Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 422.

Chapter 422. Heading to a Bustling City: Scamming a Doctor. (1/4)

I set off in the direction the doctor and surgeon went. After I turned the corner, I regained a direct line of sight. They were entering the elevator. I was too late and couldn’t make it in time at this rate.

I ran over to the elevator and kept an eye on the floor it stopped at. It had gone all the way to ground level. Based on the conversation I overheard just now, they were likely leaving the building together and going to get something to eat. I could wait at the entrance for them to return, but I didn’t know whether they were only going for lunch or if their shift was over.

As I couldn’t be sure, I had to hurry. There was no time to wait for the elevator. I rushed over to the stairs and ran down them at top speed.

When I burst out the door on ground level I spun around in a circle and scanned the surroundings in all directions. I didn’t see them anywhere inside so I immediately ran to the exit to see if I could catch them heading to a car in the parking lot outside.

Just as I ran out the exit, someone turned in to enter. I collided with them head-on, pushing them down to the ground, I landed on top of them.

“Ouch. Hehe~ so you just couldn’t resist pushing me down first thing after not seeing me for so long~… big brother~”

I hadn’t gotten a good look at them since I had tunnel-visioned on the exit, but as soon as their words and tone of voice registered, I immediately knew who it was.

“Huh? Wisteria?”

I was, of course, naturally shocked and dumbfounded.

“What are you doing here? No, wait, now’s not the time for that. Wisteria, did you see a man and woman leaving together? One was a doctor and the other was a surgeon. I don’t know whether they’ve changed out of their work clothes already.”

Wisteria whined, “What~ it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other in person and the first thing you ask me after pushing me down to the ground is whether I’ve seen another woman?” 

“Can you please not phrase it in such a misleading fashion?”

“What’s misleading about it? It’s a fact that you pushed me down onto the ground.”

“I collided into you and we fell down.”

“Same thing.”

“Wisteria, please, did you see them or not?”

“Haaaaah. I saw them.”

I stood up, held my hand out, and pulled her up to her feet.

“Where’d they go?”

Wisteria pointed and said, “Over there.”

When I looked where she pointed I frowned as the two of them entered a car together. Were they just working at the hospital together… or were they something more than that?

If it was the latter and this really was Dawn’s mother... was it best to not tell Dawn about her? It was a tough call in all honesty.

I was too late to catch them. If I hadn’t lost time from bumping into Wisteria I might have caught up, but they were too far away already. The car had just backed out and was already headed to the exit.

I could try to follow them on my motorcycle, but I’d come across as a creeper stalking that woman. If I wasn’t careful I might get the cops called on me. That or the man with her might try to act like a big shot to look good in front of her. If it turns out I was wrong about her being Dawn’s mother, they might think I’m crazy too. 

The ideal scenario was an encounter with her at the hospital. I'd missed that opportunity by a hair.

“You give up on chasing after that woman?”

“Haaaaaah. For the time being.”

“What were you chasing after that woman for?”

“Well, it’s a little complicated. The short summary is that I suspect she’s the mother to Rosa’s new friend.”

“Hmmm, so you really do have a thing for mothers? As expected considering your first time was with Irene.”

“I don’t have a thing for mothers.”

She rolled her eyes and gave a sarcastic reply, “Sure you don’t, and I don’t have a thing for cheaters or big brothers.” When it came to her, big brothers could be interpreted in two ways. I wasn’t sure which she meant, nor did I care to find out.

“I like big ones in case you were curious.”

“Didn’t ask.”

“What~ but-”

Before she had the chance to continue harassing me with a string of her sexual innuendos, I cut her off and asked, “Wisteria, why are you in this city? You’re not going to tell me coincidences like this really exist, are you?”

“But they do, it’s fate~ we were clearly destined to reunite here today.”

“My ass we were.”

“Haaaah. So cold… can't you play along a bit for your cute little sister and say something like it’s a small world?”

“There are so many places in the world, the odds of you coincidentally picking this city to come to with this timing is impossible.”

“Haaaaah. The truth is I heard from Rosa yesterday that you two were going to be hanging around this city for the next week. It just so happened that there was an assignment available in the academy related to this city so I chose to take it. This assignment is quite old, nobody has ever been willing to take it because the risk to reward just isn’t worth it. You hardly get any points for completion and there is essentially no financial incentive to complete this assignment.”

“By assignment… you mean…”

“Yeah. I’ve got a target.”

She took an assignment like that just to make a chance for us to possibly meet?

“Is that target at this hospital?”

“Yeah. I took the first flight here yesterday and I’ve been staking out this hospital since this morning after I met the client and signed the... work contract.” She discreetly checked the surroundings before she finished her sentence.

“I saw when you entered the hospital earlier but I didn’t approach since you were with that blond girl though. I hadn’t intended to approach you at all even if I saw you during this assignment since this was supposed to be a trip between just you and Rosa… but when I saw that girl you were with… the thought you were cheating… I just couldn’t resist when I saw you coming out alone. I got too horny. It’s all your fault I’m like this now, big brother~.”

Why was this little sister defective like this? I looked up at the sky with distant eyes and contemplated that oh so difficult question.

She fidgeted a bit as she continued, “Honestly… with how big the city is… I wasn’t even really expecting we’d run into each other at all. I was just hoping we somehow might though… since I… uh… missed my big brother… and wanted to... see him…” She peaked up at me from the corner of her eyes shyly.

And then she goes and delivers a cute line like that in an adorable fashion. If only I hadn’t heard the part before, maybe I could pat her on the head and give this weird little sister of mine a hug or something. But I definitely wasn’t about to fall into that trap right after she effectively declared she was in heat.

“Are you annoyed to see me here?” She anxiously probed.

“Haaaaah. I’m not annoyed to see you. In fact, I’m quite happy.” It was actually my good fortune that she appeared with this timing since I couldn’t catch up to Dawn’s mother… even if her appearance here was at fault for that.

“... really?”

She really was cute when she was in little sister mode. Too cute. The problem was big sister mode. I had to avoid flipping that switch at all costs. I wouldn’t be able to survive that scary mode.

“Yes, really.”

Thankfully there hadn’t been anyone close enough to hear our extremely abnormal brother-sister conversation. If there had been, the number of misunderstandings wouldn’t have been funny. Trying to explain would have resulted in far too great a headache.

Although I hadn’t caught Dawn’s mother, I had the second-best alternative. With Wisteria’s assistance getting a doctor to do a free MRI scan shouldn’t be too difficult.

“Wisteria, there’s something I need your help with.”

“Hmm? What is it?” She tilted her head to one side.

“Do you think you can convince a doctor to do a free MRI scan?”

“By convince… do you mean…” her eyes narrowed.

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