Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 423.

Chapter 423. Heading to a Bustling City: Scamming a Doctor. (2/4)

“I don’t really want to ask you to go too far. All I need you to do is arrange a situation that would make the doctor look really bad. We’ll record it and use it as dirt to blackmail them.”

“Hmmm? Just that? I thought you were going to ask me to sleep with them or something. Wouldn’t it be easier if I just did that?”

“The whole point of me teaching you how to proofread and edit was to minimize you having to do those sorts of things. One possibility was to promise a sexual favor in return after they’ve done the MRI for free. You could just scam them, but the doctor might just go and bill for the MRI after the fact if we didn’t fulfill our end of the bargain. Even if we do fulfill our end of the bargain, they could still go back on their word too. In fact, they may even try to push for more.”

“Hmm, I see, that’s certainly true.”

“Which is why the best option is to preemptively put ourselves in a position of power. Rather than the doctor holding leverage over us, we would hold leverage over them. If they have a wife and family it could put a big crack in their relationship. Alternatively, the notion that the doctor is sleeping with patients could damage them socially. Their reputation would go down the gutter and they could even lose their job if their employer gets involved.”

“That’s a pretty good idea. They have a lot to lose if we do it that way. But… what’s in it for me?”

“Huh? Uh… you’d be doing me a big favor?”

“But what’s my reward for this mission?” She tapped on her lower lip.

“My eternal gratitude?”

“That’s it?”

“Uh… yeah.”

“Then I’m not doing it.”

“What about some money?”

“Not interested.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want money.”

“Then… what do you want?”

“Sometime during the week you’re here... I uh… would like to go to a cinema and watch a movie together… like siblings… just the two of us. If that’s the reward I’ll cooperate.”

“That’s it? That’s all you want?”

“Are you saying I asked for too little and I could’ve asked for more?”

“No. Not at all. You’re asking for a very big reward.”

“Liar. You just said-”

“I accept your condition. Going to a movie together. It’s settled, negotiations are officially closed.”

“Alright then~ it’s settled~ no going back on your word~”

Huh? I really didn’t like how she said that. Did I make a mistake and jump to seal the deal too quickly?

“What’s with that tone of yours?”

“What tone?”

“What are you planning?”

“Nothing~ nothing at all~”

“I’d be a fool to really believe that.”

“Hey, shouldn’t you return to that girl you entered with?”

“Tsk. You’re not wrong… I do need to get back to her.”

“Then hurry up and go so I can get to work. You need to let me know the doctor’s name so I can schedule an appointment with him to make the appropriate arrangements.”

“Sure. I’ll text you his details in a bit. Check-in as soon as you get it and ask for that doctor. If asked anything, just say a friend referred you to him specifically for your problem.”

“Okay. Sounds good.”

Wisteria turned and headed back to where she’d been staking out the hospital from. I, on the other hand, reentered the hospital and took the elevator back up.

When I returned to the room, the door was open. I peeked inside and saw Dawn was alone.

“Yuh sure took your time in the washroom.”

It’d already been twenty minutes since I left.

“Has the doctor still not arrived?”

“No, they did arrive, but he already left after I told him about my daydreaming problem. I asked if I could have an MRI scan done to see if there was anything wrong with me and he agreed. He told me to wait here. He said it’ll be an hour before I can go in.”

“Did you get his name?”

“Yeah, why?”

“What was it?”

“Doctor Blake.”

I took out my phone and sent the doctor’s name over to Wisteria.

She immediately replied and confirmed she received it.

“Are you sending Rosa a text?”

“Yeah. I’m just letting her know what happened and giving her a heads up on how long it might take for me to get back. If I gave her no name at all for the doctor I’d sound less credible. If I gave her a fake name and she searched for it online or called the hospital to confirm they’re a real doctor she might think I’m lying and get the wrong idea.”

“Oh, so that’s why you wanted their name.”

“Yeah.” It’s definitely not because I’ve concocted a nefarious honey trap to blackmail a free MRI scan out of him or anything.

Haaaah, I was a devil, it can’t be helped. Being a devil was truly the most convenient excuse I could use for my evil doings.

I took a seat in the chair beside her and patiently awaited the doctor’s arrival.


About an hour later, a man in a white lab coat entered the room and said, “Miss, please follow me, one of our MRI rooms has freed up now.” 

“Okay.” Down rose to her feet.

When he noticed my presence in the room, his gaze shifted from her to me and he asked, “This is?”

“The boy I mentioned before who brought me to the hospital.” Dawn immediately responded.

“I see. You’re quite the good samaritan to bring a girl you only met today all the way to the city, young man.”

“It wasn’t anything much. About her condition.”

“I’ve already heard the whole story from her.”

“Uh… you don’t need to know all the things I tried to get her to snap out of her daydream?”

“Oh? Didn’t you just shake her to wake her up?”

“No. I tried quite a few other things than just that actually. I tried stimulating all of her senses but nothing worked. First was revving the engine of my motorcycle loudly beside her. I tried slapping her cheeks a few times. I also covered her eyes to see if a change in lighting would snap her out of her trance. When those tests didn’t work, I tried using some flowers to stimulate her sense of smell. I even tried with some strands of wheat and even brushed the bushy parts under her nose to get her to sneeze but even that failed. After that, I moved on to taste. I stuck the flowers in her mouth, but that also didn’t work.”

“In the end, the only thing I discovered was that her body could still move if I led her. If I raised her hand it stayed up frozen in place. If I pulled her forward by the hand, she’d maintain her balance and walk forward on autopilot.”

“You sure were thorough. Hahaha, did you try to kiss her to see if that would work?”

“I wouldn’t do that, that would be considered sexual harassment or even assault.” I naturally wouldn’t incriminate myself by admitting to almost kissing her as a last resort, or that I’d actually groped her breasts.

“Certainly, it would. Well, after hearing your side of the story, this is certainly a much more unusual case than I was initially led to believe. I can certainly see why you’d bring her to a hospital and recommend her getting a brain MRI scan done.”

“Anyway, both of you, follow me. As for you, young man, you can stay in the waiting area outside the MRI room while she’s inside.”


The doctor led us to the elevator and brought us to a higher floor inside the hospital. I was brought to the waiting area while he took Dawn inside. Upon the doctor’s instructions, Dawn removed anything metal she had on her person with me.

The doctor didn’t stick around for very long inside the MRI room and it seems he’d left conducting the tests to some other specialized personnel.

Since I had nothing better to do, I spent some time writing a story. I jotted down everything that happened throughout the day during this encounter with the intention to make a story out of it later.

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