem is, and whether it is worth his time and energy to make it.

“T-500, come out with me.” Yize returned to his original shape and went outside.

Flesh golems cannot speak, but are born to understand the language and will of their creator.

A simple roar came from its mouth, and then quietly followed behind Yize, never leaving, like the most dedicated guard in the world.

Yize noticed that the tauren guards the “laboratory” with three steps and one post, and five steps and one post, almost turning it into an iron wall. When he retreated, he didn’t mention it to anyone. Now it seems that , Kane, this guy really cares about his safety.

Ize was very satisfied with the reaction of his clan, all the tauren people along the road knelt down, looking at him with a frenzy of adoration in their eyes.

The red dragon lay back on his megalithic throne, and then a low roar came from the temple, shaking the forest.

This low roar mixed with the supreme dragon’s might made all the monsters crawl towards the temple in unison.

“Kane, Warwick, Vol’jin (troll chief) come and see me!”

at the same time.

The gnoll leader, who was leading the wolf cavalry to patrol the camp, was stunned and felt the familiar dragon power. His face showed joy, and then he let out a long howl, and the giant wolf under his crotch ran towards the temple.

Kane Bloodhoof was carrying a huge and violent wolverine, his huge column was wrapped in minced meat, and the wolverine’s head was almost smashed to burst, killing him with one blow.

He heard the roar of the red dragon, and threw the corpse of the dire wolverine to the other tauren, and strode away, clutching the post.

The two-headed and four-armed troll chief is burying her head and eating a stag corpse. She is covered in blood, and the severe burns that cannot be repaired make her look even more hideous, like a demon, which makes people feel creepy.

At the beginning, Vol’jin was crushed by the blood hoof, and his limbs were torn off. Even his body was torn in half. It took two days for him to grow back.

This also caused her to be much weaker and thinner than before, and she needed to eat frantically to supplement her consumption.

Vol’jin heard the call of the real dragon, and the troll’s seemingly never-filling belly made her rip two large pieces of flesh from the stag’s corpse, and the two heads devoured as they ran to the temple. .

The three clan leaders arrived almost at the same time, looked at each other, and entered the temple together.

Kane saw the black axe that Warwick was carrying on his back. In fact, he couldn’t help being surprised when he heard that it was personally rewarded by the great True Dragon. After all, the reward of a real dragon was unheard of, which further strengthened his idea of following His Majesty the Red Dragon.

Although he was envious, he was not jealous at all. Warwick was the first Gnoll to follow His Majesty, and made an indelible contribution to the development of the Red Dragon Collar, and deserved this honor. He believed that as long as he supported His Majesty with all his heart, the Tauren would one day become His Majesty’s confidant clan and receive His Majesty’s reward.

As for Vol’jin, she surrendered to the great red dragon only after her defeat, and even this life was granted by His Majesty outside the law, so she could continue to live on and on, how could she dare to ask for anything else.

“Good day, Your Majesty the Great True Dragon (Master), your most loyal servant honors your call.”

The three monsters knelt down towards the red dragon far away, looking extremely pious.

“My king, your sleep this time is much shorter than I expected. I don’t know who disturbed your rest or you have other instructions. The gnolls are ready and ready to be dispatched.”

Warwick is worthy of being the number one licking dog under the real dragon, always putting the needs of his master first, and his words always sound so comfortable.

Eze didn’t answer, but instead asked: “Warwick, how does the Miao Miao Axe work?”

Warwick raised his chest proudly, he took off the battle axe from behind and grabbed it in his hand, and he could feel the powerful force in it.

“Very well, Your Majesty, your grace will always be remembered by the gnolls.”

And Kane Bloodhoof, who was standing on the side, heard the name of Miao Miao Axe, and suddenly froze for a moment, and then couldn’t help laughing, but when he thought that His Majesty the Red Dragon was here, he had to cover it with both hands. Mouth, trying hard not to laugh out loud, but his shoulders are shrugging sharply, this scene is shown in a fierce tauren chief, which is extremely funny.

Hahahaha, Meow Meow Axe, what the **** are these names, is the taste of wolf teeth so unique?

This is the true portrayal of Cairne Bloodhoof’s heart.

No, I can’t help it, it’s really funny!

He patted Warwick on the shoulder with his hand, and laughed out loud: “Langya, let’s learn cat meowing together~Meow meow meow meow meow meow~”

Warwick’s expression did not change, but he said faintly, “This is the name given by His Majesty.”

“His Majesty?!”

The laughter stopped abruptly, how could the great majesty have such a cute name?

He gave Warwick a stern look, brother, you didn’t say it earlier, you wanted to push me into the fire pit.

Warwick looked back, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He swore to His Majesty the Great Red Dragon that Kane’s expression at that time was as ugly as eating a piece of poop, and he could be considered to have broken his joy.

“Laugh, laugh, can you still laugh now?” The black-bellied guy snickered in his heart.

“Your Majesty, as you can see, Kane has no intention of ridicule, your vast wisdom, stupid tauren dare not speculate, but I am sure that you have given such a harmless name to the fierce murder weapon. , has its own meaning.”

Kane Bloodhoof explained in awe, and it was obvious that he had a strong desire to survive.

Yize waved his hand, he has a deep meaning, just because the outline of this axe looks like a storm axe from a fat mansion, but that weapon is made of a neutron star core, which is genuine The artifact is not comparable to this cheap stainless steel product. The reason for this name is just to make a joke.

What surprised him was that the honest and honest tauren could say such a thing. Could it be because he had been with Warwick for a long time?

“I called you here this time, not because of anything else, but to let you help me test the strength of the figure I just created.”


Hearing this weird word, the expressions of the three leaders were a little weird.

“In your words, it means golem.”

The red dragon pointed to the T-500 standing next to him: “That’s it.”

ps: I’m sorry, I went to repair my phone today. I stayed outside for a day and didn’t have time to update. Sorry.

It cost 700 to replace the motherboard, and I have no money to replace the new phone.

There is another chapter in the evening, maybe a little late.

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