Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 110: Rockets Away Pt2

Danielle, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "In our world, we refer to the realm above the clouds as the Celestial Realm. The lights you see are the manifestations of divine energies, known as Astral Sparks. We don't have a concept of space as you know it, but rather a mystical expanse where the divine forces reside."

I frowned at this explanation but decided it wasn't worth my time to pursue. There was no point in trying to convince people to change their views just because I thought differently. There was a very good chance that space might not be the same as it was in my past reality on Earth.

"Alright, everyone, gather around. We're about to launch the satellites," I called out, and the group assembled, watching with curiosity.

I opened my system menu, selecting the Satellite Launch option that had appeared on the home screen. The holographic menu displayed the four satellites with a countdown timer set for 00:00:30s.

[Satellite Launch]

  1. Arcane Essence Satellite
  2. Bloodstone Satellite
  3. RPG Satellite
  4. Summoner Satellite

I took a moment to explain each satellite's purpose. The Arcane Essence Satellite provides general magical information and communication. The Bloodstone Satellite enhances blood magic capabilities, while the RPG Satellite offers a gaming experience to gain real-world benefits. Lastly, the Summoner Satellite aids in summoning and controlling magical creatures.

"Alright, let's get these babies up there," I said, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.

I selected the Arcane Essence Satellite first and activated the launch sequence. The rocket roared to life, propelling the satellite into the night sky. We all watched as it ascended higher and higher until there was another brief light of the payload separating from the fuel tube. 

Now the satellite would travel the rest of the way in the nose cone, and deploy once it was at the proper altitude. I thought that was all there was to it, and I had been about to launch the next rocket but stopped as the night sky was suddenly filled with sparkling glowing lights. 

I barely had time to turn as the sound of an explosion hit me with a bit of force that made the girls' dresses flap from the gust it caused. The sky was filled with lights like a firework, but I had never seen anything this big before. The sky was filled with blue, purple, and pink lights, creating a mesmerizing display.

"Wow, what's happening?" Lyra exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

"I didn't expect that," I muttered, staring at the unexpected light show. It was as if the satellite had released some magical energy upon releasing its payload.

"Impressive," Aria said, her eyes also fixed on the dazzling spectacle. "Is this a normal occurrence when launching satellites?"

"No, definitely not," I replied, scratching my head. "This is unexpected, but it looks beautiful. I think that they should be far enough away that the lights shouldn't attract monsters' attention, but firing these next rockets might, even if the blast is far away."

"I don't think that you should worry too much about them. I have been keeping the skies clear of monsters since we moved here while I was activating the crystals," Aria explained, and I grinned. It was so easy to forget just how much of a monster that pretty face was.

"Well, if that is the case, then I hope the rest have the same dazzling display!" I laughed, the glowing lights from the first rocket still hanging in the air.

The lights continued to dance in the sky for a few more moments before gradually fading away. The group remained silent, still captivated by the magical display.

"Let's continue with the other satellites," I said, breaking the silence, and activating the next one.

When the timer finished, the Bloodstone Satellite launched into the air, and I activated the next one. By the time it was ready to launch, the Bloodstone Satellite's payload was detaching from the booster. I activated the final one, and the Bloodstone Satellite rocket exploded in a massive glowing flower of red and black lights.

The burst of colors lit up the night sky, creating a stunning contrast to the earlier display. The group gasped in awe at the unexpected fireworks, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of it all.

"That's amazing!" Scarlet exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

"I think the satellites are more for entertainment than anything else," I chuckled, watching the fading lights.

As the dazzling lights from the second rocket dissipated, I turned my attention to the remaining two satellites. The RPG Satellite was just detaching and Summoner Satellite was making its way up. Within a moment, the RPG Satellite rocket exploded in a shower of white, gray, blue, purple, and gold, but then exploded again. 

The second round from the RPG Satellite was a breath-taking display of prismatic lights that shone with every color in the rainbow. Almost right after, the Summoner Satellite rocket exploded in the middle of the second blast, adding a burst of blues and greens to the already mesmerizing sky.

"Who knew launching these devices could be so beautiful?" Shelli mused, her eyes fixed on the fading lights.

"I certainly didn't expect this," I admitted, feeling a sense of satisfaction and wonder. The unexpected light show was a pleasant surprise, and it seemed like the magical energy released by the satellites created a dazzling display.

The group continued to watch the sky as the last remnants of the lights disappeared. The night was silent, and the stars regained their prominence in the celestial realm.

"Well, that was quite the show," Lyra commented, breaking the silence. "What now?"

"Now we wait for the satellites to reach their designated orbits and start functioning. Once they are up and running, we can explore the apps on the phones and see what kind of magical knowledge and abilities they offer," I explained.

"I'm excited to see what they can do," Danielle said, her eyes still reflecting the awe of the light show.

"We should head back inside for now. It's getting late, and I'm sure Leon needs some rest after such a long day," Aria suggested, and I couldn't argue with that. My energy was starting to wane, and the events of the day had taken their toll on me.

As we headed back inside, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The phones and satellites were a significant step forward in utilizing magic in Emberfall. The unexpected light show was a bonus, and it left me eager to see what the future held for this magical world.

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