Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 77

Chapter 72: Awsl

Because Yize’s body is so huge, it almost fills the entire eyeball at a glance. At the same time, he also radiates a strong and terrifying majesty, which attracts everyone’s attention.

Therefore, the three leaders almost actively ignored the other creatures beside him. After Izai reminded them, they all looked at the thing that His Majesty the Red Dragon called a figure—

It was a gnoll with fatal wounds on his chest and stomach. The wounds had already rotted and festered. This should have been a dead body, but now it is strangely “alive”.

Its dead gray eyeballs flash with a faint blue light like a ghost fire, its bones are thick, and its body is covered with strong muscles like puffing. Its arms hang down naturally, and its long and narrow sharp claws revealing a pitch-black color protrude from each of its claws. out.

It stood there motionless, like a corpse without a soul, and it was no wonder that Warwick and others would take the initiative to ignore its existence.

“Is this the Construct Golem that Your Majesty made from the corpse of a gnoll?”

At the same time, the three leaders thought that the golem is an expensive alchemy creature after all, which cannot be owned by nobles who are not rich and noble, and are rarely seen in normal times.

At first glance, the golem in front of him looked a bit like an inferior zombie undead.

Kane Bloodhoof was the first to stand up. He accidentally insulted His Majesty just now. Although Yize didn’t take it seriously at all, he was eager to perform well in front of His Majesty.

“My king, let me try.”

The Tauren Chief, who is nearly six meters tall, is twice as tall as the Golem. He can vaguely feel that this guy in front of him may not be easy to deal with, but he does not think he will lose. He wants to take this opportunity to show his strength to the great real dragon. If he can defeat this construct golem, his status in His Majesty’s mind will definitely become higher.

Eze nodded, and then gave the T-500 an order to attack.

It was like a magic robot whose program was suddenly activated. Its dead gray pupils suddenly turned red, and an indistinct roar like a beast came out of its throat, and then charged towards Kane Bloodhoof.

“I heard that the golem is extremely powerful, but in my opinion, you are only a little better than the barely able undead!”

Bloodhoof laughed loudly, and stomped the column to the ground heavily, but it was greeted with bare hands. He wanted His Majesty to show that even if he didn’t need a weapon, he could crush it with absolute strength!

The attack situation of the T-500 is a bit strange. It is completely different from the slow undead. It runs fast on all fours like a hyena, and depicts various light-weight techniques in its body. The buoyancy technique makes it extremely flexible and agile. and speed.

The sharp claws left deep marks on the stone bricks, and they rushed to Kane Bloodhoof in the blink of an eye!

It showed skilled fighting instincts, and used its agility to easily avoid the fist of the tauren chief, and then leaped, jumping more than three meters high, and its 30-centimeter-long claws moved towards Kai. En’s head is slapped hard!

The tauren chief sneered, today the fierce wolverine attacked him like this even when he knew he could not escape, but he smashed his head with a pillar!

I saw his left hand raised high and slapped the T-500’s body with a slap. With the terrifying strength of a tauren, I am afraid that he could easily slap all the bones of the gnoll’s body!

As the leader of the tauren clan, his power is even more outrageous. He is thinking, if he accidentally slaps the golem into a puddle of mud, will His Majesty take anger against him?

The T-500 was slapped with a slap in the air, but it has “Bear Strength” and “Oxen’s Tenacity” and the “Stone Skin Technique” learned from the Earth Titan as passive blessings, its defensive power Far beyond the ordinary gnoll.

The petrified skin was shattered on the spot, but it did not explode into a cloud of blood mist in the air like Kane Bloodhoof thought, but completely endured it, but the chest was a little sunken, but the golem is not pure A living body, it does not have any physiological characteristics, so it does not feel pain, and this injury is completely harmless to it.

Kane’s pupils shrank slightly. He was very aware of his strength, and he didn’t have any strength just now, but when he patted it, it seemed to hit an incomparably hard rock, and its flesh was even more tough. Fully bear his blow.

This so-called golem is more difficult to deal with than he imagined!

The T-500 charged again, like a never-tiring machine, always sticking to its creator’s orders, never stopping unless the tauren in front of it was torn to shreds, or it was completely shattered and rendered incapacitated. .

Bloodhoof coldly watched the golem rush towards him, and when he entered a suitable range, he suddenly stepped on the ground with one foot, and a surging momentum burst out from him instantly, and the powerful force smashed it. The stone turned, forming a very strong shock wave that spread out within a few meters.

This is his ability as a barbarian, a racial talent awakened after becoming a tauren chief – war trampling!

The collapsed ground can affect the actions of the enemy, and the shock wave generated can even cause a kind of soul shock to the enemy!

However, this time-tested ability of failed this time.

Because of its unique physical characteristics, the flesh golem is immune to negative conditions such as shock, charm, exhaustion, panic, paralysis, petrification, and poisoning, so Cairne Bloodhoof’s war trample did not affect it in any way.

At the moment when he was slightly stunned, the T-500 was bullying himself to the front. It seemed to have learned the lesson just now. Instead of jumping up again, it swung its claws towards his body, looking at its fierce It looks like it’s about to disembowel Kane Bloodhoof!

The tauren is worthy of being a natural fighting race. Bloodhoof responded quickly. A pair of big hands suddenly held the T-500 by the middle, but it was still a beat slower. The sharp claws of the T-500 pierced through Kane’s thick skin. A, with a clatter, a long and narrow wound was torn open, oozing scarlet blood.

Kane Bloodhoof let out a roar, which was only equivalent to scratching a little skin, and the injury was almost negligible, but he was actually injured by this golem that looked like a pile of rotten flesh. It was unbearable for him.

His hair stood upside down, grabbed the T-500 and slammed it on the ground, the stone bricks on the ground became more shattered, and before the T-500 got up again, Kane raised his blood hoof, Get ready to strike a war on its head!

The blood hoof stomped heavily, and at this moment, a low roar resounded through the hall.

“Enough, stop.”

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